Posted 13 years ago2012-02-23 19:43:44 UTCPost #303653
Could it be possible to make an elevator that goes to the floor of the button you press? Rather than only going in an order established by path_corners. If so, I have a building that the elevator starts on floor two of four and it would be nice to have it for this. Any takers?
I have a feeling Potatis, Rimrook, Captain or GrimReafer might be able to help. Sorry if I didn't name you and you can!
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-23 20:06:51 UTCPost #303654
I remember seeing a tutorial on this years ago, but unfortunately I don't remember the site, or anything about how it works. At least it shows it's possible.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-23 21:26:39 UTCPost #303660
What Dimbark said, except using NULL + appropriate trackchangers for your path_tracks that would control where you're taken based on the current floor.
You can't have a completely clip-textured brush entity afaik.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-23 22:20:00 UTCPost #303663
Ok i'll experiment with this. Glad it has been proven possible. Think what fun it would be in a cs map. Probably would get buggy with extra players slamming buttons though.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-23 23:21:08 UTCPost #303666
yeah trigger changetargets wash hands play level
each level has its own path_corner named say, floor_# each button targets a MM that does the trigger changetarget for the elevator, linking it to the floor, then after a delay, activates the elevator
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-24 00:04:38 UTCPost #303667
What the fu**. This worked the first try! Thanks guys! I'll post an example map eventually. Surprised there wasn't one done for it already, it's so useful.
So, when one button is pressed, is there any way to prevent other buttons from being pressed for a certain time. Otherwise it stalls the elevator. Ooo, let me take a poke at trigger_relays.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-24 00:26:09 UTCPost #303670
Unfortunately this is hard to implement for a large number of stops, because buttons feel activated when you 'E' NEAR them, not necessarily ON them. If they're too small, you might hit a random nearby button instead of the one you wanted.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-24 00:56:02 UTCPost #303672
^^^^^ yep. 4 floors shouldn't be too bad. and you could change_target the other buttons to like a buzz sound when its in motion. so you have an audible "stop doing that"
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-24 00:59:19 UTCPost #303673
Yes, in the multimanager that triggers a changetarget for the track, it could also trigger changetargets that nullify the targets of the other buttons, so the elevator won't get screwed with. Just need to change them back when it's done moving.
EDIT: Doesn't this just make everyone feel like making this elevator? Lol.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-24 01:13:07 UTCPost #303674
I made the mm also trigger a changetarget that triggers the buttons to trigger nothing and then 5 seconds later "Long enough to cover the longest distance" a change target that makes the buttons trigger the elevator again but it did'nt seem to do anything. You can still press other buttons right after.
Yes making it was fun and felt like a huge accomplishment. It's a very helpul function for gameplay.