Local Gun Law Created 13 years ago2011-08-04 08:49:27 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Created 13 years ago2011-08-04 08:49:27 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 08:56:24 UTC Post #297344
In Texas where I live and a few other states it has been made so that you can carry a pistol concealed onto public campuses if you are twenty one or older and have a concealed fire arms license.

Anyways I had been practicing with throwing knives for selfe defense because university of Houston is right in the middle of ghetto neighborhoods and I walk through the parking lots at night with my laptop to my car. And lots of people get robbed out there and raped. I literally get emails all the time about people that get raped on uh campus for like 8 hours straight. I got the knives thinking that if I could get good with them they would provide decent protection combined with pepper spray and maybe even a tazer.

But now... All I gotta do is get my license and borrow my dad's 9mm until I can afford a pistol or even just use the rest of my student loan and get one. I will be safe in the parking lots now, well safer than before but all day in school I will have a bulky pistol on my side. And the guys usually walk the girls to their cars as well. We stay in class genrally until really late hours because of the intense amounts of work.

Any thoughts on these new laws? Keep in mind that not anyone at school can carry one. You must be twenty one and take a very long expensive course.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 08:56:37 UTC Post #297345
I think that its not right that it even go to that O_o

Id never live in such a place...

I wish you luck, and hope that you wont ever have to even take the gun out of your pocket.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 11:27:20 UTC Post #297349
Wow. sounds fucked up.

I don't like laws legalising weapons at all. It seems to create more problems than what it "solves".
If everybody has weapons, then it's all about who drew first, and most likely that will be the criminal. Because someone who isn't criminal would never draw the weapon unless he/she had to, and then it would probably already be too late.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 14:03:24 UTC Post #297356
Personally I think people should be allowed to keep firearms on a university campus with the same rights as anywhere else in the state/country, provided they keep them in a safe of some sort. Or at least keep the ammunition in a safe. What with house parties and drunk people in large gatherings doing silly things. People getting into your room and messing with your stuff is bad enough when that stuff isn't potentially lethal when used irresponsibly.

The laws here in Ireland state that you have to get a firearm license. This applies to anything with a muzzle energy of over 1 joule, whether it's paintball guns or airsoft or whatever. Before 2006, anything at all that fired anything, even Nerf guns, were technically classified as firearms. Deactivated firearms have to be inspected by the local police chief to make sure they're deactivated.
Laws about gun ownership vary depending on how many you own. If you own a single shotgun, you have to store it dis-assembled and with a trigger lock in place. If you have up to three, you have to have a gun safe attached to the building. If you have more than three, or two restricted firearms, the safe has to be in a room with alarms and certified locks.

I think to have a license you need to get consent from the local police chief, who will also have to set a limit to the amount of ammunition you can own and use each year.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 14:50:01 UTC Post #297359
Anyways I had been practicing with throwing knives for selfe defense

Also, you're story makes me glad I live in a small village. I know I can safely walk across town to get a fox tail, and walk back on a completely different route.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 15:45:54 UTC Post #297361
I go to college in (what was, it may still be though) the murder capital of Europe. I often take midnight walks into town to get a snack, and I've never felt in danger. Odd.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 16:10:57 UTC Post #297364
yeah you stole that murder capital of Europe from us in Glasgow ya bastard.
oh well, at least Glasgow is still the stabbing capital of Europe.

oh, and many Americans need to realise that the solution to gun crime is not more guns.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 16:17:11 UTC Post #297366
So what is your suggestion than Archie? When i'm walking to my car at night with my 12 hundred dollar laptop is a criminal going to abide a law that forbids a gun? Yet if I did i'd be screwed. Now i'll have my hand on my revolver and if someone approaches me i'll be ready.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 16:25:18 UTC Post #297367
don't let's start a big debate about gun control PLEASE. People are VERY divided on this issue and nooone ever gives any ground either way, so DONT WASTE YOUR TIME.

zeeba: that is really scarrry. your student government should start a campaign to make the campus and parking lots safe for the students. It's simply unacceptable that that they are not protecting you with the proper police/security presence and getting away with it apparently. =|

If you can, try to buddy up and/or carpool with someone at night, so you aren't alone.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 17:27:18 UTC Post #297368
without a gun, you might lose your laptop. Sucks, sure.

with a gun, you might lose your life. Sucks more imo.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 17:46:24 UTC Post #297370
For fucks sake don't just get a gun, it doesn't solve a goddamn thing. Learn some self defense of some sort, and if ever confronted just give them what they want, pulling a gun with no experience is just going to get you killed, and there's no point in killing others when you very easily could have dispatched them in a non-lethal fashion, then called the cops and had them arrested.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 17:51:41 UTC Post #297371
Why learn "self defense[sic] of some sort" only to give them what they want if you're ever confronted?

Actually, I assume you mean if you're ever confronted by a gunman, in which case you speak wisdom.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 18:09:52 UTC Post #297372
The "problem" is that guns have been acceptable in the States since day 1, and have therefore been far, far too commonplace to just take away. Secure gun control is something politicians have been struggling with for a long time, rest assured.

As for the original topic: I loosely support the idea because
1) People with concealed permits tend to be much, much more responsible with their weapon, as the process of obtaining one is tedious and requires strong consideration
2) Residents of universities are all technically adults
3) State universities are not private property
Learn some self defense of some sort, and if ever confronted just give them what they want, pulling a gun with no experience is just going to get you killed,
You shouldn't be carrying a gun on you if you have no experience in the first place. No exceptions. The fact that people do anyway is a completely different issue.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 18:18:49 UTC Post #297373
Why learn "self defense[sic] of some sort" only to give them what they want if you're ever confronted?
Self defense is beneficial if the person who confronts you is going to kill you or cause you extreme harm regardless of whatever you give them or do, for the most part giving the robber what he wants should make him leave you alone though.

Let me ask you a very simple question, if you shoot or stab somebody with a knife in the arm or leg, can you kill them from it?

You CAN NOT just stab or shoot somebody at random points on their body just hoping that you pick a spot that only 'hurts' and won't kill them. Using a knife to defend yourself with absolutely no experience as to where the vital arteries are is only going to make you kill somebody. A gun only makes it worse.

Like I said, take up self defense so you can get even the slightest of a grasp as to how the human body functions, because simply buying a gun will not solve ANYTHING, after you take self defense and understand thoroughly how the human body functions, where vital organs are, vital arteries, nerve bundles and soforth, then you can get a gun as a means of extra security, but if you don't know anything about the human body then don't get a fucking gun. Killing somebody over a fucking laptop is absolutely redneck.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 18:18:59 UTC Post #297374
Once again, you don't carry a weapon around for self defense without experience.
This is not a hard concept. If someone gets fucked over by their lack of experience, that's their fault.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 18:20:42 UTC Post #297375
I agree. I didn't suggest using a gun or a knife.

I'm just saying if the person isn't armed, and I have self-defence knowledge I'm not going to let them take my shit.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 18:21:31 UTC Post #297376
Erp, something that's not readily apparent is that second paragraph down I was talking to Zeeba, not Archie, my bad.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 18:52:21 UTC Post #297377
Laptop? I know places where you can get shot and killed for a fucking cell phone or a watch. Or even just because.

While I agree with Zeeba that an extra measure wouldn't be too bad, I also agree with Captain that security on campus should also be improved somehow.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:00:53 UTC Post #297384
I chuckled at the idea of using karate or a knife as self-defense against an armed attacker. Also, self-defense does not mean "shooting", it doesn't even have to mean taking the safety off. Lifting your shirt to reveal the handle can be enough to send a man with a knife sprinting in the other direction.

I'm not sure how many of you are from the States or not, but I can guess from this thread.

To those of you saying that he shouldn't get it because the solution to guns is not more guns: There's estimated to be 350,000,000 million guns in the United states. 200,000,000 of those are registered and legally owned by responsible, trained adults like our friend Zeeba here. That leaves 150,000,000 illegal guns, in the hands of criminals, who obviously intend to use them. There are 300,000,000 people in the United States. You do the math.

These guns cannot go away. The legal ones are protected by the Second Amendment of the supreme law of the land, the Constitution, and the illegal guns will obviously not just be handed over by the people who have them. They're just going to leave it where it is, hiding, because it's already illegal.

