dm_secretcombines map in the vault
The brush is at the ventilation shaft in the control room.
Created 12 years ago2012-02-23 08:48:37 UTC by
Unfortunately I won't be able until late's just too cold in there right now......probably off topic but I can't leave that alone. What!?
It is NOT hidden. I never hide any objects.Did you at least check in case you had accidentally hidden it (keyboard shortcuts, etc)
The CRT screen heats it self up.I want a laptop that has a CRT screen.
Unfortunately I won't be able until late's just too cold in there right now...
About the cold:
I've got 2 computers.This one is my laptop in the bedroom and the other one is in the living room, which we CAN'T heat up, so I can't use it...
Heh, that gives "computer freeze" a whole new meaning!Bitch, please: