Post Your Photos Created 17 years ago2007-08-06 23:50:34 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 17 years ago2007-08-06 23:50:34 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 10:16:33 UTC Post #321793
Their policies and actions are directly hindering progress towards a better, unified planet. Their priorities lie with the bankers and big corporations, not the betterment of mankind.
Welcome to America. :(

If You guys end up freeing up I might move.
Then we can finally have a beer together
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 12:57:10 UTC Post #321796
If You guys end up freeing up I might move.
Then we can finally have a beer together
Can I do this to? Can we all just a have a big 'Fuck off Banks and other bullshit' party? Drinking age is like 18 over there isn't it? I'm technically legal everywhere that's not America I think.

Also since no one's posting pictures here's a picture to stay on topic.
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Took it with a pinhole camera that I made years ago. Things probably been recycled or something now, god it was such a piece of shit. There's a picture of the thing on page 17, and this picture I posted on page 15 with its negative. Looking back sucks, so much cringe.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 13:30:29 UTC Post #321797
That is actually awesome. I used a pinhole camera to measure the distance to the sun once.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 15:23:11 UTC Post #321799
They have been doing that for years. In the last decade or so, whenever i get a new PC/OS or after a fresh reinstall, it's becoming a habbit that the first thing i do is to install virus/firewall/malware protection and immediately after i copy-paste a blacklist with websites into the filters wherever i can, from browser to addons and plugins like adblock.
BBC and CNN are almost atop of my list.

If you want a few good laughs from the eastern mass media, i suggest to take at They're from Russia...
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 18:41:03 UTC Post #321802
We should be striving for unity, not further separation.
I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I am a firm believer that it matters not what country a certain land belongs to as long as I (or anyone) can visit any time I (they) want. Yes, I feel this way about many territories including many currently under dispute.

It does however matter to me that it matters to Archie. He exposes more than valid reasons to support the independence of Scotland. Since I can't but agree, I support it too. I can't wait to know the results.
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 22:47:30 UTC Post #321805
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-18 23:33:04 UTC Post #321806
Obligatory Picture.
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Anyway, I read that as "US is getting nuked if Scotland gets freedom because fuck that's why" then I read the article.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-19 00:46:44 UTC Post #321807
I totally read that too.
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-19 01:38:38 UTC Post #321808
TIL the US leases the UK missiles. "Oh yea here you go, about $450K a month, just have it back with a full tank of gas and we should be good!"
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-19 15:57:03 UTC Post #321813
Yeah? Well, TIL that Scotland's official animal is the Unicorn.
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Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-19 17:09:56 UTC Post #321814
So yeah. From tuesday I started living at the school dorm (is this right? This is the first word ever, that I needed get using Google Translate). I must say that the view from my room is just excellent.
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Posted 10 years ago2014-09-19 18:18:22 UTC Post #321816
Dorm is the right word.
Expect things to get noisy!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-20 15:47:32 UTC Post #321822
My dorm mate came back at 2am. Every day.
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-05 16:19:42 UTC Post #321939
One of the great things about my new flat is that I have two balconies. Cue beautiful night cityscapes and backdrops!
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-05 16:53:49 UTC Post #321940
Pretty views. And pretty lady.
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-12 16:15:32 UTC Post #322036
Thanks Stu :>
Post pics of your new place when you get it set up.
The living room and kitchen are still WIP, but I think I've more or less finished moving into my bedroom. Having the balcony is freaking awesome. Just being able to get out of bed and take in the morning air is glorious.
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Here's sunrise from my living-room balcony:
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And sunset from my bedroom balcony:
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-12 18:05:50 UTC Post #322037
I really like your room. I get the feeling the window isn't very practical to keep open, though.
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-05 00:03:38 UTC Post #322654
Need more photos getting posted, folks! This is one of my favourite threads, so get shooting everyone! :)
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-05 08:28:40 UTC Post #322657
The third photo has something in it that screams: "It's really cold outside!"

