Minecraft Created 13 years ago2011-06-19 16:00:34 UTC by Dimbeak Dimbeak

Created 13 years ago2011-06-19 16:00:34 UTC by Dimbeak Dimbeak

Posted 12 years ago2011-10-19 22:40:00 UTC Post #300105
Still enjoying my peaceful existence underground, I do however need to start working on a farm and my bedroom.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-19 22:56:51 UTC Post #300106
My house was missing loads of blocks as well. More than just from Endermen being gay.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-20 00:00:47 UTC Post #300107
Well that's nice. I'll look into who might have done it & find the last non-griefed version of the map (you might lose a day or two of work; depends on how long ago this happened). The whitelist's been cleared for now.

If you're still playing - PM me for re-assessment.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-20 00:00:50 UTC Post #300108
Dude. What the fuck? I put like a whole week into that place, and I wasn't even finished with it!

.... why is it the only thing griefed? Did someone not like it?

Though I have to laugh at the NPC village that's nothing but a big crater now.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-20 00:11:09 UTC Post #300109
What of yours was griefed Rim? You've made so much awesome stuff it'd be a shame to lose any of it.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-20 00:32:42 UTC Post #300111
Just the depot I think. Daubster reset to a backup and I didn't lose any progress.

Use the seed 'Nightfall' and survive if you can! Its an island with a super nice cave system below it, and have lots of grass and one tree!
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-20 00:53:20 UTC Post #300112
The server has automatic daily backups, so griefing's not that huge of a deal in terms of damage. Just a hassle to deal with.

Anywho, it's all been rolled back to the version that was on 4 days ago. If your place is still griefed or if you have stuff missing - let me know.

As far as I can tell, some outside players might have gotten in due to a blunder in the server config on my end. Hopefully this won't happen again.

If you're a regular and you've spotted someone you don't know on the server, drop me a line on steam.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-20 19:05:52 UTC Post #300114
This screenshot was taken of my island just before I died... and no the fall from the pillar wasn't what killed me. It turned night and I was out at sea looking for sugar cane to make paper stuff. I found some but was ambushed by some skeletons. Ultimately I did not make it off of the island alive. I was playing on Hardcore and that was the end of that life. Maybe one day my ruins will be stumbled upon by some pirates, as I had collected 15 diamonds, 5 stacks of coal, 51 gold, and 7 stacks of iron. I had a very abundant farm and managed to obtain a fishing pole but not a bed. My score when I died read 385.

RIP best MC world ever.

User posted image
User posted image

Another great 1.8 island survival is the seed '10' where you start on a medium sized island with 2 trees, grass, and some sugar cane.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-21 09:51:53 UTC Post #300153
Another great 1.8 island survival is the seed '10' where you start on a medium sized island with 2 trees, grass, and some sugar cane.
Died on the first night. Drowned while trying to evade a skeleton.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-25 11:30:16 UTC Post #300229
In other news, my computer froze (literally this time, it simply just stopped where it was) while playing minecraft. I came back to find my achievements and statistics were empty and the world I was working on (which I had done quite a lot in) did not show up in the list.

A short amount of searching uncovered that the level.dat file was now empty. As for achievements and stats, who gives a flip.
This again. Including the "which I had done quite a lot in" part.

EDIT: I miss snow.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-25 11:53:57 UTC Post #300230
Limit mincraft to use only 1 CPU core and limit JAVA memory ussage to 256MB.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-26 08:06:02 UTC Post #300248
1.8 seed "engsmsplosion" has some interesting landscape nearby spawn. Nothing amazing, just interesting.
User posted image
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-26 10:11:32 UTC Post #300250
:heart: mountain biomes.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-26 21:15:24 UTC Post #300266
They sometimes look pretty rough around the edges (or an extreme lack thereof, as evidenced by the big flat chuck on the right), but usually they're the most intriguing landscapes.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 03:54:11 UTC Post #300270
I wish I could code enough to do a mod properly.
User posted image
Right now it's pretty much just a texture pack and some save files.

Essentially the mod makes you build structures against the adversities of Minecraft under a time limit. I have a minecraft thread with the presentation on it. LOiNK!

What I have now IS playable, just a little... lame.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 16:25:34 UTC Post #300283
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 18:22:23 UTC Post #300285
Keep em coming, Notch.

