Created 11 years ago2013-06-01 09:34:07 UTC by
No such variable "$hdrbasetexture" for material "skybox/sky_day02_07rt"The sky you are using seems to be non-hdr while you are compiling with HDR. Use a HDR sky or just dont compile with HDR.
WARNING: Cluster portals saw into clusterYour brushes may be overlapping or they may be off grid.. not sure. Load your map, type cl_showfps 1 (in the developer console), and if the location you are currently viewing while playing shows low FPS, then recreate that area or try to simplify your brushes or make them func_detail.
WARNING: Cluster portals saw into cluster
WARNING: Cluster portals saw into cluster
The models are loading fine in hammer, textures are loaded on them. When the map is compiled they show up as Error's, I've tried both prop_static and prop_dynamic because those are the only options the model has.If the they are loading fine in hammer but not loading in-game, the only cause for that is bad file paths. Double check your model or material paths, and make sure they are in the CORRECT folder.