Post your screenshots! WIP thread Created 16 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Created 16 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Posted 10 years ago2014-06-10 02:12:28 UTC Post #319719
I disagree. You can edit/trash your own posts at GameBanana, and it's much better imo.

There's a public activity log that minimizes the fuckery, although GB has a McLarge-Huge MOD staff, so...

I think thread authors should have edit powers over their own threads, at the least. (Although it is fun PM'ing Penguinboy) ;P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-10 02:29:57 UTC Post #319721
Maybe a limited edit mode where you could only edit certain aspects of the post (placement of tags, line returns) could work. Probably more trouble to implement than it's worth though, and fairly easy to abuse in its own right.
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-10 07:05:21 UTC Post #319722
Stamps would be nice too ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-11 12:47:39 UTC Post #319744
Person number one posts: Anyone want to see screens of my new map.

Person number two posts: I'll bite.

Person number one goes back and edits first post saying: I'm having a rainbow party, anyone want to join?
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 08:27:20 UTC Post #319754
It wouldn't make any sense to do that on GB, because there's a log of everything you do; it keeps things pretty transparent(having a public log is key to avoiding the fuckery) ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 10:29:41 UTC Post #319755
We will all be rotting in graves when TWHL4 finally comes out.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 10:41:47 UTC Post #319756
because THAT attitude is great motivation for the people who be working on it

Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 11:00:19 UTC Post #319757
I don't mean to offend anyone, but currently i don't think PB is working on it and i don't believe anyone else is.
I would love PB's input on this.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 12:36:00 UTC Post #319758
TWHL as it is right now is nothing to broadly moan about. Sure, some things could do with being updated but even then, he installed a new version of software the other day. All in all, we don't need TWHL4 and it isn't anyone right to demand it.

There is no need to be quite so toxic about it though, rufee. He has other projects that I'm pretty sure you're using.
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 12:46:42 UTC Post #319759
Then it should be switched to an open-source model for a select few TWHL members who are able and willing to code a better platform for the community.
There certainly is stuff to be improved, and the only major modifications I've seen on TWHL since 2008 are the way new posts are displayed on the front paged and the increased PM inbox limit.

This shouldn't be taken as an obligation, but as willingness to improve :).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 14:17:25 UTC Post #319760
Presumably PB and his ilk did what is here now as a labor of love. We should all take a moment to appreciate that we're allowed to share in the result.

Thank you, to all of those who made TWHL what it was and is.
The members, from SlayerA to Zombieloffe.
And the makers, from atom to today.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 14:24:04 UTC Post #319761
This thing was supposed to be similar to the future scene from Terminator 1. Dumped GS altogether late last year and went with UE4. Now i'm back with Sledge and i don't know where i'm going with this anymore...Very WIP:

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Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 15:29:08 UTC Post #319762
Am I the only one getting a UT99 vibe? I can just imagine mirroring the section of the map in the bottom screenshot and getting a really good CTF map out of it.
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 17:25:05 UTC Post #319763
Im not being toxic, its just a joke, but i think it should be a near future prospect. We all love that new piece of software :)
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-12 18:44:49 UTC Post #319764
Kachito.... wow what is this ????
Looks porn :D
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-13 06:30:13 UTC Post #319766
It was supposed to be a zombie mod map for cs 1.6, but i no longer play that. Right now it's turning into a dm map...I think...I've found some nice reference photos( for a sewer system. As soon as i'm done with that, i guess ill call it a map.
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 03:02:37 UTC Post #320023
So Zeeba-G and I's secret project has been a little flat lately. Our idea was an underwater castle, like the ones you see in fish bowls. Don't worry, there's no actual swimming involved. We started really strong then we ran out of free time. Sledge has been a massive help but I was disappointed when the OBJ importing wasn't working reliably. It would have made some killer terrain that we need to do.
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The orange dev textured parts are all sorted for terrain manip as soon as I finish the rest of the underparts. I may pass that to Zeeba to do if he has time. The interior parts are unshown due to little or no lighting. Have to leave something to the imagination.

We still plan to finish this monster at some point. For now I supposed a little show of our efforts would be good.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 06:33:04 UTC Post #320024
Hey Rim, have you tested the latest Sledge? I fixed some issues with the OBJ importer and I'm curious to know if it helped at all.

Those screens look really nice, btw, but it's hard to get the impression that it's underwater aside from the couple of animals swimming around. Maybe add some effects (e.g. bubbles, floating particles, etc) to make it more obvious?
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 07:39:18 UTC Post #320025

It's not even finished and already looks fantastic. Keep it going!
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 12:51:34 UTC Post #320026
I have a short list of things to add that isn't vital map construction.

Kelp, bubbles, fish, more kelp...

