Spirit of HL Created 21 years ago2003-08-23 13:28:26 UTC by Vassy Vassy

Created 21 years ago2003-08-23 13:28:26 UTC by Vassy Vassy

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-23 13:28:26 UTC Post #317
Is Spirit of HL just an FGD file with special new entities and entities with new properties? I once saw something in this forum saying that spirit was really complicated and you needed to be an expert mapper to use it, but I was looking through the entity guide on spirit.valve-erc.com, and it doesn't look that difficult really. Of course, I could quite possibly be wrong, and I've seen stuff saying that some things are quite buggy with it, but I just dont think it looks that difficult. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and if you think I'm over confident, please give me the kicking I deserve.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-23 13:34:53 UTC Post #318
No - it's a mod, but I can't personally see the point of at, as few people other than other mappers actually have it! It is incorporated into other popular mods though, according to Andy (DoD and another one :))
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-23 23:47:07 UTC Post #319
never heard of it, otherwise im sure i would have been using it. Never heard anyone mention it before apart from Andy but didnt relise that it was a mod.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-24 03:36:54 UTC Post #320
You can get it on spirit.valve-erc.com, and it's not that difficult at all, however, for some reason, I didn't start in my info_player_start. I ended up to the side. I think I know what I did wrong, though.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-24 07:12:54 UTC Post #321
it is l33t!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-24 09:40:37 UTC Post #322
What, 7th? I don't understand that.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-24 10:12:44 UTC Post #323
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 20:35:26 UTC Post #324
Spirit isn't a Mod.... but then again it is... Confused, so was I until I gave it a try.
I too, am surprised that more people don't use it when they build levels, the tools are great, difficult but great. If you have ever mapped for TFC then it isn't quite as difficult as that.
This is probably incorrect but hey? Spirit is a tool that unleashes the abilities of the engine to give you more control over entities. Problem is that to distribute your brilliant map, others have to have spitit to run it. So yeah, it's a Mod, but it isn't. It is just a way of doing things better. That's why I am surprised more people didn't make it the basis of their Mod's.
I am pretty sure that Spirit was used in DoD... and I think NS uses it, but don't Quote me... I have been known to be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the base idea for some of the stuff in HL2. Either way, you as a user/player of Mods made with Spirit don't really see anything different, unless it's really cool fog or rain, but behind the scenes heaps of stuff is going on. You can make entities move with other entities. A func_train can carry and have a useable func_tank... Guess what, you now have a moving tank that fires, and the turret rotates.
A Mod made with Spirit, does not require the user to have Spirit as it's all in the DLL, but if you are distributing standalone maps.. Then to view them properly, you need spirit.

Does that help?
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