Created 11 years ago2013-07-27 02:24:39 UTC by
There's nothing stopping me from making improvements to the systemDon't mind me then. I'll be over here watching
Hey, I'm impressed and officially migrated. Just in time for...
WAD files are loaded from the game directories now (i.e. your game folder, and your mod folder). Any WAD files you have set up now will be removed, and your game WADs will be used instead!This sounds funky in theory, but what if I only use certain wads and ignore some useless wads that only add noise? I'm thinking cached.wad and the sort. There are 2-3 wads from the HL default install that I never add because they either are empty or have useless textures.
(in preparation for Source support)Boner achieved!
halflifeWhich means halflife.wad and cstrike.wad will NOT be loaded. "cached" and "gfx" are always excluded automatically, as these are never useful.
Can you make a (presumably togglable) option that would automatically texture the 'new' faces created down the split during a clip with NULL/NoDraw and automatically align said faces to 'World'?^
DiscoStu's dilemmaTotally sounds like an ancient philosophical riddle.