London Riots Created 13 years ago2011-08-09 17:42:45 UTC by Striker Striker

Created 13 years ago2011-08-09 17:42:45 UTC by Striker Striker

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 18:05:15 UTC Post #297733
According to the Fallout timeline, the amount of time before major rioting and nuclear holocaust was little over a year.

Bring on the vaults I say.

As for the situation in London and the other cities, I hope the army start shooting. That is all.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 18:08:14 UTC Post #297734
I hope the army start shooting.
With less then lethal bullets instead of nonlethal bullets.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 18:43:08 UTC Post #297737
Uh, Crollo, is that what you meant? what's the difference?

Can't this all wait? I don't have a degree yet! I can't make me a vault!
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 19:06:23 UTC Post #297739
Less then lethal hurts like fuck [Rubber\plastic bullets] but isn't going to kill you if controlled, nonlethal generally means stuff like gas canisters, shouldn't have said 'bullets'.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 19:37:24 UTC Post #297742
Less than lethal is used because the term "rubber bullet" is incredibly misleading. They are small metal balls, encased in hard plastic. Last time the Sox won the series a girl got killed by them at the celebrations. There were small instances of rioting.

It had been a while since we won.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 19:57:24 UTC Post #297744
Never heard of anyone getting killed by good ol' bean bags though
Bet that hurts

Just looked it up, and it turns out beanbags are quite lethal in some situations as well
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 21:41:46 UTC Post #297751
So, us white people are fucked? Shit. If Europe Falls, America is next. I'm all for the Vaults with Urby.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 23:18:18 UTC Post #297754
We'd better get cracking on the designs then. Lesse here... Thick, lead exterior walls, large armory scheduled to open three days before the vault, water purifier, air scrubbers...
Hm. I'll need more space than just under my backyard. The light 'forest' behind my house should work.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 23:21:05 UTC Post #297755
The one time that I happened to stay at a house that had a warrant served the next day, one of the officers had a paintball gun. They use "paintballs" filled with pepper spray or another irritant and fire them at people's chests, so it all explodes out into their face. That seems like something they should employ en mass at riots.

It could take an eye out but it's certainly not lethal.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 06:37:07 UTC Post #297771
So, us white people are fucked?
Just close your eyes and pretend that everything is fine, like everyone else do.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 06:43:57 UTC Post #297773
Wow, so Four N Exclamation mark M Four T Zero R is a nationalist and a racist, huh?

Interestingly, I actually found an interview with 4N!M4T0R on youtube.
Looks like he should be taken seriously.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 06:56:42 UTC Post #297774
Don't use word ''nationalist'' as bad thing please.
You can call me racist and nazi. But future of South Africa is waiting for us.
Some 800,000 out of a total white population of 4 million have left since 1995. But what will happen one day when there will be no place for white refugees to go?
Did you heard about Christian live in Egypt?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 07:07:57 UTC Post #297775
It's 2011, you ignorant fuck. How can you possibly think it's even remotely acceptable to judge people by their race?

The "white massacre" you linked to is the result of people like you. There is no way to avoid the negative connotations of the word "nationalist" because it leads to exactly this sort of thing. People killing other people because they weren't born in the same country. It's sickening.

When you were a foetus, did you demand your mother point her vagina at a Western country before you were born, just in case you were born in, say, Africa?
No, you didn't, because you have no choice about where you're born, and therefore judging people based on that is utterly retarded.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 07:27:29 UTC Post #297776
Can we please leave the personal assaulting out of this thread?
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 07:28:04 UTC Post #297777
It's 2011, you ignorant fuck. How can you possibly think it's even remotely acceptable to judge people by their race?
Most of the worlds population still does it.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 07:42:48 UTC Post #297778
Now you are offending me.
User posted image

Now, lets back in UK "The number of violent attacks against whites reached 77,000, while the number of white people who reported being wounded was five times the number of black and minority ethnic victims at 20,000."

It was mistake to mix races and cultures. And now Europe is damned to suffer consecvenses of idiotic solutions made by government.
Multiculturalism is recognized as mistake in biggest Europe nations:
Angela Merkel of Germany:
Nicolas Sarkozy of France:
David Cameron of UK:
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 07:51:25 UTC Post #297779
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 12:19:54 UTC Post #297781
Looked up the real word for "rental residence" in english. So to avoid people not getting my point, I believe it's actually called "Leasehold estate" or "council estates", correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll give a short version of my opinion on this.
Next to where I live there is a huge neighbourhood of rental residences.
When an immigrant enters sweden, these are the sorts of residences they most likely move to since they have little cash and initially no jobs.

