Post your screenshots! WIP thread Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:06:15 UTC Post #295277
Well, like I said, its an area thats seen from afar. The player can't even get close to that position.
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:07:50 UTC Post #295278
Then why is the top of the walkway not nulled? :3
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:13:32 UTC Post #295279
@Huntey #1: I fixed the side of the grate-walk. How's this?
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@Huntey #2: I don't use null textures unless I'm mapping for source. I find them annoying, and you can't tell the difference in-game, therefore it mostly doesn't matter. However, I go a bit overboard with func_wall and func_illusionary. In fact, the entire room that overlooks the map is entirely composed of 1 func_wall, except for the light in it. Thats an illusion, like time.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:15:53 UTC Post #295280
Much better trim on the side there.

And that's bloody impressive that you use the null texture in Source considering it doesn't actually exist in Source.

As for making a difference in-game in Goldsource, it definitely, definitely does. Null stops unseen faces from being rendered thus making a map perform much better, as the player's computer doesn't have to render a bunch of faces they'll never even see.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:18:17 UTC Post #295281
I can't take it! That half a second it took to render the faces is killin me!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:22:56 UTC Post #295282
Right, cool. You know more about this than me so I'll shut up.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:48:32 UTC Post #295283
If it takes half a second to render the faces, your FPS is <= 2... which isn't particularly good.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 23:58:43 UTC Post #295284
Also, computers vary in power, so it might result in a drop of FPS for people with less powerful computers (Unlikely now with GS, but still possible)
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 00:08:41 UTC Post #295285
And that's bloody impressive that you use the null texture in Source considering it doesn't actually exist in Source.
Huntey: 25
Dimbark: 0
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 00:19:51 UTC Post #295286
:tired: I meant nodraw.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 02:45:35 UTC Post #295287
I can't take it! That half a second it took to render the faces is killin me!
And you're wondering why people are afraid of you developing a full game?

Man, I'd hate to see your workflow [Or lack thereof] when it comes to 3D Asset creation.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 03:17:47 UTC Post #295288
And you're wondering why people are afraid of you developing a full game?

Man, I'd hate to see your workflow [Or lack thereof] when it comes to 3D Asset creation.
He's actually making something Crollo. Which is more then what I can say for you.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 04:49:28 UTC Post #295289
I'm sorry, I stepped out of line, allow me to gape in awe at your missionary maps as well.

Well, apparently you don't have any.
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So how about instead of being a complete prick, you actually make something yourself?

After all, if you can't make something you can't judge another person, so before I care for what you have to say, go ahead and make a couple dozen 3D assets for me.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 10:52:25 UTC Post #295300
Everyone calm down. I'm still really sexy.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 11:22:34 UTC Post #295302
Are you being stubborn AGAIN, Dimbark?
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 11:34:19 UTC Post #295304
Dim, better to get in the habit of nulling now. If you ever get to the point where you make incredibly elaborate, complex, beautiful maps, the nulling could make all the difference.
And if you say you'll never get to that point, just stop mapping now.

And don't act arrogant and sarcastic in response to constructive critisicm. Face it, in comparison to half the mappers on this site, you are very, very sh*t at mapping. They know what they're doing from lots of experience, and you should take their advice on board. Have you seen Huntey's WIPs lately? If he gave me advice, I'd take it in an instant.

And maybe it was just worded weirdly, but what you said about func_walling sounded pretty unhealthy for a map.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 13:33:27 UTC Post #295306
If he gave me advice, I'd take it in an instant.
Excellent. My plan is coming together perfectly. I shall call you sleeper cell 1. My instructions will come soon. For now stock up on munitions.

