VGMusic thread! Created 14 years ago2011-03-11 04:28:10 UTC by kraken kraken

Created 14 years ago2011-03-11 04:28:10 UTC by kraken kraken

Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 05:05:49 UTC Post #291413
I absolutely love video game music, and I'm sure many of you do too!

So let us post our favourite original tracks and remixes. I'll get it started off with a few of my favourites.

I recommend posting a link to the song on youtube (or preferred media host) with a title.

Lufia 2 - Boss Battle Theme
Pok?mon Red & Blue - Gym Leader Battle Music
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Mining Melancholy
Legend of Zelda OoT - Song of Storms Remix
Star Wolf Theme - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Earthbound - Sanctuary Guardian
Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST - Road to Bowser
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 05:12:56 UTC Post #291416
Oh, hohohoho I looooove video game music! I have hundreds of these memorized from years of gaming so that when I'm not gaming, I just hum some. My favourite soundtracks include Final Fantasy, Donkey Kong Country (the mine song is a bit obscure, but nevertheless I know it), Pokemon Game boy first generations, Mario games, and many many others. I also recently got into old touhou music but I think everyone already heard those. With that said I'll let in on my choice cuts.

Chrono Trigger - Wind Scene
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Hot Head Hop
Pokemon Gold/Silver - Gym Battle
Final Fantasy VI - Decisive Battle
Final Fantasy IX - You're Not Alone!
Super Mario RPG - Bandit's Way
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 05:26:58 UTC Post #291417
I my self am a chip tune lover! I love the simple, yet beautiful sound generated by old primitive chips in old consoles.

Sonic Colors - Asteroid Coaster 2

Sonic 2 Hill top remix

Red Alert 2 - Blow it up

Red Alert 2 - Industro Funk (One of my most favorite tracks)

Red Alert 2 - Motorized

Touhou - Bad apple Faster Mix

FF7 Advent Children - Jenovas theme

There is so much more good songs, but cant thing of that many i just woke up xD

If any of you guys like Chiptune visit the 8 bit collective:
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 06:06:18 UTC Post #291418
You can post touhou music, just don't post a million U.N. owen remixes.

No VGM thread would be complete without Big Blue!

FZero-X - Big Blue
FZero-X - Crazy Call at Cry
FZero-GX - Casino Palace
[=NeutraL=] - Nuclear Fusion [remix of nuclear fusion from Touhou SA]

I must say I quite liked JENOVA and industro funk was also fantastic.

omg forgot this masterpiece

Fallout 3 - Title Theme
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 06:45:55 UTC Post #291420
Metroid Prime - Underwater Frigate Reactor Core
Just so darn chilled.

Uncharted 2 - Road to Shambhala
Great way to end the game, really amps up at the end.

Beyond Good and Evil - Hylian Suite and Home Sweet Home
Some more great chilled out music. The atmosphere of Hyllis is just perfect.

Thief - The Eye (can't find a vid) and Overlook Mansion
Eric Brosius' work for Thief was extremely low-key and moody, couldn't have suited such a dark, twisted series any better.

Almost any song from Castle Crashers, though Space Pirates might be my favourite.

I have heaps more, I'll post them once I find some links.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 07:28:34 UTC Post #291421
@Kraken: No idea why U.N. Owen gets so much attention, there are far better TH tracks out there. You linked Nuclear Fusion, so here's another remix of it that you might like:

I've got a whole bunch of VG music that I like so I'll prepare a post for later.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 07:50:30 UTC Post #291422
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 08:34:11 UTC Post #291424
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 08:37:08 UTC Post #291425
One each from various games:

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - Grand Cathedral
I actually learnt this (roughly) on a piano. A very "epic" quality to it.

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - Aquarius
Castlevania has some of the best. Video game. Music. Ever.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dark World
Quite relaxing, really.

Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny - Claw Mountains
Exellent background music. LoL2 has lots of great music in it.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Theme
Great music, but if you've played the game, you'll know how repeditive it gets after a while.

