Team Mapping Created 13 years ago2012-03-09 07:50:59 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 13 years ago2012-03-09 07:50:59 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 17:23:20 UTC Post #304351
Don't be lazy, it's not that complicated... It's something more interesting than just tons of people adding tons of random shit into a single map. Anyway, what everybody else think?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 19:21:20 UTC Post #304352
The original way is not 'lazy', nor is your way 'more interesting'.

I'd much rather see someone's creative input to an existing map made by other people rather than limit them to, for example, texturing hallways. This isn't a job - there shouldn't be a hierarchy.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 19:30:51 UTC Post #304353
Why not make a poll?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 19:32:42 UTC Post #304354
Gee this thread is starting to look awfully familiar...
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 22:28:54 UTC Post #304357
I've already tried what Bruce is suggesting. I was hired for a project and we used that same method. It failed for a few reasons, but mostly because people found it boring or didn't like to only work on one aspect. It also requires good management which is something you can't acheive over the internet and with a community mapping team.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-17 07:19:33 UTC Post #304360
I agree with Arch and Hotdog that freeform is better and more fun for this type of project, sorry bruce!

Another day or two for stragglers, so get your votes in! (CS:S is currently in the lead with 4 votes)

Archie - cs:s
Urby - cs:s
capt teeran - cs:s
Joebamba - cs:s
ninja defuse - EP2
tetsu0 - EP2
discotzu - HL2MP
dimbark - TF2
Hotdog - undecided

Maybs/died-in-xen/yet to vote

goldsource holdouts

you goldsource guys should maybe run your own coop project? ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-17 08:48:10 UTC Post #304361
No problem, it was just an idea. And yeah it would require good management.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-17 11:52:56 UTC Post #304364
Unfortunately my new HDD died (which I'm particularly annoyed about), so for now I will have to have died in Zen. And I had almost gotten Source SDK working in Linux as well. :(
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-17 13:56:15 UTC Post #304365
Unfortunately my new HDD died
Remind me to never buy anything ever from wherever you got your drive.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-19 22:53:11 UTC Post #304443
O-kkk we are set to jet MacGruber! CS:S wins with 4 votes. Final list of participatns(Plx let me know if you are in the wrong group and i'll update):

Group Team Mapping
1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Tetsu0
7. Dimbark
6. JoeBamba
7. Urby
8. Hotdog

This list will also serve as the mapping queue order. Instead of putting all the l33t mappers at the beginning, i tried to mix evveryone up by skill level, so maybe the more experienced guys can catch any errors the nubs might make.

When it's your turn to map, add whatever you want to the map and don't be afraid to layer your own stuff/detail over others work. Use whatever custom content you like, but just be sure to PackBSP it up When you are finished, and the materials/models/etc can be easily extracted using GCFScape.

Upload a link in THIS THREAD for the next guy in the queue.(posting in the thread allows everyone to get a sneak peak of progress and can more easily offer help and suggestions).

(any questions on using gcfscape or packbsp or anyting else, please don't be afraid to pm, catch me on steam, or of course post a question/concern in the thread)

Again, Everybody get's a 24-hour shot at the map, and after all have gone though once, we all get a second pass at it. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll have a really nice, finished cs:s map of some sort. It shall be very neat to see how the map evolves ;)

When i get confirmation that everyone in the above list is still in, we can begin! =P

Group Died in Xen

Group Gsource Holdouts
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 01:50:09 UTC Post #304446
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 02:33:17 UTC Post #304447
i would pick HL 1.
because ive never played HL2.
so i wouldnt know how to make a map for it.

conclusion: ill stay in xen.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 11:00:06 UTC Post #304450
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 18:50:57 UTC Post #304454
You fucked that up eh?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 20:30:43 UTC Post #304456
The serious problem here is that only now I noticed why Archie said
I laughed, then got upset at the fact that I laughed.
On a serious note though, this thread is a total mess. Some admin ought to clearly write the rules at the beginning. I don't have much time to waste on reading garbage posts, and I'm usually occupied.
I might offer my mapping services, but I need first to read some rules and see how much time do I get.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 23:32:49 UTC Post #304457
Team Mapping [Counter-Strike: Source]
In this quickie community project, each participant gets 24 hours to add content to a map(started from a basemap which I'll provide), and after everybody has had a shot at it, participants get a second 24 hour pass to add content to the map, at the end of which we should hopefully have a finished cs:s map of one form or another.

1. Add whatever content you like during your turn(s). Don't be afraid to layer your content over other's work, but obviously don't destroy someone's contribution. Expand the layout of the map in any direction as you see fit.
2. When you are finished adding content and/or your 24-hour period is complete, post a link to your edited version of the map to this thread.
3. Include in your upload: vmf, bsp, logfile, and a quick screenie. I recommend everyone do a normal vvis/vrad compile.
4. Use any custom content you like, but be sure to PackBSP your work before upload, to make it easy for the next participant to extract your materials/models/etc using GCFScape. (THIS IS MANDATORY)

Questions/comments/concerns, hit me up on steam, pm, or obviously use this thread.

(Thank you to Striker for pointing out my messiness, i hope this is clearer!)

