I've used hint brushes correctly in the past but tend to not like them because of how tedious it can be. I was wondering if you can get away with letting the hint brushes intersect with world brushes and other hint brushes.
Created 13 years ago2012-02-19 21:43:02 UTC by
"So if I make every other brush a func_detail I'll have my shadows and lower my w_poly theoretically."That's not right. func_detail still cuts other func_details. It does not make sense to make everything func_detail. Sometimes it makes more sense to not use func_detail because the cutting of a world brush creates a leaf portal. Excessive use of func_detail will increase w_poly count.
"Since it blocks vis and it would make sense to, for example, make the walls of a building func_detail while the ground is a world brush thus eliminating cutting there."Bad idea. The func_detail blocks vis, but the floor has to be in one VIS-leaf. So for the engine the objects on the floor are in the same VIS-leaf as you and renders them though you can not see them.
"The e_poly from my experience has always been the main influence on lag online."w_poly is world geometry and e_poly is model geometry.
100 wpoly + [x100] 10,000 epolysThese values should work fine on every machine. There should not be more than 1000 wpolys + 5000 epolys in a place. More than this will cause lag on nearly every machine when playing in multiplayer.
200 wpoly + [ x45 ] 9000 epolys
300 wpolys + [ x25 ] 7500 epolys
400 wpolys + [ x15 ] 6000 epolys
500 wpolys + [ x10 ] 5000 epolys
600 wpolys + [ x8 ] 4800 epolys
700 wpolys + [ x6 ] 4200 epolys
800 wpolys + [ x4 ] 3200 epolys
900 wpolys + [ x2 ] 1800 epolys
what really is unclear is the detail 1,2 and 3. I just set them to 2 because according the post of the new vhlt tools, 2 doesn't cut anything.world cuts world and all detail levels.
" A large area means that everything visible from that area must be loaded even if it isn't exactly visible by the player."I think Rimrook is right. Large areas are "open" areas. In open areas you can see all VIS-leaves. Cutting it into more leaves with HINT makes no difference. You can still see all VIS-leaves.
That is untrue with hint brushes.
That's not right. func_detail still cuts other func_details. It does not make sense to make everything func_detail.Wrong, func_detail can be set to not cut anything, even other func_details.