Guys, I'm a super-hippy. I play guitar and smoke pot(its not even illegal in small amounts in my state) and believe in freedom and love and happiness and all that bullshit. But, this is an issue that just needs to be looked at realistically- there are more guns than people here, and a firearm is an ideal self-defense tool, if not purely from necessity.

If there's a God, I hope he forbids you ever having to use it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:30:02 UTC Post #297385
Posting statistics about how redneck your country is isn't exactly the best counter-argument.

You might think the idea of karate vs gun is a silly thing, but in reality just buying a gun and expecting it to waive off all the robbers and bad guys is just as stupid, with the difference being with karate you actually know what the fuck you're doing.
But now... All I gotta do is get my license and borrow my dad's 9mm until I can afford a pistol or even just use the rest of my student loan and get one. I will be safe in the parking lots now
Like I've said endless times, you cannot just simply get a gun and have it do magical things. if you don't know any form of self defense, gun or not.
Learning Karate or any form of self defense will make you safer in the parking lot, simply buying a gun does not substitute for actual training that actually teaches you how to deal with situations.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:31:31 UTC Post #297386
350,000,000 million guns
That's a lot of guns!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:46:00 UTC Post #297387
Because PB Ninja'd me,

TL;DR: A gun is not a solution, it is merely a tool. If you don't know how to put together a broken car, don't go out and buy a drill and expect it to suddenly allow you to put it back together with no experience.

If you know how to properly deal with a situation then a gun would be beneficial, it may seem stupid to take Karate for defending yourself against armed attackers, but that's just because you're too ignorant to understand how self defense training works, and I won't bother trying to explain it, but I'll just say that it helps you with retarded shit like situation awareness and reflexes, but nothing that would help you the way a gun in your hands would, because that'd be fucking ridiculous.

Zeeba is saying that he's worried about getting his expensive laptop stolen so he's getting a gun and saying that it will keep him safe. I'm just telling him that buying a gun isn't exactly a solution.

But whatever, you Americans can live with your high daily death toll rate, I'll just be over here, not getting shot at every two seconds by crackheads.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:48:39 UTC Post #297388
You might think the idea of karate vs gun is a silly thing
It's beyond silly, you'll get killed. That's not silly, it's actually among the stupidest things ever. Things that usually result in death. It is a well-documented process known to the scientific community as "Natural Selection".
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:49:21 UTC Post #297389
I smoke pot
Suddenly it all makes sense
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:52:14 UTC Post #297390
Says the guy who thinks he can make all the muscle movements required to lunge at, and physically disable another person before that person moves one muscle in their finger.

And since you've resorted to personal attacks, I'm out of the thread. It's for the best.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 21:58:13 UTC Post #297391
Oh right you're American, you don't see martial arts as self defense you see them as flying high kicks and beating other people up, of course how silly of me to forget.

You see, believe it or not, martial arts are not just simply fighting styles, they do really fucking weird-ass shit like train your reflexes and help you be aware of the environment around you and shit. Really fucking weird shit, right?

No but really though, if you honestly think that somebody utilizing Karate training means they're trying to charge somebody with a fucking gun, then just go back to your pot. Somebody with Karate training isn't going to be stupid enough to try charging somebody with a gun, they wouldn't even be at gunpoint to begin with.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:01:23 UTC Post #297392
Fuck you.
Oh right you're American, you don't see martial arts as self defense you see them as flying high kicks and beating other people up, of course how silly of me to forget.
I took lessons for six years.
You see, believe it or not, martial arts are not just simply fighting styles, they do really fucking weird-ass shit like train your reflexes and help you be aware of the environment around you and shit. Really fucking weird shit, right?
Right, because that can stop a bullet.
No but really though, if you honestly think that somebody utilizing Karate training means they're trying to charge somebody with a fucking gun, then just go back to your pot.
But the thread is about... and then you suggested... and then I said... and then you reiterated.... and called then me ignorant... what?
I'm so confused right now. Please tell me you're trolling me....
they wouldn't even be at gunpoint to begin with.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:06:03 UTC Post #297393
No the American media really is ass-retarded in the sense that they always portray martial arts as cool backflips and kicking and punching and nothing else. We get the same horseshit here because we have American television broadcasts as well. Karate kid is the only movie that I'd seen that even remotely comes close to portraying martial arts correctly, but not even.