Portal - Still Alive
Fuck yeah.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Hell March
The best Hell March. I didn't think so before, but my brother converted me on this one.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Fortification
Just good. No more, no less.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Boss Theme 2 (Subspace Emissary)
Same again.

Stronghold - Under An Old Tree
This took some searching to find. Lovely music though.

Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters - Hyperspace
Good stuff.

Just to skim the surface.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 09:05:13 UTC Post #291427
Here's some of the tracks in my playlist currently: (EDIT - Added comments)

Toshikazu Tanaka - [Metal Slug 5 OST] - Windy Day
Metal Slug has some of the greatest game music around, especially 4, 5, and 3D. Check them out!

Magical Trick Society - [CADENZA] - Pursuit ~ Cornered
The greatest remix of the greatest Phoenix Wright track. OBJECTION!

Frontier Aja - [Legend of the Scarlet Devil Castle: Scarlet Symphony OST] - Chains on my Right Hand, Madness in my Left Hand [Vs Flandre]
Not a fan of the freeform style in the first minute, but at 1:10, this turns into pure gold.

cobu - [Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet OST] - In Still Time ~ Blue Sea of 53 Minutes
Really nice combination of instruments and tune make this a great track.

Dark PHOENiX - [Arrow Rain] - Plain Asia
Crazy awesome piano stuff here. I really love the tune, too.

Falcom Sound Team jdk - [Ys Seven OST] - Innocent Primeval Breaker
There's also really good stuff in some of the Ys soundtracks, but this is my favourite.

Level 99, Moonlapse, OA - [OCRemix] - Ecco: The Tides of Time - Waves of Stone
Fantastic overall feel to this one.

Manabu Namiki - [Trauma Center: Under The Knife 2 OST] - Encroaching Shadows
By the same guy who did the Metal Slug 6 soundtrack, this is a surprisingly catchy tune.

Yukihiro Jindo - [Ys: The Oath in Felghana OST] - Valestein Castle
Awesome theme tune with some rockin' electric guitar.

Toshikazu Tanaka - [Metal Slug 3D OST] - Coal Mine Mark
See comments on Tanaka's work above, another fantastic entry in the Metal Slug series (the music, mind you - not the game, which was shit).

TAM & Keigo Kanzaki - [Touhou Violin Rock] - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
I love the violin, this track combines excellent violin work with an excellent tune.

Gaijin Games - [Bit.Trip Runner OST] - Blackout City (feat. Anamanaguchi)
Finish up the list with a good old modern chiptune. The last half of this one is especially good.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 18:02:19 UTC Post #291457
Jesus, what a clusterfuck of links :zonked:

I'll give a shoutout to the entire Final Fantasy Tactics OST.
Prologue track
Epic fightin' music example 1
Epic fightin' music example 2
The song you'll spend 99% of the game listening to

The entire Odin Sphere OST also gets an honorable mention.
Extended theme
Even more fightin' music
Slightly less epic fightin' music with acoustic guitar
Study time

As Psilous said, Silent Hill always had fantastic soundtracks.
SH3 - Hometown
SH4 - Room of Angel You're a prick if you don't like this song.
SH:O - Blowback

Bah! How could I forget the Braid OST?
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dark World
Quite relaxing, really.
Uncharted 2 - Road to Shambhala
Great way to end the game, really amps up at the end.
Beyond Good and Evil - Home Sweet Home
Some more great chilled out music. The atmosphere of Hyllis is just perfect.
Christ that's catchy.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-11 23:44:44 UTC Post #291489
Never realised how awesome that metroid prime track was Strider. That was quite a nice nuclear fusion remix Pb, really I hate most of them.

Another good prime track was: Metroid Prime - Phendrana Drifts

Also TAMusic is pretty damn good, I already have most of their stuff, just one of my favourites.

Touhou PCB - TAMusic - Capital City of Flowers in the Sky
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 00:04:25 UTC Post #291491
Yeah, kraken. I think I have most of their stuff from that enormous Touhou music torrent.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 00:32:56 UTC Post #291493
Metroid NES
Kraid's Lair
Having trouble finding the ones i like on youtube, but most of the tracks are great. I've played through the entire game at least 20 times, and the music makes the already great game epic.

I hate country music, but I LOVE these Terran tracks from Starcraft II. They fit the Terran/Starcraft universe perfectly and are just superb:
Terran track 04
Terran track 03

I loved all the tracks from homeworld, but this is all i could quickly find on youtube:
Homeworld - Adagio For Strings
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 00:35:51 UTC Post #291494
Never realised how awesome that metroid prime track was Strider.
Gotta' love Metroid Prime's music. DarkeSword has done some great remixes, too.

Metroid Prime - Just a Little More (Prime Edit)
Metroid Prime 2 - Torvus Clockwork
Metroid Prime 3 - Yellow Valkyrie

Blackguitar also did an incredible Spanish guitar remix of the title screen music.
SH4 - Room of Angel
You're a prick if you don't like this song.
I remember this. Haunting stuff. I've just started playing Silent Hill, lots of good music to look forward to in the series.

Some other stuff:

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Main Theme Really sucks they had to drop this theme for 4.
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Taking on the Shagohod
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Last Showdown
Splinter Cell Double Agent - Okhotsk Themes Shame about the game...
Splinter Cell Double Agent - Iceland Themes
Unreal Tournament 2004 - Level 08
Unreal Tournament 2004 - Level 16
Mass Effect 2 - The Illusive Man

And a couple more remixes:

Ocarina of Time - Pachelbels Ganon
Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Interlude
Mario Kart 64 - Frappe Cafe Vibe Jazzy/lounge Mario arrangement!
Perfect Dark - Clandestine

Ugh, so much copy-pasting.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 03:30:45 UTC Post #291496
I remember this. Haunting stuff. I've just started playing Silent Hill, lots of good music to look forward to in the series.
4 is... different. Just a heads up if you decide to give it a shot.
Personally it's my favorite of the franchise, but hey.

UT3's version of Forgone Destruction is an astounding piece of DnB.
It's really too bad that a different, much worse version was released on the official OST.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 05:31:02 UTC Post #291498
4 is... different. Just a heads up if you decide to give it a shot.
Personally it's my favorite of the franchise, but hey.
I've heard it's a pretty big change. I was originally just going to play 1 and 2, but I think I'll charge through to 4 now.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 12:31:40 UTC Post #291503
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 15:22:20 UTC Post #291518
I'm sorry, can we please keep these lists condensed for the sake of not making the page 600 kilometers tall? I don't see the benefit of double spacing lists here, it's not exactly a matter of readability unless you're commenting on the track[s]. Or am I just being a nit-picky douche?
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 17:31:23 UTC Post #291534
no i agree. also imo, the default spacing at twhl is to large and every thing alwasy looks weirdly spaced to me.. amirite?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-12 21:31:57 UTC Post #291551
Yeah, it does some weird stuff, like adding two new lines instead of one in some places. I've been working on an improved version.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2011-03-13 07:23:55 UTC Post #291567
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-13 08:20:45 UTC Post #291568
I loved pretty much all the music in Warcraft 2

This is my favourite track from Warcraft 2:
Orc theme 2:
DOS version:

Also, the intro music was great:
Intro theme:
DOS version:

My absolute favourite videogame track is the Battlefield 1942 intro theme
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-13 08:49:57 UTC Post #291569
Oh man this track is gorgeous:

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickerbrush Symphony

Mario Galaxy /2 also has many fine tracks:

Super Mario Galaxy - Battlerock Galaxy

Man there are loads, I'm not going to post them all just check the related videos if you're interested.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 13:28:51 UTC Post #291743
Speaking of bad-ass tracks..

Final Fantasy VIII - Balamb Garden
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