_normal map problem? Created 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:00:10 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:00:10 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:00:10 UTC Post #256079
User posted image
On the left, a normal texture without a normal map, dudv map or anykind of map. Everything fine there.

On the right, the same texture but WITH a normal map. As you can see, the light is differs from the one the left. Why doesn't it look circular like the light on the left?

The normal map was created with ShaderMap Pro
I also tried the automatic normal map creator included in Nem's VTFEdit tool, but that also creates the petal shape like you see on many flowers.

Also, whats the difference between a normal map and a bump map?
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:28:53 UTC Post #256080
I think Normal does nothing (a "flat" look) and Bumps bring out the texture (making it rougher/more realistic - like running hands accross stuco or concrete for example).

What type of lght you using? Are you also at exact same viewing location and light has same parameters?
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:33:37 UTC Post #256081
The light is just a light entity. The light on the right is an exact copy of the left light.
I think Normal does nothing (a "flat" look) and Bumps bring out the texture (making it rougher/more realistic
See, thats what confuses me:
The texture on the right has this additional blue/purple-ish texture with _normal at the end of the name. This texture does what you're saying: making it look rough/more realistic. Yet, you call that a bump map. But Source calls it a normal map, but you said that a normal map does nothing. But it does.

I don't get it. Got any exampled on a normal map and a bump map?
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:49:58 UTC Post #256082
In 3D computer graphics, normal mapping is an application of the technique known as bump mapping. Normal mapping is sometimes referred to as "Dot3 bump mapping". While bump mapping perturbs the existing normal (the way the surface is facing) of a model, normal mapping replaces the normal entirely. Like bump mapping, it is used to add details to shading without using more polygons. But where a bump map is usually calculated based on a single-channel (interpreted as grayscale) image, the source for the normals in normal mapping is usually a multichannel image (x, y and z channels) derived from a set of more detailed versions of the objects. The values of each channel usually represent the xyz coordinates of the normal in the point corresponding to that texel.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 12:53:20 UTC Post #256083
and that means?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 13:15:24 UTC Post #256089
Thanks Hunter. So a normal map and a bump map are the same thing?

So the right texture has a normal/bump map, but the light on it differs from the one on the right, almost like a flower shape.

I still need to know why its doing that. I want the same circular light like the one on the left.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 14:38:35 UTC Post #256097
normal map is the texture you use to bumpmapping. Bumpmap is the technique. But normal maps are also used to other things like parallax mapping, which is a better version of bumpmaping.

User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 14:42:51 UTC Post #256098
Thanks, Spike.

(Helping someone is much more fun then spamming the shoutbox eh? :D)
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 14:51:26 UTC Post #256100
Better example about parallax mapping:
User posted image
Notice all 3D you see is a flat texture.

And helping other is just fine when you have nothing else to spam.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 14:56:59 UTC Post #256102
But why is my light on the right all weird?
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 15:01:07 UTC Post #256103
Maybe it's reflecting the light in the way it looks like this... :aggrieved:
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 23:35:39 UTC Post #256149
Check the compression on your normal map. For the best results normal maps should use either fine compression, or no compression, but this can make the _normal.vtf file quite large. I've noticed that normals that are too heavily compressed can throw lights out wierdly, you might notice the normal comes out perfectly in one direction, but artifact-y and uneven in a different direction.

There's a flag you can use when compiling your textures, I'm assuming you're using VTFEdit to do so?

Tick "No Compress" and make sure you import your normal with a suitable image compression, RGBA8888 will give the nicest (and largest) result, but the others should work ok with No Compress.

User posted image

Also.. Parallax Mapping is ugly as sin.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-26 07:45:09 UTC Post #256167
Ok, so i import my texture as follows:
User posted image
The default setting for Normal Format was DXT1. I changed that to RGBA8888, like you said.
The default setting for Alpha format is DXT5 and left it like that.

So i click ok, but there's no "No Compress" flag in VTF edit:
User posted image
I checked the Normal Map checkbox myself and Eight Bit Alpha (Format Specific) was checked by default.

VTF version is 7.4.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-26 23:47:55 UTC Post #256197
And the results are still the same? If so, it's probably not the compression at fault.

Delete the light sources, replace them, recompile, then type:

sv_cheats 1

It'll refresh everything, including the lightmaps. If that doesn't work then I'm not really sure what's going on. Would you mind posting the .vmt up here? It might help (or it might not).
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 09:22:46 UTC Post #256218
I never found the "No Compress" flag.

mat_reloadallmaterials didn't work.
Is that the same reload_materials 1?

