custom weapons (ms3d) Created 13 years ago2011-06-14 20:03:55 UTC by Priest Priest

Created 13 years ago2011-06-14 20:03:55 UTC by Priest Priest

Posted 13 years ago2011-06-14 20:03:55 UTC Post #295557
hi i just got through making my first w_model in ms3d using a tutorial i fount on milkshapes website i was so excited to see it in hlmv. but imagine my shock and dissapointment when i couldnt find any further tutorials. if anyone knows any good v_model and p_model tut's could you please let me know as i really want to finish this off.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-14 20:42:31 UTC Post #295558
Have you already explored HL SDK? I think there is a modelling tutorial and lots of example models in it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-14 21:06:33 UTC Post #295559
I Know how to do this. If enough people want, I'll write a tutorial on the subject.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-14 21:20:48 UTC Post #295560
Well, to work on v_ models you'll need a set of animations to go with the gun, and a skeleton.

For the p_ you'll also need a skeleton, but thankfully only one animation which is the idle.

Dude knows a lot about the subject.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-14 21:26:55 UTC Post #295561
thanks im dl'ing sdk now but then im off to bed ill try in the morning btw when im done will it be possible use them in sp to test them im making a fire axe at the moment so i decompiled the crowbar for help do i need to put gordans hands in for the v_model like the crowbar has?
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-14 23:24:11 UTC Post #295562
I have foundthe best way t do this is import the reference smd, delete the group of verts for the actual crowbar, place your own wep. there and parent it to the same bone. Remember though all textures must be 256 bitmap.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-15 10:49:57 UTC Post #295575
ok so i did as mcrich said created some attack.smd's an idle.smd a draw.smd and a holster.smd checked they plyed through compiled the model (i could nearly write a .qc im my sleep) but when i loaded it into hlmv and played its sequences the axe stayed where it was and the hand moved on its own in one case it even went and lay on the floor like in my w_model what am i doing wrong it seems like every answer leads to another question. ok EDIT> nvm i cheated and stole all the sequences from the crowbar and now i have a working v_model just the p to go if anyone could tell how to put them in as usable next would be great.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-15 13:45:56 UTC Post #295577
Decompile a regular crowbar p_ model, align it to the same position as that crowbar in it's reference smd, but you may want to figure out what bone it is rigged to first, and rig your new crowbar to that bone, then you should have a working p_! Just make sure to delete the old crowbar that is in the smd, otherwise you'll have a crowbar inside of a crowbar, and we're not playing Pimp My Crowbar here.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-15 14:15:49 UTC Post #295578
Mcrich114: I think it would be great if you would write a tutorial. There is very little information on HL modelling and especially this kind. From my experience the only way to learn modelling is to figure out everything by yourself.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-15 15:29:01 UTC Post #295581
ok ive managed to use my new blood-stained axe in place of my crowbar i just unpacked my pak file into the valve folder and renamed my models crowbar and overwrote the originals. is there a better way of doing this or will i need to learn to code if i want to do it any better. if so anyone know any coding tut's lol.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-15 21:22:08 UTC Post #295592
Mcrich114: I think it would be great if you would write a tutorial. There is very little information on HL modelling and especially this kind. From my experience the only way to learn modelling is to figure out everything by yourself.
Ok I'll send the request now.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-16 10:47:01 UTC Post #295603
ok ive managed to use my new blood-stained axe in place of my crowbar i just unpacked my pak file into the valve folder and renamed my models crowbar and overwrote the originals.
You don't need to unpack your PAK file, all that does is double your file size! You also don't need to overwrite anything.

All you need is to have the same file structure. If you have crowbar.mdl in your "valve/models" then it will automatically take priority over the file in the PAK. Same goes for sprites, sounds etc.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-16 20:10:09 UTC Post #295611
i tried that first but got it wrong somehow but ill do a fresh install and try again to save memory cuz my laptops shit. while im at it anyone know how to change the hud image so it shows the new weapon.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-16 22:04:07 UTC Post #295619
The HUD images are in 640hud0*.spr I think.
Or you could make a completely new sprite and change weapon_crowbar.txt
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