Hint Brushes are a B Created 13 years ago2011-08-19 08:40:17 UTC by camplo camplo

Created 13 years ago2011-08-19 08:40:17 UTC by camplo camplo

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-19 08:40:57 UTC Post #298170
Man I really dont want to have to make hint brushes but I'm going to have to if this thing is ever to be played on line. I am trying to understand why this wont work.

A room like this h being a hint brush.

| h |
| h |
| h h h h h|
| | |

I seems to me that this should also cause vis to block each side of the wall in the middle but I cant get the results. We all know this example usually looks like this

| |
| |
|h h h h h h h h h|
| | |

When I do this vis blocks both sides as expected. I dont get it. If the brush doesnt reach a brush thats touching the void it dont work? Thats the only conclusion I have at this time. I am so tired. must go sleep now. ty
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-19 09:23:10 UTC Post #298171
I haven't a clue what you're getting at so i'm just going help in the way that I can. Your example pictures failed with the format being destoryed on post.


Or in its most simpliest form:
User posted image
If you stand at point A then B will not be drawn.
If you stand at point B then A will not be drawn.
C is the HINT brush (one HINT texture with the rest as SKIP).
D is the void.

It's a badly drawn paint example but hopefully you'll get it. Try optimising in a different way if that's not working for you.
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-20 00:04:07 UTC Post #298212

Ok then...
W would = the brushes, h = hint brush, s=just space.
Ok in the normal example the hint brush would spread across the top of the whole "upperlevel" in essence forming a kinda ceiling over the top of the two rooms. My problem is i cant understand why if I take the two rooms and have two hint brushes both running into the wall in the middle. That should still cause a new leaf area above the hint brushes thus not drawing the other side of the wall....but it hasn't worked for.

If I was talking about the picture you posted my example would have one hint brush at the door from a to b, then a separate hint brush at the door from b to c. Why does this not work.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-20 00:52:50 UTC Post #298214
Omg I feel so stupid, I had a leak for vis at the bottom of the wall. Whoops. Brushing is so much simpler in microbrush.

ok I fixed bottom of wall and all is fine. I dooo understannnd I doooo. Now I can begin hint brushing my map.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-20 00:58:24 UTC Post #298215
Ok so check this out. same test vis room room with wall in the middle. One hint brush horizontal over one side of the room. One hint brush, vertical, going up from the wall in middle on the side that has no vis brush above it. In theory as long as you on the side of the wall that has the vis brush on top of it you should be able to see the other side of the wall. But I can. Why is this...
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-20 01:03:30 UTC Post #298216
Sorry if I keep answering my own question. Im going to guess that if I didnt texture the ceiling with sky that it have worked. That doesnt sound right to me... hmmm
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-20 01:29:29 UTC Post #298217
OK finally I got my answer. After days of digging I found one of the only tutorials explaining how vis leafs see each other.

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-20 09:34:11 UTC Post #298230
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