Martial arts do not teach you how to do kicks and punchs, they teach you to be aware of where you are, what other people are going to do, and how to deal with situations regardless of extremity, everything else comes secondary.
If somebody has a gun pointed at you and is going to shoot, you can't pull your gun quick enough to shoot him first because he's already got his gun on you, NOTHING will save you from that scenario.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:06:17 UTC Post #297394
Martial arts do not teach you how to do kicks and punchs
Really? I always thought that was kind of the skinny of it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:11:15 UTC Post #297395
Yes really, but all you see in movies or TV shows are punches and kicks.

Also how is that a personal insult? You do pot and you're telling me that a gun will suddenly magically solve problems so that you don't have to take proper training to learn how to handle tough situations, and that a gun will suddenly make you realize exactly how to handle rough situations [EG. pull gun out, robber runs away! Happy ending, rejoice!] I was going to realize the connection sooner or later.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:11:53 UTC Post #297396
Strange how players of FPS's react to gun laws. Anyway zeeba be careful, carrying a heater doesn't always mean safety, sometimes it means more trouble, even if it is concealed...
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:15:27 UTC Post #297397
Like I said, Martial arts might teach you how to do efficient punches and kicks, but that is not even remotely close to what it's about. Martial arts are lifestyles, they teach you respect and discipline, it is far far more then just punching and kicking which roughly is every Americans idea of Martial arts no thanks to the shitty media system.

A gun, does not substitute for years of discipline and hard training, if anything it will make you more reckless and careless because you for some reason believe it will somehow get you out of the situation, like it's a magical "pull it out and tehy go away" button you just have to press.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:17:00 UTC Post #297398
Also how is that a personal insult?
You were clearly implying that I was retarded or something, because of the pot. Don't try to weasel your way out of being an asshole to me for no reason. I was simply trying to enlighten people who aren't actually from here, people like you, as to the situation.

Oh, and you said [quote]you're too ignorant[quote].

How is that not making it personal dude?
Strange how players of FPS's react to gun laws
I don't see how it would differentiate from the general populace.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:18:58 UTC Post #297399
You were clearly implying that I was retarded or something
Nope, you only comprehended it as such, because you want to make it your own way to take anything and everything the wrong way so you can call me a prick. Doesn't work that way.

Like I said, what you were saying makes absolutely no sense whatsoever so if you want to take the comment intently wrong then that's your problem, but what you are suggesting [GUN=EASY123 ENEMIES RUN AWAY:DDD] is nonsensible and illogical to the extreme, pot kills braincells and hinders your logistical way of thinking so it'd make sense for one who smokes it to think so clouded.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:19:01 UTC Post #297400
Oh my fucking God....
you're too ignorant
how is that personal
Just. Stop. Typing.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:22:19 UTC Post #297401
How is it personal again? You're ignorant as to the proper idea as to what a martial art really is, because of the American media nobody knows what the fuck it's all really about, if I call you ignorant that's not an insult, it's stating that you're unaware of the real facts, about what's actually happening. If you want to take it personally, go ahead, that is your problem, but stating somebody is ignorant about something isn't personal, no matter what light you shine it in.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:22:44 UTC Post #297402
How is it personal again?
Because you were addressing ME THE PERSON and not my statements! That's the fucking definition of the word! What the fuck, dude!
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:24:12 UTC Post #297403
Well then technically anything you've said to anybody is personal, by mentioning PB in an earlier post I've basically made this 'personal', so I really don't see your point.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:24:35 UTC Post #297404
Jesus titty-fucking Christ can you never be wrong?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:40:26 UTC Post #297405
Er sorry actually no, I worded that completely incorrectly, I should have said how is that INSULTING, not personal, my bad.

Also I don't believe Jesus Christ engages in such actions, as they probably were considered unorthodox at the time, and no I also don't believe Jesus Christ can ever be wrong, but why do you ask?

