Atom's TWHL Minecraft Server Created 11 years ago2013-07-20 18:23:00 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 11 years ago2013-07-20 18:23:00 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 11 years ago2013-07-31 21:23:12 UTC Post #314627
*addendum: I kept getting lost on my first world because the first time I wandered away, came the update where they changed the direction of the sun.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-01 21:41:01 UTC Post #314651
I know right, that confused a lot of players, including me.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 01:54:06 UTC Post #314659
FINALLY had time to start working.
First project: Bridge to mainland.
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 02:19:38 UTC Post #314660
Diagonal bridges probably look odd.

That reminds me I've already downloaded 1.6. I may visit any minute now.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 07:30:20 UTC Post #314662
Can we have a new render of the map added? Don't remove the current one on the first page, add another new one. Like development progress.

Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 08:33:22 UTC Post #314663
^ Looks like I've got something to do again!

P.S. At this rate, the server will crash due to too many chickens. Seriously, couldn't even guess how many are in our pen.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 09:10:55 UTC Post #314664
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 09:16:40 UTC Post #314665
Im building some kind of a tower.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 10:00:44 UTC Post #314666
Post made in error, sorry!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 16:40:46 UTC Post #314671
User posted image
Chicken Pit

) Scotch and I are so evil. Bwhahahaha. :badass: :biggrin:

Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 19:32:10 UTC Post #314675
The only chicks you'll ever pick up.

Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 19:54:48 UTC Post #314676
Don't have to pick up the chicks.

Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 21:14:17 UTC Post #314677
How does the server NOT have a problem with that?
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 21:45:14 UTC Post #314678
Guess i know where i will test my TNT block
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 22:21:18 UTC Post #314680
The link to the world renders are now in the first post.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 22:44:06 UTC Post #314681
So who teleported to a random place?
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-02 23:50:56 UTC Post #314682

Doth that random chunk of exploration of in the void give creedence to the theory there be land beyond our maps?
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 00:09:16 UTC Post #314683
Yes there is land beyond ours. It is 256 blocks away from the edge of our land. To eliminate it completely, I would have to disable all of Minecraft's default generation. I personally don't see why you would want to go out that far unless you want snowblocks or ice, or some other obscure thing.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 01:02:03 UTC Post #314684
P.S. There IS a stronghold, or at very least an end portal. I'm on its track, but I need more ender pearls. Accepting donations!

Also, I culled off most of the chickens. I can confirm the number of chickens in that 5x5 square was 148.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 12:06:06 UTC Post #314685
When you find the end portal, don't go through yet, you won't be able to come back. We should also fight the Ender Dragon together as a group effort.

So, to everyone: don't fight the Ender Dragon just yet.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 14:30:27 UTC Post #314686
Last time we tried that, someone just went and slain the dragon solo. I say we TERRAFORM THE END!
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 16:47:09 UTC Post #314687
Day two.
Upon making a boat, i have reached my land.
There are many horses here. Chickens a-plenty.
Lots of trees and a fine sandy beach.

Viagoria is a wonderful place.

The bridge starts tomorrow.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 17:24:11 UTC Post #314688
User posted image
updated without all pictures and lame ass stuff in it.

Batavia ( old dutch nation ) is mine :D
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 17:50:18 UTC Post #314689
Excuse me, but I resent the lame ass comment, the erasure of my territory and the 'wrong thread' posting.

Also, I was the first to build a tower (bottom of the new render :) ).
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 21:26:04 UTC Post #314690
Someone made an... office building? just north of the spawn area.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 00:20:31 UTC Post #314692
Whoever came up with those midget zombies needs a good punch in the dick. Went over to the spawn area to trade, got ganked by two of them while shopping. Got back there from home and all my stuff had gone.


Fuck this game.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 00:26:56 UTC Post #314693
Dude, list the stuff here that was most important to you. Maybe atom could replace some stuff.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 10:31:58 UTC Post #314694
Well, all in all yesterday I had two incidents in the wee hours. Had to go afk very quickly and never logged out. Lost a full set of iron armour and a diamond pickaxe, shovel and sword. Managed to get myself another set of iron tools to replace the diamond ones.

Honestly, losing my diamond stuff was my fault so I've come to terms with that, but having nothing left but wood and stone after the midgets is a bit of a pisser.

The spawn is well lit but I think it needs fencing off too.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 10:37:35 UTC Post #314695
I'll get on walling off spawn sometime soon, nearly finished our house, I'll have to find something to do anyway. X)

[u]Also, To whoever broke Scott's and my Nether Portal, Fix it. You break something you fix it. =-=[/u]
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 10:53:23 UTC Post #314696

After completing my sandstone shelter i started digging.
I found a cavern with lots of iron, coal, and unfortunately, skeleton archers.

