I use Rhinoceros 5.0 a lot, but I want to know more than just one tool so I've ventured into blender and 3Ds Max.
I instantly fell in love with blender's UI however, just recently I ran into a problem with blender. I was doing a Boolean with two pretty complex solids and it wouldn't work nicely at all without creating a million jagged triangles. "Boolean is basically the carve tool in hammer but has options to join carving geometry or not"
I was able to do it in Rhino very nicely. I've yet to try it in 3Ds max but will update when I do and let you know how it works out.
I also have been learning T-splines plugin for Rhino. It basically converts nurbs mesh which is derived from curves into polygon mesh which is derived from triangles and then is able to convert it back. I believe this is a powerful tool but haven't messed with it much yet.
Please share and discuss any experience you might have so that TWHL can make some beautiful models