I believe there is some truth in that our cultures does not match up very well, because some of the muslim moral standards differ from our western moral standards. For example how they treat women and so forth. But more importantly, these immigrants comes from countries broken by war where there is little to no law. When they enter Sweden, they aren't immediately familiar with our laws and our moral standards which they do need to start aligning to if they are to be part of our society.

However, when you have these huge areas of rental residences all of these immigrants gather in one single place. This is not a good thing because then it's like they have their own little country in the middle of ours, and true enough, this neighbourhood that I speak of is one of the most crimefilled areas in Sweden. If you make them all live in the same place then they will never get used to our moral standards and laws, to them they are still back in their old country except there is no war. They've got no neighbours to learn from.

These huge rental residence neighbourhoods are spread out all over sweden, and it's not a coincidence that those are the areas where the most crime takes place.

These rental residences needs to be spread out all over the place so that they blend in with those who've lived here for a longer time, who've learned to addapt. I believe this would fix the problem, and we could all just live together in peace.

I'm not a racist, I've got plenty of immigrant friends who've learned to addapt to our society. But these kids who grow up in these areas aren't always that lucky.

Also, I'd like to add that not EVERYONE who moves to a rental resitence neighbourhood turns into a thief or a murdurer. A small percentage does, but that small percentage cause a lot of damage to our society.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 14:56:03 UTC Post #297782
I live in London and racism is everywhere, Most of the racism is faced towards white people however of different nationalities than English. In many places I've seen a lot of black people abuse and discriminate white immigrants. I myself was discriminated by the black community in my school for having a foreign accent, most times I was called a polish cunt, even though I'm from Latvia which has barely anything to do with Poland. A lot of grown up English men also "hate" the "Polish" (or so they think) community that comes to England to "steal their jobs" when all these immigrating people are doing is trying to get a better life in better living conditions; these immigrants work harder for lower pay, so why shouldn't company's choose to hire them over someone else?

Point of the matter is, Racism is still everywhere, right now I think Racism is directed more towards White and Asian nationalities, rather than Black.

As for the thread itself, You'd think of me as racist if I said it's black youth that are responsible for this mess, but that is the truth. It's not just black people involved in the riots, there are people of all nationalities here, but these black youth are the main trouble makers here in England and the areas that are filled with them, I.E.: Croydon, Brixton, Clapham were the first to get attacked. Plus all the images and videos show that it is them on the streets, the facts speak for themselves.

If you lived here you would understand what I mean. The poorer areas of London are mainly filled with Black people. In these poorer areas, they don't educate themselves properly, in these poorer schools of theirs a lot of them don't get their grades because they choose to mess around rather than study, and its these people that start trouble, and then follow the criminals, looters, and others who get peer pressured into it.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 15:29:51 UTC Post #297784
I'm quite sure Madcow's point proves true in pretty much every country.

While we're at it, are we all white in TWHL?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 18:01:26 UTC Post #297796
When you were a foetus, did you demand your mother point her vagina
Oh fuck me is that a funny image.

And a racist? Really? Here? I mean, seriously. seriously?.
You can call me racist and nazi
What. The. Fuck. I have never once in my life actually met someone who was ok with being called a Nazi. IRL or internet, not once. Even "neo-nazi" or skin-head. I feel like I'm seeing a unicorn.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 21:59:43 UTC Post #297799
I view the racial side of these riots as the result of a long standing self-fulfilling prophecy that our white society has stood by since we first began enslaving them. We expect them to be barbaric, to be monstrous, to be criminals, treat them as such, then express shock and disgust when, lo and behold, they become what we always thought of and treated them as.

Treat a person like an animal long enough and they become one, as the saying goes.
In these poorer areas, they don't educate themselves properly, in these poorer schools of theirs a lot of them don't get their grades because they choose to mess around rather than study
Of course, and no student of any other color ever messed around in School, right?

Blaming the individual for systemic failures is an exercise in futility. Until we pull our heads out of our ass and look at the picture as a whole, instead of a single portion like who-knows how many racist idiots in this world that I've seen, we'll never get down to ironing out inequalities in our society and fostering understanding. It's simply impossible.