Here are my source files:


mapsrc/x.vmf (the level)
materials/temp/concrete_launchpad.tga (base texture source image)
materials/temp/concrete_launchpad_normal.tga (normal map texture source image)
materials/temp/launchpad_conc.vmt (material file for the normal texture (no bumpmap)
materials/temp/launchpad_conc.vtf (texture file for the normal texture (no bumpmap)
materials/temp/launchpad_conc_norm.vmt (material file for the bumpmap version texture)
materials/temp/launchpad_conc_norm.vtf (texture file for the bumpmap version texture
materials/temp/launchpad_conc_norm_normal.vtf (normal mat texture for the bumpmap version)

This is for the Orange Box engine, HL2:Ep2 preferable.

Hopefully you can figure this out. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 09:57:16 UTC Post #256221
I'll give it a look over.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 10:05:37 UTC Post #256222
Thanks, and while you're at it, have a look at this thread on the Steam forums, i posted the same issue there: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8201830&posted=1#post8201830

Read the 6th and 7th post.
Im starting to think that this is a bug in Source.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 05:33:27 UTC Post #256307
Finally got around to this, sorry it took a while.

I could open all your .vtf files, but for some reason the .vmt's wouldn't work. Like they were corrupted or something, I'm not sure.

Anyway, I did up new material files and recompiled the map with them, and I had to manually compile a new normal map because I remembered that Nem removed the "No Compress" flag, for some reason.

It turns out the lighting is absolutely fine with HDR enabled, but goes awry when it's off (I scaled the bumpmap up so it's more noticable):
User posted image
User posted image
To me, this says the materials aren't the problem anymore. I'll keep looking into it, but I guess I now know this has something to do with the way LDR lighting works with normal mapping in the engine. Restricting users to HDR isn't exactly great.

Anyway, here's the new ones I did up with no compression, just incase you wanted them. They go in materials/temp like your originals.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 09:26:38 UTC Post #256313
Stider, man, thats awesome!

So, to recap, my textures were not the problem, neither is ShaderMap Pro, the application i use to generate the normal map texture.
So how did you made and compiled your normal map texture and used no compression?

I still find this kinda weird.

My original vmt file doesn'nt have quitation marks, like this:

$basetexture	temp/launchpad_conc
$detail		detail/noise_detail_01
$detailscale		7.75
$detailblendfactor	0.8
$detailblendmode	0

Except for LightmappedGeneric, everything else is not quoted.
Could that be the reason that you were unable to open my vmt files?
Are quotations actually necessary?

I can't get it to work on my end. Even with HDR enabled, the light is still weird. And i used your normal map texture. I did made changed to the vmt though:


"$basetexture"      "temp\test_concrete2"
"$bumpmap"          "temp\test_concrete2_normal"
"$surfaceprop"      "brick"
"%keywords"         "temp"

Im pretty sure there's nothing wrong with that vmt. So i don't get it. :/


Its still not 100% correct, i guess:
User posted image
(This is an edited image of your screenshot)

Notice that the arrows point at area's that have lower bumpmapping, and the red dots mark the area where there's a clear bumpmap effect. When you look at it this way, you still see a petal shape in it. The bumpmap effect should be a circular and have an even bumpmap effect all around the light.

Unless this is normal behavior, i really don't think this is how a bumpmap should look like ingame.

Maybe i just have an eye for detail... :/
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 11:15:23 UTC Post #256317
Actually.. I do see that now. This honestly has me quite stumped.

Try rotating the texture 45 degrees (or something a fair bit off), if the "petal" formation shows up in the exact same position, then I'm willing to bet it's Source's lighting playing up.

This might be the cause, and I can't believe I never thought of it before.
User posted image
This is the heightmap for the normal, ShaderPro would've generated something similiar based off the diffuse texture. You'll notice some areas come out darker than others, which would end up being deeper, and therefor letting more light 'in'. It just seems very exaggerated.

I'll try evening up the heightmap tomorrow and compiling a new normal map, see how that goes. It could be the problem, but we'll see. If it is the case then the normal maps and Source's lighting are actually doing what they're supposed to be doing. :P
Could that be the reason that you were unable to open my vmt files?
Are quotations actually necessary?
Well, they are, but I don't imagine they're the reason I couldn't open them. I would have probably received some sort of syntax error for that.
So how did you made and compiled your normal map texture and used no compression?
I used the original vtex.exe method, with a targa and a txt file defining how to create the vtf. The txt simply had:

"normal" "1"
"nocompress" "1"

Which told it to convert it to the appropriate format for normals, and to completely bypass nice filtering/compression. Makes the file large, but gets rid of any artifacts people sometimes get with their bumpmaps.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 12:56:19 UTC Post #256319

So normal maps (the blue/purple texture) is used for bumpmapping
What does a height map do?

