Created 14 years ago2010-10-23 14:18:40 UTC by
74,233 74,233 Counter-Strike: Source
66,007 66,404 Counter-Strike
51,180 51,534 Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer
35,018 35,887 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer
34,624 34,624 Sid Meier's Civilization V
30,409 30,409 Football Manager 2011
28,782 28,782 Team Fortress 2
19,494 19,494 Left 4 Dead 2
16,485 17,605 Call of Duty Black Ops
15,793 15,793 Fallout New Vegas
I have 3 years before highschoolThis explains a lot.
don worry.
I can't map for HL2, source SDK has too many bugsI don't know how it works for hl2, but for source 2009 hammer works just fine.
advance to the source engine.What's that? I can't hear you over the loud, obnoxious mac updates.
no one will play deathmatch. Goldsource MP is really down to CS 1.6, and then a little bit spread across HL DM, TFC, and DOD. It'd really just be a waste of time to try and implement DM.cStriker, HL2 is now on the 2009 Source engine.
they completely forgot they even had a pc basehead in hands x2
Well, I find joy in mapping for Goldsource. All the props in the game are the ones I design, not from a list of props from "City 17" or "Labs".I used to like HL1 as well, because yes, it was nice and safe and fuzzy but trust me you really don't know what the piss you are talking about. I have hundreds of models for HL1 (non-valve) and I have plenty of models for source (non-valve). Resources are resources dude! You can make models for any engine you know? There's a little plug-in called propper that allows you to make models right in hammer. Wow!
It's true that it's free, and sometimes it is well supported, but that doesn't stop the fact that there are problems with it that are steadily becoming more and more offputting to users. If you're lucky enough to have it problem free recently, then good for you, many other people have suffered from constant crashing, glitchy, unusable views, artifacts in the 3D view, etc.Welcome to Hammer. You get used to the constant crashes, driver glitches, and artifacting. If you don't, well, I suppose you move onto another toolset. Nobody's forcing anyone to work with the SDK, but most will find that the positives outweigh the negatives/occasional bugginess. If it's too tedious for you or too frustrating then maybe you should work in another toolset or stop modding altogether. I think it has more to do with one's computer and specs, though, as mentioned. I run hammer at least 8 hours every day during the week and my computer still works fine and I still manage to make maps. Sure, it crashes sometimes, but there's an autosave feature to handle that (unlike other softwares...photoshop, anyone?)
Welcome to Hammer. You get used to the constant crashes, driver glitches, and artifacting.Huh, for a second there I thought you were saying it was entirely on the end users machine, not hammers end. Heh, wonder how i got that idea.
Just because you can run something doesn't mean you meet spec for it.Same goes for installs. Just because your computer will let you install something doesn't mean you can play it. I can install all manner of modern applications on old win98 machines but that doesn't mean they can run the programs with any degree of usefulness.
it's anti logical if they don't meet minspec [For sourcesdk] that they would even be able to get past install phase [For installing UDK], let alone come even close to using it, they wouldn't be able to run the engine, let alone the editor.Try reading a little harder.