billie jean effect Created 13 years ago2011-05-26 01:23:39 UTC by outis outis

Created 13 years ago2011-05-26 01:23:39 UTC by outis outis

Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 01:23:39 UTC Post #294993
hello everyone. i've not learned much with mapping and i'm trying to include some unique lighting, but having trouble. basically i want each tile (i do not have many tiles) to immediatly light up when stepped on and fade back to normal when stepped off. i've tried using trigger_multiples and buttons, they don't work like i want though. the effect needs to accomodate 2 players. any ideas?
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 02:19:23 UTC Post #294994
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 02:38:09 UTC Post #294996
For any single player game, it can be done perfectly with just a trigger_multiple; but as soon as a second player enters the scene everything will get messed up. I don't think it can be worked around.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 04:09:54 UTC Post #295000
I imagine it would be trigger_multiples targeting buttons that turn on and off. I'm not familiar with the SvenCoop triggers but if you can detect in/out then you are set.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 11:41:40 UTC Post #295001
He didn't say it was for Sven Coop :P
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 15:54:41 UTC Post #295002
right, it's not svencoop. could you elaborate a little more, rimrook? are you sure the system wouldn't fail with 2 players? also, i'd like the tile to visibly change, not just the area around it being brighter. thanks for the replys so far.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 16:21:26 UTC Post #295003
To do that, instead of targeting a light, you target a func_wall with an animated texture (+0 and +A) for it to visibly change. Still, that doesn't resolve the issue with multiple players.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 17:24:03 UTC Post #295005
what if the 2 players were on seperate teams, or carrying different items? could i then make 2 sets of triggers for each tile? if this could work as a viable solution, do you think i could use a multisource to ensure a tile doesn't go out when player b enters a tile occupied by player a?
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 19:02:43 UTC Post #295006
Ever considered using SOHL to do this? It would give you more entities to play with getting this accomplished.

Stu: i forgot about the floor in your rooms map! Haha that map was pimp and one of the hilights of the whole project. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-26 20:51:47 UTC Post #295011
I was going to suggest Spirit, not sure why I didn't. It is more than likely that it can do what you want. There are definitely in/out triggers in that.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-27 10:33:13 UTC Post #295014
You can do in/out trigging for multiple players in regular Half-Life. I'm doing it in my spaceship map (WIP). There's a door I call the Annoying Door, it closes when a player comes near and opens when there are no players near it. It costs a bunch of entities though. If you wait a few hours I'll throw you an example map with light tiles.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-27 13:44:21 UTC Post #295015
sure i can wait, thanks a lot.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-27 16:12:39 UTC Post #295016
Outis, If you make your own floor tile texture, then make another that is brightly lit (or get something like this from someones wad pack) and then add a info_texlights entity into your map giving the bright tile a strong light property, you can make two func_wall_toggles in the same place, one with the light and one without, leave the one with the light off and then when needed trigger the one without the texlight off and the one with it on, that way it will switch between the one that emits light (and it will emit light) and the one that doesn't.
There is an easier way actually; there is a way to trigger texlights on and off, with func_walls (check some tutorial here to see how it's done) Anyway you can do that to trigger the tiles light emission on and off, that might work, but the effect wont be as good as the func_wall_toggles.

Finally, the easiest way over all is to just make a light_spot over the tile to make it light up every-time you step on this tile, or even add a func_wall_toggle with a light look-alike effect over the tile to create the effect that it lit up.

About the triggers I can think of a easy fool-proof way.
1. Add a trigger_multiple with a 4 sec delay before reset value right over the tile.
2. Make this trigger_multiple target a multi_manager over the tile.
3. In the multi_manager properties, trigger your objects on 0 seconds, then trigger them off on 3.9 seconds. As an example, it should look like this:

0 - func_wall_toggle
0 - light_spot
3.9 (or 4) - func_wall_toggle (same entity but it will turn off when triggered again)
3.9 (or 4) - light_spot (same as previous, it will turn off)

now every time a player steps on the tile, the trigger_multiple triggers a multi_manager only once (since it has to wait 4 seconds to trigger again), the multi_manager fulfills it's sequence in 3.9 seconds (or 4 depending on how you set it) and then turns off, and at the exact same time the trigger_multiple turns back on, ready to trigger all over again, repeating the sequence as long as the player stays on the tile touching the trigger.

edit: and of course 2 players on the same tile, even 10 players on the same tile will not change anything, since the delay for reset is 4 seconds.
edit2: Ofc the 4 second delay is just an example, if you want the tile to turn off in 2 seconds, or even 1, then change the delay to reset value to 2 (or 1) and the turn off values in the multi_manager to 2(or 1).
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-27 17:47:21 UTC Post #295017
Example map now in the vault

It does not use lights or texture lights, but I can add that if you want. You might want to tweak the different timings in the trigger_multiples and in "tloopmm". Note that since the limit of the number of entries in a multi_manager is 16, so if you plan on adding more tiles you'll have to create another multi_manager like trelaysmm with the same name.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-27 19:10:52 UTC Post #295018
very cool, many thanks to you all.
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