I think we are about ready to start. the only people i'm not sure of are Dimbark and Ninja Defuse, which i will PM now. Here's the mapping queue again, and note I'm happy to reschedule anybody if they need to be moved up/down the list:

1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Tetsu0
7. Dimbark
6. JoeBamba
7. Urby
8. Hotdog
9. Cstriker?

Dimbark has confirmed =P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 10:46:13 UTC Post #304460
Sounds well organized. I would also let everytone know their date once started.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 11:34:55 UTC Post #304461
Ya zeeba i agree and i'll work up a simple, easy-to-read schedule.


If some superhero mod is listening, maybs we can work up a countdown timer in the first page, so each persons knows exactly when their time starts, and we don't have to even worry about any timezone snafu. =P

If peeps are done before their 24 slot is used up, i encourage you-all to upload early, to act as a bit of a buffer for the next guy, and giving him a bit of extra time ;)

Once i get home from work today(approx 10 hours from now) i expect we will begin, after hopefully i've got confirmatin one way or the other from ninja defuse and Cstriker.

Almost time to light this candle =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 12:25:08 UTC Post #304462
Well I verified Hammer and it seems to be working fine for CS:S. I'm willing to participate, just hope the day I will be assigned won't be a busy day. If it is, I will refuse to take it then, hope I won't make anybody angry :).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 14:06:51 UTC Post #304463
sweet striker! willing to take anything u can contribute, and we can easily be flexible on time slots ;

ninja just confirmed too, so we are go for start! soon as I get home from work ill upload the base map!

archie: u are up first, plx holler if u need to be moved down thr queue to fit this in your busy schedule ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 14:11:55 UTC Post #304464
nah, i can dedicate a few hours on most days unless I'm shooting, which I don't think I am for the rest of March.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 14:44:14 UTC Post #304465
We're actually ready to start...
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 15:17:03 UTC Post #304466
lol kitty made me scart! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 20:02:40 UTC Post #304469
Captain Terror is scart.

User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 21:35:06 UTC Post #304472
Ok, it begins! =)

Current Team Mapping Queue
1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Tetsu0
7. Dimbark
6. JoeBamba
7. Urby
8. Hotdog
9. Cstriker

Note again, we can switch the order around if any of you-all have a scheduling conflict.

Archie is up. Ninja Defuse, your slot begins 24 hours from this post, or eariler if Arch uploads it sooner.

Good luck everybody! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 21:35:54 UTC Post #304473
Weekends dont work well for me. so if possible, mondays work best..
If that's not a problem...
which makes me think im mapping sunday so if someone could switch i'd GREATLY appreciate that.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 21:41:23 UTC Post #304474
Sure not a problem Tetsu0 =>

Current Team Mapping Queue
1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Urbanebula
7. Dimbark
6. JoeBamba
7. Tetsu0
8. Hotdog
9. Cstriker
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 21:42:07 UTC Post #304475
Edit block!

How do Testu0 and I both have 7s?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 21:43:36 UTC Post #304476
oh mai good call sir ;)

Current Team Mapping Queue
1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Urbanebula
5. Dimbark
6. JoeBamba
7. Tetsu0
8. Hotdog
9. Cstriker
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 22:13:02 UTC Post #304478

Sorry, this thread went on quite a bit. I got a new job and so I've been a bit busy. I'm still down to do this. Even tho I'm not quite sure what it is anymore. I'll go read the thread.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 22:40:59 UTC Post #304479
we wouldn't leave you blitz! ;P

you don't need to read the whole thread, just read up 12 15 posts and that is the full brief. If you're in, #10 slot, a.k.a tail-gunner charlie is yours sir ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 22:47:24 UTC Post #304480
Okay, I might need to be bumped up a bit, because I'm on holidays, I'm doing a few things. I might point out the following:

On the 24th, I'm gone for the whole day to support a friend at his debut in the state amatuer matial arts tournament.

On the 28th, I'll be gone most of the day because it's my fiansee and I's 33rd monthly anniversary and it's been a while since we did anything special.

From the 29th to the 2nd of April, I am out of town vising my parents down south, it's a long trip so I'll be gone for a while with no internet access let alone computer time.

Sorry about that, but I've been planning all of these for a while now and I promised I'd visit my parents in January, I'm only two months late ;)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 22:59:57 UTC Post #304481
np hotdog, and I'm really glad people are requesting schedule changes early =)
pick the slot u need and ill switch u up sir ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 23:36:09 UTC Post #304482
I would have to be 3rd, 4th or 5th if we started right now
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 00:12:04 UTC Post #304483
When it's your turn - before you do anything - save the map as a new .vmf so as not to overwrite the previous person's.
Add a sequential number.

This way we can go back and see the specific changes made in each vmf.

Goddamn, CT. Who taught you how to optimise? :P That is not how you func_detail!

And if you are going to func_detail massive world brushes like that to save on face splitting, make sure you nodraw every face that isn't seen because by making it an entity, you stop the unseen faces from being nulled during the compile.

