TWHL Mini-Christmas COOP 2013 Created 10 years ago2013-12-23 08:16:41 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 10 years ago2013-12-23 08:16:41 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 09:44:48 UTC Post #317224
TWHL Christmas minicoop 2013

In the fine tradition of TWHL Christmas mapping coops at twhl(Tetsu0's Secret Santa, Hotdogs Crap Christmas, etc), how about one more?

In the little bit of time left between now and Christmas Day: Map someone at TWHL a Gift.

The "Gift" can be anything as long as you make it specifically for someone here, and this mini-coop.

If you are going to participate, NAME who you'll be gifting in THIS THREAD before you start. This way, we can ensure more people will get something and less chance of duplicates, e.g., 11 gifts for Penguinboy =P

When your gift is complete, wrap it up and upload to the map vault. (you might use wrapping paper and a pretty bow as the screenie, as not to spoil it for your recipient, but it's up to you :) )

Again, your map can be uploaded anytime between now and the entirety of Christmas Day, whenever that happens to be for your local timezone.

-Map can be anything, for any TWHL member, for any Valve-engine game, as long as you made it for this coop.
-Name the member in this thread who you'll be mapping for, and deliver to the Map Vault before DECEMBER 26TH, whenever that is for you.
-You can make gifts for more than one member if you like
-You may still make a gift for someone, even if they are already set to receive a one, but try to gift someone who hasn't been named yet.
-If you name someone to recieve a gift, please do your best to complete it!
-Remember, it can be anything, it doesn't have to be the Taj Mahal!

At the end of it all if we get a good turnout, i will take all the gifts and port them to a CSGO map. I'll arrange the presents underneath a big tree, and make some sort of FY/AR/AIM map out of it, and upload it to my server =P

So what do you think? I realize this is very short notice and the craziness of the holidays, so i understand if people can't participate ;)

To start it off, i will be making a gift for Penguinboy. =P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 11:51:36 UTC Post #317225
Aka Ghost129er making gift for Captain Terror.
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 13:51:39 UTC Post #317227
I'll send one to Ghost129er.
Which engine do you prefer?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 14:45:29 UTC Post #317228
I'll participate if I have enough time.
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 15:20:57 UTC Post #317229
I will make one for 2muchvideogames.

I can't remember the exact reason, but I think it was due to computer problems that I wasn't able to make my Secret Santa map for him two years ago.
So I shall take this opportunity to do it now.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 16:29:45 UTC Post #317231
Wait, you mean in one day?!
[EDIT] Oh, 26th... but that's past Christmas day.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 17:35:48 UTC Post #317232
I'ma get Tet!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-23 17:46:18 UTC Post #317233
I only have like ten hours to crank something out. I got Archie :lol: .
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-24 19:47:35 UTC Post #317247
I've got Urby!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-24 22:13:33 UTC Post #317249
I'm tempted to map Muzz a big spaceship... but that's too obvious.
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-24 22:17:50 UTC Post #317250
Hehe. :nuts:

I'd enter, but I have no idea what to make...
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-24 22:52:27 UTC Post #317251
I don't have time for this, i have two exams tomorrow.
If only it was active earlier. I would make one for Lairon and an sexy image for skals.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-24 23:12:05 UTC Post #317252
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-24 23:58:16 UTC Post #317254
CT has present under tree awaiting to be shredded open.. It's 25 Dec here and Ghostie feels excited and hopes CT will enjoy. :3
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 01:05:05 UTC Post #317255
Merry Christmas, Urby!

Yeah, that was fun. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 05:58:15 UTC Post #317256
You did that in... checks watch day?
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 06:02:38 UTC Post #317257
Yes, I made this all in a day, and it was all totally made with Urby in mind.

You can trust me. Look at this face.
User posted image
Would this face lie to you?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 06:02:44 UTC Post #317258
Yeah I was waaay too ambitious with only like 2 hours free to map, so expect mine with delays -_-'
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 07:26:50 UTC Post #317259
I do believe Dimmeh's map appeared in the WIP thread a month or so ago. It's ok though. We still love you Dimbark, in that mentally afflicted kitten sort of way. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 13:04:52 UTC Post #317260
Oh crap, I just realized I have HL2; EP1 and EP2. There's so much potential.. I hope I said source instead of CS Source to tet.. It's ok, but I just realized and feel so stupid... DOH
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 14:23:17 UTC Post #317261
I am making one too. I'm just not announcing it to anyone because I won't complete it on time.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 15:39:44 UTC Post #317262
Mine may be delayed too sorry Archie, I may finish today at my grandparents. I blame it on Christmas and work, and short notice. :D
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 15:40:35 UTC Post #317263
Extend it to new years and I'm in. If not, nope.avi
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 16:02:17 UTC Post #317264

Feel free to continue to upload your presents through New Year's Eve =P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 18:30:40 UTC Post #317269
AWWWWW CRAP. Now I've gone and screwed the pooch...