The only other path avilable at this point it seems is to simply ostracize ethnic communities further and accelerate the fearmongering. And need I remind you what happens when someone decides to go all the way with such insidious rhetoric?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this issue has degenerated into "Their black! What did you expect!?" drivel. It's not like humanity was ever really good at dealing with shit like this to begin with.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-12 22:48:36 UTC Post #297829
Race and nationality are among the stupidest things to be grouped by. But how are we gonna get rid of the dividing lines.

The world in general is pretty fucked up, but short of becoming what you hate, there's nothing you can do.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 13:49:28 UTC Post #297867
Skillz Talent and Elton John have done a track about the riots.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 14:53:09 UTC Post #297868
Sweden, they aren't immediately familiar with our laws and our moral standards which they do need to start aligning to if they are to be part of our society.
Nothing will change this, arabs will never become Europeans. Gypsies have come in Europe 700 years ago and still they didn't become Brits, Germans, Hungarians and so on, they are still gypsies with growing number of them.
Let in over 50 million of muslims was a cultural suicide of Europe.
User posted image
BTW. This explains a lot:

And taht is how Japan, perhaps the smartest nation on earth, acts:

Skillz Talent and Elton John have done a track about the riots.
Song like this will never change anything.

Song like this might
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 14:59:51 UTC Post #297870
Explain to me then why I know so many hardworking immigrants who knows our language well, celebrates our holidays and pays their taxes?
Your tunnel vision won't win you any arguments. If you solemnly focus on the bad examples then it doesn't surprice me that you are a Nazi.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:13:30 UTC Post #297871
Yes, I focus on the bad examples, meanwhile you focus on the good examples.
Here is another bad example of so called "hardworking immigrants who knows our language well, celebrates our holidays and pays their taxes"
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:16:05 UTC Post #297872
Racists exist in Japan, therefor everything you say is correct? Racists exist everywhere. I don't really understand how that is a logical argument, or even a coherent thought.

Also, the IQ system is arbitrary, outdated, and easily tricked. Two people of equal intelligence can get very, very different scores simply because one person remembers particular mathematical rules, equations or tricks better than the other.

Even if I were to believe that page was legitimate, sourced information and not just propaganda produced by someone with a personal, racist agenda- it wouldn't mean anything.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:22:40 UTC Post #297873
Yes, I focus on the bad examples, meanwhile you focus on the good examples.
Here is another bad example of so called "hardworking immigrants who knows our language well, celebrates our holidays and pays their taxes"
You know from the post before my previous one that I do infact not only focus on the good examples. I live close to one of these neighbourhoods and I've had my fair share of bad experiences with bad examples.

I'm proposing a solution, while you simply imply that they are all horrible people, and your method of solving the problem is violence, and violence only.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:30:57 UTC Post #297874
"and your method of solving the problem is violence, and violence only."
No it is not. There is no way to solve this problem, it is too late already.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:32:19 UTC Post #297875
Then why fight something you cannot change?

That's a hypothetical question of course, there is no actual racial problem.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:35:45 UTC Post #297876
I'm not fighting. I just want to prove that what is happening in Europe (immigration from west) is wrong. So other nations wont make same mistake. I hope Eastern Europe will learn.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:36:06 UTC Post #297877
No it is not. There is no way to solve this problem, it is too late already.
Then why don't you just go hang yourself. Boo fucking hoo.

Also, what Blitzkreig said. Your logic is so flawed it's laughable.

If I had my way I'd throw out all of the immigrants who doesn't follow the law. That doesn't mean that I'd throw someone out for speeding, or shoplifting, but for more serious crimes, or repetition of criminal activity.

Most of the immigrants doesn't preform criminal acts. Some of them do, most of them don't. So let the good ones stay and throw the bad ones out. And also, apply what I said in my long post. Problem solved.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 15:46:07 UTC Post #297878
Prove to whom? No one here gives a flying fuck about your racial agenda. I'm not even sure why we're talking about it to begin with.

[edit] also, you talk about immigration as if we humans haven't been meandering around the planet since the modern species has existed- like some change is happening. This is not new, it is literally the farthest from new we can get without losing all relevance to the topic. What is also not new is the irrational, short-sighted and reactionary responses by some humans.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 18:28:57 UTC Post #297883
Hating on Islam is completely acceptable, just as showing dislike towards any other undemocratic way of life. But saying that people of different colour shouldn't mix is just plain stupid, the difference is only skin deep. Bitches.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 19:02:45 UTC Post #297885
4N!M4T0R, why are you complaining about this? Seriously, what is the point? Various peoples of ethnic and racial backrounds have been traversing around the planet and mixing ever since our nomadic days. The is hardly the first time Muslims have been in Europe. They've been here and made their influence felt for at least 1000+ years. The great cultural death that you expect will never come.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 19:47:30 UTC Post #297886
Hating on Islam is completely acceptable, just as showing dislike towards any other undemocratic way of life.
Hating on Christianity is completely acceptable, just as showing dislike towards any other undemocratic way of life. [/sarcasm]

Islam is not an "undemocratic way of life". It's a religion. Just as it is with Christians, Buddhists, Jews etc., Muslims can be democratic or antidemocratic. Saying Islam is an "undemocratic way of life" is like saying Christianity is homophobic. True, there are many Christian idiots who hate gays. But there are also many tolerant Christians that let other people live the way they want.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 20:09:19 UTC Post #297890
If I had my way I'd throw out all of the immigrants who doesn't follow the law. That doesn't mean that I'd throw someone out for speeding, or shoplifting, but for more serious crimes, or repetition of criminal activity.
I'd either do the same or vote for you to do it :P

Sadly, it probably isn't that easy.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 21:46:20 UTC Post #297899
Hating on Christianity is completely acceptable, just as showing dislike towards any other undemocratic way of life. [/sarcasm]
Islam is not an "undemocratic way of life". It's a religion. Just as it is with Christians, Buddhists, Jews etc., Muslims can be democratic or antidemocratic. Saying Islam is an "undemocratic way of life" is like saying Christianity is homophobic. True, there are many Christian idiots who hate gays. But there are also many tolerant Christians that let other people live the way they want.
Islam is most undemocratic as it does not favour equality (or even free will to some extent), which in my opinion is part of the foundation for a democratic society. This goes of course for any religion, but Islam seemed to pop up here and there in this thread. In any way, my point was that it is pure stupidity to base hatred on skin or birthplace. This riot has nothing to do with it either, it is just greedy leeches trashing their own home.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 21:48:31 UTC Post #297900
True democracy is but an impossible utopia.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 16:15:21 UTC Post #297942
Sadly, it probably isn't that easy.
Why can't it be?
If someone murders somebody and you've got the proof to back it up, then send them back to where they came from. I don't see why we aren't doing this already, or at least we don't in sweden.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 16:23:32 UTC Post #297943
I was touring around several areas of London this week, the ones that I usually go to, and I didn't see any disturbances, besides a car on fire, and one smashed shop sign. I also saw a police officer try to ride the BMX of some 12 year old black kid he stopped for an unknown reason.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 21:57:38 UTC Post #297959
"Nice bike mate, can I try it?"
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 01:31:27 UTC Post #297966
I just got an idea for the commercial Huntey's gonna make for In Search of the Lifia:

A bunch of guys in London rioting and breaking things, until somebody with a camera runs up and asks them why they're so angry. They say: "We were the last to loot the game store where they have In Search of the Lifia! We didn't get a single copy!" And then they destroy the camera.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 01:35:09 UTC Post #297967
Your Stupidity Never ceases to amaze me.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 01:38:59 UTC Post #297968
Except here's the problem, Huntey isn't going to make a commercial for "In Search of the Lifia".
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 02:28:51 UTC Post #297969
Actually... he made a deal with me that if I finish it, he'll make an advert.

He said "as long as you finish it" in the conversation. If I give up, which I won't, I can "finish it" by putting some stupid 5 second battle.

it would still be a "finished". :D
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 03:03:39 UTC Post #297970
What is this, I dont even..
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 03:57:36 UTC Post #297971
Finish your sentence.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 05:01:59 UTC Post #297972
User posted image
I myself am muslim and I find this highly offensive. Look, generalizing a population just because there are some extremists doesn't make it the reason for massacres. The Holocaust was just that. Nazi's blaming the entire Jewish population for Europe's problems.

Why do we have to be divided? Why seperate us into groups? Why can't we all just be "people"?
Islam is most undemocratic as it does not favour equality (or even free will to some extent), which in my opinion is part of the foundation for a democratic society. This goes of course for any religion, but Islam seemed to pop up here and there in this thread. In any way, my point was that it is pure stupidity to base hatred on skin or birthplace. This riot has nothing to do with it either, it is just greedy leeches trashing their own home.
This is so wrong it hurts. First, Islam is about equality among all people and peace. Please don't make assumptions like this.
Yeah, No. Brain size does NOT correlate with IQ (at least not to significantly) My proof? Neanderthals had brain sizes much larger then ours.
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