But shit talking aside, All I'm saying is that a gun is not beneficial without even proper gun training, what I'd read from Zeeba's post is that he's stating that he's going to buy a gun and just that gesture will keep him safe and from getting mugged. I'm telling him that plan won't work. Just accept that and move on, it's the internet, not America.
He should seek some self defense training [Not necessarily karate or kung fu, but any self defense training] so that he can be more aware of the hostile environment he's in, is there a crackhead at that corner? Don't go near there. Suspicious individual always hanging around that corner over there? Don't go there either. Basic awareness even to that level goes a long way. If he wants to get a gun, more power to him, but he should NEVER automatically assume he is safe just because he has it on him, that is a extremely careless attitude, especially when you're in such a hostile environment.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:41:35 UTC Post #297406
All I'm saying is that a gun is not beneficial without even proper gun trainin
I agree %100 with this statement. In fact, I would add to it- that if you lack training you should never touch or handle a firearm. Always assume that one is loaded.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:51:45 UTC Post #297407

You're right, I did go off on you, and I shouldn't have, but understand that you weren't getting the point and I was getting severely frustrated by having to explain such a simple concept, the pot comment was far too exploitable and I chose to exploit it because I felt it was appropriate at the time because it would piss you off, in the process emphasizing to you just how extremely frustrating it was to attempt to respond to you. Judging from the posts following, I'd say it succeeded, so either way, I won. You shouldn't have responded at all, but neither should have I. Somehow we've got a 2-way troll going, and I say fuck it, I'll leave and you leave, otherwise this would go on until we both get banned.

Of course, that won't happen. It can't. Human psychology just prohibits it from happening. Still fun to try though.

This is exactly what I'm referring to with martial arts, a true martial artist is not like me, they do not let anger cloud their judgement and they do not break their composure so easily, they exercise a great level of self-discipline and respect. I'd like to think that I'd gotton better since before I started taking karate but I suppose I'd just by lying to myself.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:53:02 UTC Post #297408
so either way, I won.
Won what?

We're both fucking losers! We just argued for two hours, on the internet! Holy shit dude!
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:55:39 UTC Post #297409
Crollo, I was totally against guns in the hands of the public.

Now I'm pro-guns, because your argument to the contrary is so fucking annoying. Seriously, your "facts" are so self-righteous and barely topical that they lose all meaning, and then you cling to them for dear life and repeat them over and over again trying to clarify a point that never existed in the first place.

Also, for the record, there's nothing wrong with weed in moderation and calling Blitzkrieg ignorant for indulging is totally out of line.

Oh, and obviously I'm not actually pro-guns now, just for clarity.
Strange how players of FPS's react to gun laws.
Not at all. Guns are a great thing to contain in games and movies, because they quite often show how disastrously brutal they can be.
Sure, plenty of games glamorize violence to the point of it basically being pornography, but that's also fine because it can be a great way of relieving pent up anger and such by taking it out on a virtual character in a safe environment.

Police should have guns, because you can guarantee they'll get professional training and will therefore hopefully show some common sense and restraint.
General public, though? I meet so many utter twats on a day to day basis who barely know their left from their right. These people get drunk every day, form gangs, break property and stab each other. I literally could not be more glad that they don't have guns as well.
Even some of my completely sensible friends, I absolutely would not trust with a gun. It should not be so easy to end a life.
I couldn't live in America for that reason. Some totally sensible guy loses his job and his wife, starts drinking, blames society and decides to take a shotgun into a crowded shop? Fuck that.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:57:15 UTC Post #297410
I should add a disclaimer to my post, stating that it doesn't necessarily apply to your own home countries. Everywhere is different, and America's gun problem is a pretty unique one. I simply thought it added context to the post which someone might have missed if they had never been here.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:57:21 UTC Post #297411
Apologies, I let my anger get the better of me and went off when I shouldn't have, the Karate comment just struck a wrong note for me and fueled by my attitude of Americans I went where I shouldn't have. Sorry.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 22:58:37 UTC Post #297412
Don't worry about it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:04:21 UTC Post #297413
With that aside I do think you should ditch the pot, controlled or not that shit kills a fuckton of braincells, but I won't tell you how to live your life.
[I wouldn't understand 'partying' or such, I wouldn't drink beer or smoke anything if I was given the choice, I just don't get the benefits, but to each their own.]
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:10:43 UTC Post #297414
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:24:56 UTC Post #297415
Aw, it could still be good. People could respond to Archie or I could ask Zeeba what model he's considering.
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