Really, I think they've been making all these pre-releases because this is kind of.. 1.9! Minecraft cant be updated anymore, unless it moves to gamma.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 18:41:54 UTC Post #300286
Or you know, goes gold and is officially released.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 20:23:17 UTC Post #300289
@ Dimbark: What.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 20:30:53 UTC Post #300290
1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9... 2?

Alpha, Beta, Gamma..
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 20:32:11 UTC Post #300291
Just checked. Minecraft is officially released on the very last day I ever have to go to school.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 20:42:38 UTC Post #300292
@ Dimbark - There is no gamma in software development...

Alfa - Showing basic functions
Betta - Functional / non-complete program with possible bugs
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 20:50:29 UTC Post #300293
the thread is about Minecraft it might sound a little crazy because i am drunked tonightah but yes i can actually tell my impressions over the Internet Connection... so lets rule some true on the floor:

I dont like Minecraft: it is about level design i dont like it because after 1 year of mapping in valve hammer editor i cant find any fun in building stuff in Minecraft it is just so simple nowadays i have to take care about texturing a simple @#!@#@ shape thats why hammer > minecraft and Notch's ass should now this even if i was slapping his deep ass for 15 minutes Minecreaft is something my brain cant take over its thinking my brain its about design and imagination so why ppl are grow dicks when creating an island filled with grass cubes?
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 20:51:38 UTC Post #300294
Y'know, if you hadn't said it, I wouldn't have noticed you're drunk.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 21:02:42 UTC Post #300295
Jesus ninja, don't you have an AA meeting you're supposed to be at or something?
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 21:12:17 UTC Post #300296
Haha, 'drunked'
So funny.

Shut up, you.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 21:18:02 UTC Post #300297
Really, that's about how he normally sounds, except he doesn't claim to be drunked.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 21:29:05 UTC Post #300298
LOL! The funny thing is id say the same thing not drunk.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-27 21:50:31 UTC Post #300299
Why does everyone go THANK YOU NOTCH or OMG NOTCH YOUR THE BEST CODER EVER. Notch has barely done shit since a few months ago, the dragons are about it, everything else is all Jeb, notch is working on that secret project shit.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 04:04:54 UTC Post #300305
[blue]Streaming Death Island! Watch me fail miserably![/blue]

Died twice, no one showed up, and I lag too much to do anything. Nevermind the whole thing.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 04:42:13 UTC Post #300306
I was at school, can't blame me.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 12:22:45 UTC Post #300311
I'd watch it, Rimrook, if you didn't made the announcement at 07:04.
I know, timezones. Meh.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 14:47:21 UTC Post #300315
I may do it again. But I need a way for less lag besides a new computer.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 18:36:38 UTC Post #300319
My computer is EPIC compared to all of yours. I feel special.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 20:25:42 UTC Post #300320
You ARE special, in a Ralph Wiggum kind of way.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-28 22:30:09 UTC Post #300321

Epic DiscoStu
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-29 01:05:55 UTC Post #300322
Half of us at least have custom built computers, you most likely picked one from a catalog because the front panel looked sweet.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-29 03:13:56 UTC Post #300326
Mine's so hacked together haha.
I need a new MObo and a quad core.
But i also need a better job and more time to actually warrant purchasing those upgrades.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-29 11:43:58 UTC Post #300334
Hahaha, nope! I had one custom built by a man named Ted. Ted likes corn.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-29 16:10:05 UTC Post #300339
And likes to take naps on his rocking chair on the front deck of his countryside shack while chewing on a wheat straw and hugging his shotgun?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-13 19:32:15 UTC Post #300740
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-17 22:07:18 UTC Post #300858
Full release today, I believe.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-18 04:42:45 UTC Post #300867
So it'll climb to 50-60€ instead of 15?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-18 10:17:41 UTC Post #300870
I believe Notch has said it will be around €20 or so. Quite possibly exactly 20. Yes.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-18 23:05:16 UTC Post #300880
Let's raise your picks up!
Minecraft has been released!
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-19 02:45:00 UTC Post #300886
Huzzah! Breaks skylight by accident
...Anyone have a spare block of sand?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 16:10:56 UTC Post #300919
The server's been updated with the release version. Any seed suggestions for the new (and final) world?
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 16:20:44 UTC Post #300922
Not really, but do you plan to add Bukkit?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 16:31:27 UTC Post #300924
I've seen it installed as a default mod you can enable on the server. What's it do?
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 18:10:23 UTC Post #300925
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