Seriously though, that was a rather touching thing to say :) thanks, man.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 14:30:31 UTC Post #295307
They know what they're doing from lots of experience, and you should take their advice on board.
Alright, TWHL knows best. I've placed several nulls in unseen areas. Including the duel area.
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Also, we have a lolipop weldin' badass scientist.
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 15:08:38 UTC Post #295308
Actually, BEVEL is better.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 15:09:11 UTC Post #295309
Interesting Crollo. I am went to your profile, then to the maps tab.
You know what it says?
This user has no maps.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 15:09:34 UTC Post #295310
Can I just keep NULL and say it's good...?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 15:10:43 UTC Post #295311
You can as well try bevel, it's better than null.
Also please stop keeping an eye on the threads and ninja post in split seconds.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 16:03:49 UTC Post #295312
Can I just keep NULL and say it's good...?
Why do keep being so fucking stubborn? Stop doing that. Don't you want to learn from more experiended mappers?

You can keep NULL, but when your level becomes bigger and bigger and more complex (which i doubt) you want to switch to using BEVEL instead. Without going into detail, just take it from me that BEVEL is better than NULL.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 16:25:37 UTC Post #295313
BEVEL disables clipping on that face doesn't it? Like when you compile a map using default tools and the sky becomes a liquid. NULL is still 'solid' and you can walk on it.

I could be completely wrong there, but that's what I always gathered.
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 16:57:53 UTC Post #295314
It does. But you're not going to be walking up the outside walls of a interior map, or walking on catwalks that you need to use noclip to even get to.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-06 18:21:03 UTC Post #295318
Striker, Crollo happened to have made a map for the last compo. So, Crollo actually has done a map before.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-08 23:47:10 UTC Post #295421
Working on a sequel to burning office. Using only necessary func_walls, func_illusionaries, and not a single carve has been used in this map so far. I'm planning on not carving, and I'm even using NULL.
Also, I'm working on small details.
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-08 23:53:52 UTC Post #295422
You joined 13th September 2009 (634 days ago) and you are just now using the null texture and avoiding bad carving? What have you been doing this whole time?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 00:22:49 UTC Post #295425
Well, 1 1/2 of those years I mapped noobishly for TFC not knowing anything about hammer whatsoever. I had just joined because my friend showed me the tutorial section.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 04:29:00 UTC Post #295426
Why does the office have crates?

So how about instead of being a complete prick, you actually make something yourself?

After all, if you can't make something you can't judge another person, so before I care for what you have to say, go ahead and make a couple dozen 3D assets for me.
Crollo. Those aren't maps, but 3d models? Sure!.
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Not to mention all the other gun models I made for mod Im making, not going to release details yet on that though.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 04:36:13 UTC Post #295427
Well then, I suppose now that you've proved you can actually do something, I might just care for what you say. Or not.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 04:42:40 UTC Post #295428
Well then, I suppose now that you've proved you can actually do something, I might just care for what you say. Or not.
In the infinite words of Skals, "quit crolling".

EDIT: I will say one thing crollo, your right about maps. I haven't released one either, and I should. I'll see what I can do.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 04:53:44 UTC Post #295429
Hey it's your logicality that I can't criticize anothers work unless I can do work myself, yet you had no work to show for yourself and you feel you can criticize my work without having any work to show for yourself?

Seems like somebody was feeling a little hypocritical, and now that you've posted that you actually CAN do something, then you've earned the right to criticize my work. Not that I would give a shit.

It's one thing for me to criticize Dimbark's map while not having any maps myself.
It's another for you to criticize my criticism of somebody elses mapping skills whilst having no maps, while having no maps yourself.

It's irony at it's finest, so I think until you get a map out, you should eat your words, then release the map, THEN rub it in my face.
Because only then will it be a valid argument, because otherwise, you're not 'qualified' to say anything because you have no maps yourself, based on your own damned logic.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 04:54:32 UTC Post #295430
Hey it's your logicality that I can't criticize anothers work unless I can do work myself, yet you had no work to show for yourself and you feel to criticize my work?

Seems like somebody was feeling a little hypocritical, and now that you've posted that you actually CAN do something, then you've earned the right to criticize my work. Not that I would give a shit.