Can I make a better one if I want to? "IF"?
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-25 23:06:36 UTC Post #317271
Yeah don't feel bad this is just for fun. Feel free to update your entry or not, it's entirely up to you ;)

Soon as i get home tonight from my Grammy's, EP1 will have downloaded/updated and i can play my gift. Thanks 'gain for my present Ghost, i can't wait to check it out! =P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-26 10:18:16 UTC Post #317283

Since it's extended to new years eve, you get an extra 2 days, that way, you can give it to me on Jan 3rd for my B'day. :3 :D
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-26 15:28:01 UTC Post #317286
Glad there was an extension, I had bitten off more than I could chew for such a short period.
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-26 22:36:23 UTC Post #317287
All right, the person to which my gift goes is: DiscoStu.

Unfortunately, he's gonna have to wait a bit. But I promise my gift won't dissapoint! :^_^:

Oh, here's a sneak peek btw:
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-26 23:03:54 UTC Post #317288
It all happened so fast. Now it's all just a blur.
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-27 16:41:49 UTC Post #317291
More a teaser than a sneak peek.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-27 17:59:42 UTC Post #317292
At very least it's a sneak glassesless-squint.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-27 18:12:21 UTC Post #317293
User posted image
More of a sneaker than a... wait... I messed up
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-27 19:04:30 UTC Post #317294
I'm gonna make something, hopefully I'll finish by jan
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-27 23:56:07 UTC Post #317295
jan 3rd eh?
more time to make it awesome!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-28 01:44:53 UTC Post #317296
User posted image

I'm so, so sorry.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-28 10:32:35 UTC Post #317297
YES TETSU0. The ultimate cyber gift everrrrrrrrrrr! :D
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-28 23:02:32 UTC Post #317300

(well, just to tetsu0 =P)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-29 04:50:19 UTC Post #317301
Noooooo! I hate myself and my friggin' USB stick! Someone gift me a damn full functioning internet connection! xD

By the way... :P Sorry for the late reply guys, but my USB stick had got problems, probably due to mobile traffic during the Xmas period and shit, idk. And now I don't even know to who can I give a gift! D:
Ok... In the meantime, I wish you the very best for the new year, and a (late) Merry Christmas everyone. :3

P.S.: @CT: What does "New Year's Eve" means? :o
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-29 09:37:41 UTC Post #317302
"The night before New Year"
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-29 21:51:31 UTC Post #317308
DiscoStu, I'm proud to announce that your gift is ready.

I hope everybody will try it though. It contains simple puzzle elements and a touch of action. Enjoy!
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-29 22:38:43 UTC Post #317309
Guys I'm late to the party. My fat belly might be the problem...
I'm happy to see this was quite a "blitz" compo!

Have a nice New-Year guys!

Rudolf, stop licking me!

...End of transmission...
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-29 23:25:04 UTC Post #317310
Yay thanks! Downloading...
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-30 02:59:40 UTC Post #317312
Seriously guys? Christmas presents with death traps and combine all over?! WHAT KIND OF CHRISTMAS IS THAT?!? It also makes me feel like my map wasn't so special, which it kind of isn't because it's not so awesome as yours.. TwT
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-30 04:01:21 UTC Post #317313
ghost, I'm working intently on yours to make it as awesome as possible.
My time is limited however so i will do my best.

@ Alberto
we use 'eve' as a short for evening.
And New Year, is well.. the start of the new year. Therefore, like Christmas Eve (the night before christmas) we also celebrate New Year's Eve, the night before the new year.
Surely there is a celebration in Italy?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2013-12-30 10:59:16 UTC Post #317314
Tetsu0, man I told you, give it any time you can! It's not like you have to give it spot on on my b'day, I was generally saying how peaceful mine was, till I played these guys maps and there was killing and stuff... :c I-I thought it was a white, snowy X-mas.

Dude, no pressure on time, you've got priorities. CHILL. Mkay? And many thankies in advance. :D

No problems. No problemo. Kapeesh?
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 10 years ago2014-01-01 04:49:31 UTC Post #317330
Posted 10 years ago2014-01-01 07:04:34 UTC Post #317332
Now that's what i call dedication: working-on and submitting a coop map entry, on one of the most popular party holidays of the year... Awesome Sir! :)

Also, very nice/pretty wrapping paper BTW; i wish more followed our fine examples :P

Feel free to keep working on your presents, and upload whenever you get them complete!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-01-01 15:50:49 UTC Post #317333
Thankyou so much, that is ridiculously awesome!
There are so many little details in each room and it made exploring a complete joy.

Particular highlights:
  • The light show above the garage,
  • the reflection of the room with animated ceiling fan
  • cameos from just about everything in this picture
  • crapping my pants at the headcrab.
Many, many thanks mate!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-01-01 18:49:43 UTC Post #317334
Awesome, Glad you enjoyed it!!! And no problem, had fun making it. Been wanting to map my house since I first started using hammer and this was a perfect opportunity.
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