Should i add a heightmap into my temp folder and name it concrete_test_height? Or...?

I rotated the texture in Hammer (25 deg) and ingame the petal shape also rotated.

I checked ShaderMap Pro to see if there's a heightmap generation options, but i don't think it has one. It only has support for generating a:
  • Displacement map (which is a greyscale map but does not match the one you posted)
  • Normal map
  • Ambient occlusion map (also greyscale, but doesn't match yours.
  • Specular map (also greyscale, no match)
  • DUDV map
Thats weird. It does have a lot of tweak options though.


Edit: im still getting the petal shape, even with HDR on.
Lets see what happens when i compile the normal fil through vtex, like you did...

Edit2: Even with vtex, and even with "normal" "1" and "nocompress" "1", the petal shape is still there.

This is getting really annoying. :(
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 13:52:30 UTC Post #256323
Parallax Mapping is ugly as sin.
The problem is that it is often overused. GTA 4 makes wonderful use of it with decals and such.

As for your problem Muzz, I don't know if this will help in any way whatsoever but have you tried using Photoshop's Normal Map Plugin?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 16:08:19 UTC Post #256327
As for your problem Muzz, I don't know if this will help in any way whatsoever but have you tried using Photoshop's Normal Map Plugin?
Not yet, but i think it doesn't matter since the texture isn't the problem. I think. I don't know.

Ill just wait Strider has to say.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 22:08:23 UTC Post #256357
The heightmap is what's used to generate a normal map. It tells whatever normal map program you use what parts are supposed to stick out (the white bits) and what dips in (the black bits), and converts it all to the funny blue normals. You won't need one in there with your textures. I'm guessing ShaderPro does this bit all by itself.

Anyway, the fact that your light formation rotates with the texture makes me think it is the normal map doing it, it will need to be evened up so there are no obvious dips in the height map and final normal. I can try it, but not until tonight once I get home from work.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-06 09:15:50 UTC Post #256386
I see.

But even then, how come i still get the petal shape with HDR on?
Whatever i do, it just does not goes away. :/

Please don't forget about this thread, Strider, you're my only hope to get this _normal bullcrap fixed. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-06 10:18:46 UTC Post #256729
Please don't forget about this thread, Strider
Oops, shit. I totally did, sorry. :P

Anyway, I did get around to evening up the normal map, and here it is. Just rename it and replace the normal map you're using currently.

It should light a lot more evenly. If you're still getting the problem after this, then I'm afraid I'm completely out of ideas. I really don't see any other reason why it would be occuring, sorry.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-17 08:53:05 UTC Post #257251
Its still doing it! Godamn normal maps!

Time to contact Valve. They'd better reply, darn it!
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-23 11:57:45 UTC Post #273657
Time to contact Valve. They'd better reply, darn it!
They did'nt.
So yesterday i continued this experiment because i have a new pc with a different videocard, and guess what?


So it's not a videocard issue. Im starting to think, maybe the way im making the normalmap texture is wrong?

Here's what im doing.

I take the texture, load it into ShaderMap, generate a normalmap texture from the original (which is called the difuse texture right?) texture, save it as tga, compile it etc...

But yesterday i was reading about another method of creating a normalmap and that the above method is not how its supposed to be done.

You're supposed to take the difuse texture, generate a heightmap (which is a greyscale texture right?) from the difuse, and then generate a normalmap from the heightmap.

This bullshit is driving me nuts!
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-23 12:31:47 UTC Post #273659
Well, I use photoshop but what I usually do is greyscale the original texture so that I have a better idea of which areas are higher than others (altering if necessary) and then sharpen the whole image before create a bumpmap using PS's NVidia Plug-ins.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-23 12:44:21 UTC Post #273660
And how does the light look like when you place one above your texture? Does it look like the one way up in the first post?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-23 13:27:11 UTC Post #273661
I've no idea. I mostly use them for skins. I'll try it out though.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-23 13:38:48 UTC Post #273662
I just downloaded a free texture pack for Source made by the_best_flash and the weird lighting appears on those as well (the ones that have normal maps).

Posted 15 years ago2009-09-23 13:45:50 UTC Post #273664
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-09 15:45:28 UTC Post #288876
Right you are.

As asked here:
Are you familiar with that dreaded petal shaped light when you place a light entity in front of a wall that has a normal map?

As seen here.
I can confirm that this happens to me too:

User posted image
User posted image
My guess is that it's probably a glitch in the engine. If it's not, heh... I actually like it. It looks more natural. I guess.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-09 16:05:31 UTC Post #288877
Thanks, i guess that did it. :)
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