So some reasons I have not been present lately...
Lately I have been dealing with some health issues. It has mostly been my stomach landing me in the ER every 2-3 weeks. Managable at times, so it's been a slow crawl towards stabilizing that.
But then this past weekend, all hell broke loose ABOVE the shoulders... A distortion-turned-blind spot developed in what I call my GOOD eye (right eye blind central vision since birth).
Paniced and went to the Emergency Room, only to discover it was a good thing I went... retina detachments in BOTH EYES!
As it stands, 8 hours from the time this post started I will be going through some surgery to repair the damage. It's not clear what causes it, but it is clear what they have to do. And of all the surgeries I have ever had in my life, including a left-below-knee amputation, THIS one in 8 hours scares me the most.
Please say a prayer that I come out of the operating room with the same thing I went in with.... MY EYESIGHT! (perhaps slightly improved?)
I'll be mapping again soon. I promise you that! Been itching to make a deathmatch or even gmod map.