Unwanted light Created 13 years ago2011-04-03 17:36:15 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Created 13 years ago2011-04-03 17:36:15 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Posted 13 years ago2011-04-03 17:45:47 UTC Post #292934
Last week I picked up mapping again. So far it's been a rough journey, but I managed to resolve all the issues I came across. Except this one. I think it's best to illustrate the problem with a picture first:
User posted image
As you can see in the right corner, there is a spot of unwanted light. It's because of the gate in front of the lightsource in the left corner of the screenshot. Now from memories I reckoned these issues were solved by turning it into a func_wall - which it is anyway, on Solid [255], to remove the blue spots from the { texture - but that doesn't seem to work. The ironic thing is, I have the exact same set-up on the wall parallel of the one shown on the screenshot. However, it hasn't got the unwanted lightspot in the corner. Is there anyway to remove that unwanted bit of light? Perhaps different settings for the func_wall? Answers are much appreciated! :)

PS: How come the picture isn't showing up, unless you click on it? Too large?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 14:50:30 UTC Post #293042
Nobody? :(
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 14:54:03 UTC Post #293043
Are you using old tools?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 15:13:19 UTC Post #293045
Not that i'm aware of, no. I use hammer 3.4 with the latest from ZHLT.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 15:28:08 UTC Post #293048
i know using zhlt light flags will do weird stuff like that, so for that reason i never use them. (if you have used them try shutting them off)

Are there any errors in the compile log or by hitting alt-p? Without looking at it i really don't know what else to suggest. If you want, post a link and i'll play with it.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-06 11:03:40 UTC Post #293117
Try compile with an older version of ZHLT. (eg. 2.53r17 can be found here: http://www.superjer.com/learn.php )
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-07 15:50:27 UTC Post #293183
Well, I worked around it. If such an odd feature shows up again, I'll take up the mentioned advice. Thanks!
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