General tip for your style of mapping would be to always texture brushes entirely in Nodraw first, and then individually texture their visible faces. It's a good habit to get into and will really help your framerates if you're turning so many brushes into entities. It also tends to make you take a bit more care on each face which is always beneficial to the final product.

I like that you've left the 4 huge areas empty, by the way. Leaves a lot of room for creativity for everyone.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 09:03:19 UTC Post #304484
NP hotdog i switched u and Dimbark:

Current Team Mapping Queue
1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Urbanebula
5. Hotdog
6. JoeBamba
7. Tetsu0
8. Dimbark
9. Cstriker
10. Blitzkrieg(if you in)

Arch: ok sir i will keep those sound tips in mind in the future, ty! =)

I don't really think it's necessary add sequential numbrers to the filename tho, since each time someone posts a link that right there is a backup of the previous persons work. But either way, if you really think it's needed i'm fine with it.

ALSO PEOPLE, just to be clear, don't be afraid to expand the floor/ceiling space of the map in any way you see fit; please don't think you need to limit yourself to the worldspace we're starting with! ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 11:28:14 UTC Post #304490
I'm sorry, can I be rescheduled for tomorrow? I'm afraid that in other days I won't be as free( if Ninja Defuse is ok with that).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 11:31:40 UTC Post #304491
If it's okey with Ninja defuse it's fine with me. I just don't want to change his place since i already told him yesterday he starts today.

Whatever happens striker tho, we will work you in don't worry, even if it's at the very end or you only make it on the second pass, we'll work it out ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 11:36:51 UTC Post #304492
You fucked that up eh?
best link ever.
too bad i had to manually click the picture to see what it was...
User posted image
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 13:32:06 UTC Post #304494
i think i got my source sdk working with CSS, i have selected "Source Engine MP" :o

ok i am ready, so when we are starting?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 14:07:40 UTC Post #304495
Alright, nevermind my reschedule then.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 17:09:53 UTC Post #304496
OK. I'm too tired to continue so I'm handing over the reigns 4 hours early.
Managed to get a good ~4 hours solid mapping done around college, though, so some progress has been made.
I pretty much rebuilt your brushwork from the ground up, CT, sorry about that but framerates would be at risk building the map the way you had it. It's still your map & layout, though.
Also made some road materials. That took a while, but they turned out not bad.

Here's the download and I believe the baton is now passed on to Ninja Defuse.

And here's a timer for your slot, ninja. I added on the 4 extra hours from my shift.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 17:33:09 UTC Post #304497
yea i have just opened the map ^^
btw. can u explain me how do i include the materials?? because roads are shown in white texture
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 17:42:50 UTC Post #304498
just put the materials folder in your cstrike folder then restart Hammer
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 18:35:41 UTC Post #304499
excellent arch thank you, I can't wait to check it out when I get homzies! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 19:03:28 UTC Post #304500

Just looked at the map file. I'm in way over my head already.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:29:14 UTC Post #304503
me is learning rhino instead of source ;)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 22:51:10 UTC Post #304510
Archie: that is a shitload of amazing work for only 4 hours! This is a really great first-hand education for all of us on how to properly build source maps! I love your changes but a couple important things here:

1. You need to seal off and COMPILE the map before you pass it of to the next mapper. In really don't want to try to debug/compile the errors from 8 different mappers x2, for a map that had never been compiled once. just no. ;)

2. I don't see why you left stuff untextured. I don't know about anyone else, but i don't really feel like texturing someone else's brushwork.

3. packbsp your work so there is no question what assets are used in the map. Again, it is easy to extract the materials and such from the bsp using GCFScape.

4. Everyone again plx read the guidelines, they are there for your safety :)

1. Add whatever content you like during your turn(s). Don't be afraid to layer your content over other's work, but obviously don't destroy someone's contribution. Expand the layout of the map in any direction as you see fit.
2. When you are finished adding content and/or your 24-hour period is complete, post a link to your edited version of the map to this thread.
3. Include in your upload: vmf, bsp, logfile, and a quick screenie. I recommend everyone do a normal vvis/vrad compile.
4. Use any custom content you like, but be sure to PackBSP your work before upload, to make it easy for the next participant to extract your materials/models/etc using GCFScape. (THIS IS MANDATORY)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 22:59:01 UTC Post #304511
Captain Terror is scart.

User posted image
He's American, he won't get it :P
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 06:36:52 UTC Post #304536
1. You need to seal off and COMPILE the map before you pass it of to the next mapper. In really don't want to try to debug/compile the errors from 8 different mappers x2, for a map that had never been compiled once. just no.
My bad. I can confirm it compiles without any problems when sealed.
2. I don't see why you left stuff untextured.
Sorry, just my way of working. I don't texture structures until they're roughly complete, and the buildings I've added are basically just placeholder blocks. I expect them to be vastly different by my next turn. This is particularly relevant for the interior sections, which at this stage are literally just hollowed out areas so that people can start working a playable layout into this.
3. packbsp your work so there is no question what assets are used in the map. Again, it is easy to extract the materials and such from the bsp using GCFScape.
Yes, well, I didn't send a .bsp so that would have been tricky. :P
Just looked at the map file. I'm in way over my head already.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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