I thought to myself "Hey why don't I try to re-create the original Zelda using the vanilla resources available in HL2:EP2?!"
So I began.
Naturally, Half life doesn't feature Octoroks, Moblins, Skeletons, Slimes, Generic Arrow-shooting-enemies, three-headed fireball-spitting dragons; so I had to improvise and substitute as close as possible.
I made the spawn area, and the path onwards to the first dungeon. I have created the first dungeon (still working on the boss) and it's been an incredible learning experience.
I had to develop a system to handle keys, conditional triggering, special parenting, minimap creation... ect
All built using hammer.
I'm still working on a way to display your key count and eventually implement a money system, but those goals are for later.
Some screenshots
*Please note that i plan on detailing the areas more. My first goal was to get everything functional; and function it does.*
Hammer view of Dungeon 1In-Game overview of Dungeon 1Key Parented to ZombieBasement 1Map pickupMap View (activated, for the moment, by secondary attack) So If anyone would like to playtest or comment, let me know. I will continue working on it until i hit a massive snag, or become bored
EDIT: also, if a mod could move this to the maps/mods section, i'd appreciate that.... sorry