I got the update to sledge and it looks like the OBJs import well. I will have to see how it stands up when I insert some things into the map.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 15:24:24 UTC Post #320029
Im a fool for blue, those screenies caught my attention immediately. Looking really atmospheric, can't wait to see more of it.
Just wondering...Why do you want to import terrain mesh .obj into sledge? As long as you work with tetrahedra, sledge can do anything a modelling program can.
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 20:16:43 UTC Post #320032
A modeling software has a number of sculpting and soft-selection tools that sledge doesn't. It's usefull when dealing with smooth or organic geometry.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 20:35:18 UTC Post #320033
Glad you posted screens of this. We need to finish this beast!
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 22:49:18 UTC Post #320035
Yeah... I got the cave parts in using the new sledge but it gave me ambiguous leafnode content errors. I ran a bunch of tests and it does it with everything I've imported. I don't know what causes them or what makes the map work with the errors. Sometimes it works and other times not. I think Sledge completely bones HLFix because it errors and stops the compile.
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Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-28 22:59:51 UTC Post #320036
Looks pretty good. I like the lighting coming from below. It's a shame we can't use the cave I did, it compiles for me with zhlt.
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Posted 10 years ago2014-06-29 01:25:23 UTC Post #320037
@Zeebro-G: That's another mystery. It compiles fine for you but not for me. I have more up-to-date tools and I would've never thought that it would be a problem. I can't seem to crack the problem of some illegal geometry in the caves that you made either. HLFix still says nope since I updated Hammer, and I have no luck with that either.

Remember when mapping was fun and simple?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-29 04:58:49 UTC Post #320038
Kachito: LOVE the Terminator vibe! Some HKs hovering overhead with searchlights aiming down, and a couple Ogre Tanks crushing over human skulls would fit right in!

Rimr'bra-G: Oh shi didn't know you guys were doing this, it looks wonderful so far doe! The effect of the light filtering through the water looks hott, and the cave system looks sexor fellas :o

Rim: Get HLFix working if you haven't yet, because it's really essential if you are going to do anything off the grid(unless of course you are breaking every single thing into "triangles")..

I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot it over steam or even run your final compiles with HLFix, if you needed it. Of course, if you can import your meshes from max, then maybe you could get along without it ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-29 10:15:46 UTC Post #320039
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-30 19:45:31 UTC Post #320050
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Also, it's been a hell of a long time since I've posted anything of note in this thread.
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-30 19:59:17 UTC Post #320051
That off-kilter arched roof really sits well with me, Jeff. I like it a lot - simple and understated, but adding so much. It'd benefit from some nice custom fitting textures to really sell the shape.

Second one is a bit too WIP to comment on, but I'm sure it'll turn into something awesome :>
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-30 20:19:27 UTC Post #320052
Once I figure out how to make some good looking plants for it. :P

It didn't really occur to me to make custom textures for the roof in the first shot, probably because I'm not much of a texture artist, but now that you've mentioned it, I think I'll look into it. Thanks!
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-01 10:44:25 UTC Post #320054
I'd recommend models for plants. :P

Also, I'm assuming GoldSource single player? :zomg:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-01 17:41:27 UTC Post #320058
Indeed. I know how much you just love zombie mods, Urby! Well, of a certain definition.

I've also modeled some very low-poly heads of lettuce.
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And made a...well, rather bad texture.
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Posted 10 years ago2014-07-02 11:09:47 UTC Post #320062
I want to redo this in Source:

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Cubicles ftw!
I consider those chairs my magnum opus of brushwork ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-02 17:36:36 UTC Post #320064
Those are fine chairs.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-02 18:37:16 UTC Post #320066
Some update in my stuff:
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Same map in its early days:
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Posted 10 years ago2014-07-04 15:51:49 UTC Post #320113
Looks extremely sexy. What's the story behind this map?
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-05 03:52:36 UTC Post #320117
I only have one problem with this.
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How did the slab come off whole without breaking the pole?
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-05 08:10:45 UTC Post #320120
Man's got a point. Other than that it looks incrediballs!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-05 23:25:41 UTC Post #320135
Yeah, gotta fix that.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-13 09:08:35 UTC Post #320275
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Some energy pillar.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-13 16:07:14 UTC Post #320278
Is that a Pancor Jackhammer? Oh yeah and beautiful map, dude.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-14 07:13:14 UTC Post #320286
Sven Coop interface/map? Looking good;love the Doom vibe in it.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-14 09:52:32 UTC Post #320288
Kinda, shotgun replacement.

Yeah the map is for Sven Co-op, with classic fps gameplay. Shoot monsters and collect keycards.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-14 09:56:26 UTC Post #320289
victor_pavia: Incredible! 'specially for HL1! :o

Streamfox: Nice work! I get a real Stargate Atlantis/SG-1 vibe from the fancy technology!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-16 05:29:17 UTC Post #320355
'Been gettin' back into mapping for CSGO.
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 08:29:30 UTC Post #320535
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My current map project for Svencoop a map and tribute to Alien Vs Predators :) <-- All Screenshoots :)
Its a big map with a lot of gameplay and teamplay
Time to beat it is around 3 Hours ;) And only 1 Map. Size is full Hammergrid ;)

3 Outposts with generators to fuel up and get extra light or ammo respawn, turrets.
Generators are destroyable by aliens.
A mission Hud, where you can allways check what to do and how much fuel is left in the generators.
Random Enemie and Weapon placement.
And much more.
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 08:39:17 UTC Post #320537
oh forgot:
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Here some Map Details :D
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 11:09:48 UTC Post #320540
That looks awesome, Trempler.

Are those crystals models or brushes? I was trying to make something like that a long time ago, when I was actively mapping, but couldn't get them to turn out right.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 12:31:06 UTC Post #320545
Screenies looking really good; the ground/rocks not so much tho :P
Do you actually need multiple players to play and finish missions in svencoop nowadays? Imma give this a whirl later, if it's solo-able.
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