It took me some time to clear out the cavern but i was successful. The mining operation began immediately. I mined close to 600 stone and began work on the bridge to the mainland.

I ran out of stone but i can see the mainland from the end of the bridge.
One more day of mining and the lands shall be connected!

Skeletons killed: 10
Zombies killed: ~25
Spiders Killed: 3
Baby Zombies killed: 1
Creepers killed: 0
Creepers that blew up my house: 1
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 12:37:54 UTC Post #314700
I dunno how much everybloody else has done, but I'm all for another world render.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 13:09:38 UTC Post #314701
geez I have hardly gotten started.

... though I think I kinda agree. I'm afraid to go underground on this world. I like the shops too much, we should keep those.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 13:41:10 UTC Post #314702
If we do start a new world, we could have a couple of contests with it. We could have one for the seed itself, and one for most interesting spawn.

That said, I'm in no rush (partly cuz I've remain on the surface for the most part and used renewable materials).
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 14:15:27 UTC Post #314704
I've found the End portal and have marked down its coordinates. Just need 8 more Eyes of Ender to open it, and a TWHL dragon hunting party can begin!

When everyone is ready, of course. No rush.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 14:21:51 UTC Post #314705
Bridge from mainland to Viagoria complete.
Working on the interconnecting roads
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 14:31:35 UTC Post #314706
I can work on the bridge from spawn to my area then to your bridge.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 15:29:30 UTC Post #314708
Roads complete. Working on fencing for bridge so you don't fall off.
Also working on widening the diagonal part spanning the ocean
Man there is SO MUCH material in this bridge.

kinda makes you wonder about actual infrastructure lol
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 19:54:22 UTC Post #314711
Maybe we dont need new world? just continue building and making stuff on this one. I think there is no need to start everything from beginning. Just my opinion.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 20:18:20 UTC Post #314712
Yeah i like this world.

Day 3 status final:

Road connecting Spawn to rimrooks, and Rimrooks to Tetsuo's is complete.

Started work on my house in the trees.

Rimrook, i kinda misjudged the exit of the road to spawn.. its inside your walls. let me know if this is ok?
I will move it if you don't want it there.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 21:31:55 UTC Post #314713
The road is fine. I thought it would go around the hill, not under :D

Its a little weird for my horse to get in there. I may still make an alternate route to town.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-04 23:03:36 UTC Post #314714
Well i wanted it to go through your gate. I may change it for aesthetics anyway.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 06:07:30 UTC Post #314716
I've found the End portal and have marked down its coordinates. Just need 8 more Eyes of Ender to open it, and a TWHL dragon hunting party can begin!

When everyone is ready, of course. No rush.
How about hmmm... 15th August? :biggrin:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 11:51:07 UTC Post #314719
How about hmmm... 15th August? big grin - :biggrin:
how about today? ^^
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 12:46:17 UTC Post #314720
I'm uploading a new render. From now on, the link to the world render is going on the first post.

And someone made a bridge to the main land. We should stay on our continent.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 13:00:12 UTC Post #314721
Well i was under the impression we could do what we wanted... Since this map was based off TWHL planet (version 3?) I Found 'my' country, and I created a bridge to mainland...
Can't find the render unless its still uploading.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 13:06:20 UTC Post #314722
If it's what I think he means, it's not for travel, just for the experience =P
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 13:51:27 UTC Post #314725
True. Either way my bridge is not FULLY complete. I'd like it to have railings like the one leading south from Rim's Place.
And I also recently started working on my house. Its' a tree-house spanning two very large jungle trees in the southernmost tip of my island.
Right now the only way up is a natural vine rope but i will change those to ladders once i have the necessary resources.

I plan on planting a farm on my roof. Totally green you know, lots of good sunlight when you're 4+ stories high :-P

After my house is complete, Rim i plan on demoing that unsightly road entrance in your walls and moving it somewhat outside...

Had i known about the "f3" button earlier, i would have used math instead of guesswork to construct that road.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 14:33:08 UTC Post #314726
Oh. Someone else made one too.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 14:55:45 UTC Post #314727
OHHH so i'm assuming Atom is talking about the 1block wide bridge going off into the east?

My road looks sweet :)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-05 15:26:00 UTC Post #314728
Ok, I'm confused. Is there NOTHING between TWHL and the outlands? Is it just void space?

And is that a wood 'tool' near Ghost's leaf house?
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
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