[cs:s] nuketown killstreaks help Created 12 years ago2012-07-27 11:22:09 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 12 years ago2012-07-27 11:22:09 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 12 years ago2012-07-27 11:32:38 UTC Post #308467
I was recently contacted by a group who wants to put My nuketown map on their server, BUT there is a problem.

There are 4 killstreak awards on the map, but they are open to whoever activates them first(they are not actually awarded by killstreaks because i have no idea how to do that, so they all wide open).

The problem becomes if all 4 awards are activated at the same time, it brings the game to a standstill, so what i'm looking for is ideas on how to limit their use.

Should i have them "unlock" randomly or what? Should i make it that the first one touched will activate, but will lock out the other three for like 45 seconds or something?

Any ideas would be extremely appreciated, especially from active COD players.

I love how posting a question on a forum immediately activates your brain to solve the problem. I think doing random parachute drops will work, but i'm still open to any/all input ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-27 12:13:09 UTC Post #308469
LOVE your nuketown map!! Still amazed on how you incorporated the gun stations and cut scenes.

Does the issue only crop up if all 4 are activated at the same time? If that is the case, you should only need to lock out one of the awards for a short period of time when the others have been activated. You could use logic entites to keep a count of killstreaks that have been activated and when that reaches 3 you can set a logic entity to deactivate the last remaining one for a fixed period so that the game doesn't lock up.
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-27 12:17:13 UTC Post #308471
+1 for parachute drop!
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-28 21:16:45 UTC Post #308549
Some progress
Ok, well i have the cutscene part done, where you watch the c-130 fly overhead nad drop the pallet, but it's not perfect....

The way i'm dropping the pallet, it is parented to the plane, and then released(unparented) when the whole thing crosses a trigger brush at whatever point you want. Everything works But:

i use a prop_physics_multiplayer for the pallet it works great, but it WILL NOT go through sky boxes, and i need it to do that so the plane is out of view before it's triggered.

User posted image

if i make the pallet a func_physbox_multiplayer, it WILL pass through the skybox, but after being released, the pallet just stays up in the sky at the drop point, never dropping fsr..

User posted image

Any ideas would be severely appreciated!

I know this is not the most effiecint way to "drop" these items, but i there is a way to make it work like this, i'd love to find a way ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-28 22:02:08 UTC Post #308550
I don't know how to solve the problem, just saying that this is super cool, never seen something like this in CS before.
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-29 20:28:48 UTC Post #308594
Couldn't you make it come out of a cloud? You can't make good looking clouds using smoke, but you could add a brushcloud which isn't solid, and add smoke infront of it to make it look better when the plane flies through


Or you could make the pallet a template, and spawn in on the plane once it has gotten into the skybox, or if you like just spawn it above the dropzone when the plane flies over


Or make the whole goddamn plane and the pallet a template, and spawn it whenever you want

You could do this using the point_template entity. At least I think that's what it is called. Very useful entity
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-29 20:40:57 UTC Post #308595
Thanks moocow, i'll have to try those, though won't be able to update this until after the secret society contest over at GB has ended.

Any ideas for adding a parachute(LOL)?

Last, i'd love to make the spawn completely random, so maybe the point_template can help with that, spawning the controls and point_viewcontrol for the killstreak awards?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-29 21:13:31 UTC Post #308596
As far as I know you can spawn any entity at any time. But how do you mean "random"? Random as in random time, or random as in random position?
Random time can be done easily using a logic_timer set to an intervall in which it selects a random time to fire.

Random position would require you to use a logic_case(?) to select one of the several templates set up all over the map where you want the pallet to be able to drop. Also spawning a path_node above that specific template might allow you to make the aircraft fly to that "random" location
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-29 21:46:14 UTC Post #308598
wow moocow you raelly know your entities!

i guess i really haven't thought about it very much yet.. Maybe i'll keep the locations static and the times random, disabling a killstreak award once it's been done, so they can all only be used once?

How would you handle these?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-30 09:25:04 UTC Post #308612
Thanks :), I've always loved to play with them. You can do all sorts of things, really sparkles my imagination. I hope they work the same in CSS, I've never tried to be honest.

Well, if you want to disable all or just one killstreak after one has dropped you could simply disable it's timer which controlls the random drops until you want it to be availble again. This can be done easily with anything from a simple logic_relay to another secondary timer, which are activated once one killstreak (or one logic_timer that is controlling a killstreak) has been fired. :)

Using a secondary timer would be to make it overly complicated though, I'd choose a logic_relay. You'd simply activate the relay along with the killstreak, the relay would have two outputs, one that disables the timer directly, and one that enables it again once a given time has passed.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
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