Now next time, before you go say that that vacuum cleaner is shit, design one yourself and sell it on the market. Only then will you earn the right to say it's shit.

It's one thing for me to criticize Dimbark's map while not having any maps myself.
It's another for you to criticize my criticism of somebody elses mapping skills whilst having no maps, while having no maps yourself.
I never criticized your work. In fact those gun models are pretty sick. But you are partially wrong about mapping. I haven't published any of my maps. So your right when you say I shouldn't criticize.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 05:11:05 UTC Post #295431
Sorry, I worded that entirely wrong, read the edited.

Actually no, it's still worded incorrectly, but basically it was supposed to imply 'ones right to criticize work', (which is only gained by having work to show) not just criticizing 'ones work.'

Drama aside, I'm due for a map as well, you don't join a mapping community and stay there for three years and not release a single map within that timeframe. Oh wait, I just did, damn.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 06:42:08 UTC Post #295433
Sometimes the opinion and critism of someone with no experience is what you want.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and save your fight for PMs.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 09:44:01 UTC Post #295434
A very messy and imprecise thing I have created for fun. It's based on H.R. Giger's biomechanical style. He designed aliens for the movie Alien (1979). I made the textures from his pictures.
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Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 14:51:32 UTC Post #295436
Jesus, when did the TWHL community get so fucking bitchy!? Pull your panties out of your vaginas and post some fucking screenshots.

(By the by, that's not me being sexist. That's me hating whiney little bitches.)

Looks pretty sweet Dragos but a little dark for my tastes.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 15:05:25 UTC Post #295438
This has been taken to whole new level. I mean, Crollo, some time will pass and I'll see you writing at the end of each forum post something like:
Criticism Copyright Crollo  #year#. All logic reserved.
ones right to criticize work', (which is only gained by having work to show) not just criticizing 'ones work.'
Simply put, that is wrong.

Also, Urby, slow down with the vulgarism :).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 21:24:13 UTC Post #295447
@Dragos: Any chance of getting that truck to use in The Core. You'd be credited. :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 21:46:59 UTC Post #295450
when did the TWHL community get so fucking bitchy!?
What date did Crollo join?
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-09 22:02:59 UTC Post #295451
Ha dragos that is neat. would be cool to see a little dm based on giger's work that DOES NOT contain any NS textures. ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-10 11:48:14 UTC Post #295462
Urby: Sure. I was thinking of using it in my map too, but it's not a problem, isn't it? The truck is a BM's truck, and both my map and your mod is based on Black Mesa. The Core is based on Black Mesa, right?
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-10 16:05:22 UTC Post #295464
heck ya, that low-poly truck would be perfect or de_twhl_2011 imo too. =)

I know this discussion had been brought up a few times, but i think if we opened up a prefab vault, i KNOW it would be populated quickly with members showing off their world prop prowess. (me included)


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-17 22:22:10 UTC Post #295626
Working on a CS map, made a nuclear missile as one of the bomb points.
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-17 23:09:02 UTC Post #295627
Muzz is going to slap you if you don't make that ICBM perfect you know.

But, I'm sure we won't have to worry, this map won't see the light of day I bet.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-18 03:45:18 UTC Post #295628
this map won't see the light of day I bet.
Hah. This map is almost done.
I have to admit, mapping for CS does seem a bit quicker rather than HL or TFC.

[EDIT]BTW: Who the heck is muzz?

[EDIT][EDIT]It's atom, isn't it. Lol, he seems obsessed with rockets.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-18 07:03:14 UTC Post #295629
Yes. He used to be called MuzzleFlash.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-18 09:10:38 UTC Post #295630
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-18 11:12:46 UTC Post #295631
Rockets = win.
Can't help it.

And yes, i used to be called MuzzleFlash but i got sick and tired of it. Most regulars still call me Muzz though, which is fine.

Your rocket needs more side faces. Try 12 or 16.
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