Bhop Maps for Half-Life Created 10 years ago2014-05-04 11:17:25 UTC by Zerotech Zerotech

Created 10 years ago2014-05-04 11:17:25 UTC by Zerotech Zerotech

Posted 10 years ago2014-05-04 11:17:25 UTC Post #319191
Hi guys my first post here, I want to present to you my work portfolio over my bhop maps that was implemented onto Counter-Strike until recently I have decided to transfer my bhop maps onto Half-Life and I want to showcase to you the possibilities of what bhopping maps means to the people in the Half-Life community.

I hear that a lot of people are vocal about the standards of Half-Life bhopping so I have made a suggestion about implementing a standard that people will be happy to follow. Here are my suggestions.

Bhop Settings
Playable on 100fps
sv_airaccelerate 100
sv_maxspeed 10000
sv_gravity 800
sv_accelerate 10

Binding mouse wheels to jump is fine it doesn't matter if it is up or down as long as it is a manual bind.

Nothing in my statements will be complete without maps, speaking about it I have recently posted a number of playable maps that were designed for Half-Life bhopping.

Map Downloads -

You were wondering, how would people play bhop maps, people with bhop skills would like to test their capabilities online to showcase their ability to bhop and also we can encourage competitions at a later point in time where bhop is encouraged in Half-Life.

Post you thoughts about the idea of a bhop proposal if people enjoy the idea or not. Any changes you like to add that was not mentioned in this post I welcome all suggestions.
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-04 12:41:24 UTC Post #319200
My experience of bhop maps is that they lack detail...

I'm afraid I'm all about detail.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-04 12:56:00 UTC Post #319201
Detailing can be resolved if people are willing to invest in time to build a nice looking map, although gameplay is also questionable about it. I wouldn't like the idea of building a beautiful map to find it doesn't get played a lot compared to a map that was done on an average attempt.

So you might want to look at not only design, but gameplay is most important. People have different views about gameplay what is appropriate depending if they have the pc that can run the game but also be able to complete obstacles too in a manner that the designers made for.

I could take a few months to build a nice looking map but chances are for my experience that it doesn't get played very often and one of the maps that supports my claim was a bhop map called temple and that is one of the things you have to be careful of when making bhop maps, are they interested in design or the quality of completing their objectives.
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-04 15:19:18 UTC Post #319205
Guess bhop isn't for me then. :P

depending if they have the pc that can run the game
Jesus... it's 2014
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-25 13:35:22 UTC Post #319533
sv_maxspeed 10000? I assume that you mean sv_maxvelocity 10000? Otherwise just plain running is faster than bunnyhopping. Anyway, you should make your maps for the default SP physics settings:

sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_accelerate 10
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_maxvelocity 2000

And fps_max ranging from all the possible 1000/n values (where n is an integer). If you aren't allready, you should start using New Gauge Half-Life Client (NGHL) with bunnymod pro, since the current steam version have a bunnyhop cap set at something like 550 ups, making the exercise rather pointless.
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