Probably the very blond hair of that (cute)girl, and the whitish light from the sun.

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^ took with my phone
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-05 10:40:22 UTC Post #322658
I'm loving that subtle nail polish colour.
Not to mention who's wearing it. What a cutey.

How does a mirror possibly break like that?

Oh, and uh, yeah, I'd take a photo, y'know, if I had a camera you could call so much as mediocre.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-05 11:41:09 UTC Post #322661
Ha, she'll love that you picked up on the nail polish. She was so pleased with it!
And yeah, I'm punching well above my weight with this one :heart: :biggrin:

Striker, it's Scotland in December. It was completely freezing!
Love that mirror shot - when I first saw the thumbnail on my phone I thought it was a perfectly frozen raindrop or something. You're getting really good results from a phone.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-05 12:03:02 UTC Post #322662
It might be some kind of metallised plastic to save weight and fabrication cost.

I saw this little lizardy fellow the other week, so I decided to take a photo of him. I liked how the lighting turned out.
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Also it is flipped 90 degrees to the left. I am currently on a mac so I don't know how to fix that.

Also, upon seeing this:
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my immediate thought was "When did Archie ever go to Sydney?"
I am not a clever man.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-05 12:46:47 UTC Post #322663
Congrats Archie! I'm sure she's just as lovely as she looks. Fantastic shots.
And to follow suit with TJB, Here's a few phone shots I took and cropped / edited on my phone. (Phone: LG Nexus 5. Software: Snapseed)
Bronx Zoo - New York
Monster of the Deep
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Butterfly - Chillin the Most
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Collection of Sunsets
1 - Travelling about 75Mph (120Km/h)
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2 - Lakeside at my Father's House
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3 - Last Golf day of the season
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Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-24 01:06:24 UTC Post #322974
Those pink clouds are GORGEOUS, tet.

I've been doing a lot of panorama stuff lately. Really enjoy it, and photoshop makes it so easy :|
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-27 20:28:34 UTC Post #323013
I got an adapter for Christmas that allows me to combine my telescope with my brother's DSLR to form a DSLR with a ridiculous zoom lens.
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Tonight was the first clear(ish) night since I got it, so I've been out taking photos of the moon.
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This could be a lot better, but I didn't have much time to set it up so the telescope didn't have automatic tracking, plus it is my first ever photo through it.

I will probably have to invest in some kind of remote shutter operator, as pressing the shutter button causes the whole thing to vibrate a little.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-27 23:47:46 UTC Post #323014
That is SO freakin' cool!

A remote shutter release will not cost you much
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-28 02:26:28 UTC Post #323015
Definitely. Remote shutter on a 2 second delay, with mirror lockup. Even without a remote shutter, the other two should improve everything a lot. And make sure to set manual focus on infinity so that the camera doesn't change it.

Noone can refuse this. We're also expecting some good looking neighbour having a shower or something :P

(yeah I know, most likely she won't be in the shower with the window open at this time of the year...)
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-28 02:36:10 UTC Post #323016
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Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-28 08:35:05 UTC Post #323018
I will try those suggestions. Except the neighbour one. You'll understand if you've met him. :P
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Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-28 12:55:51 UTC Post #323019
They put a Bateman on the moon! LUNAR DUBS

That setup looks really wicked TJB! DiscoStu and I expect some more "heavenly bodies" pics the future ;)

Love the sunrise/sunset pics in here. I take these shots all the time out my car window to/from work, and sometimes they turn out decent.

I want to fight you for your girlfiend.

I had a GF like that once(chained in my basement), who was both very nice and very pretty; It's a rare combo :heart:
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-29 00:08:33 UTC Post #323020
If the sky is clear enough when it's in the right position I might see if I can take a photo of the Orion nebula, as I've finally (after having it for a year) managed to set the automatic tracking to just the right speed, which should make long exposure shots possible.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-29 02:53:00 UTC Post #323021
Photographing the Orion nebula was a hell of a lot harder than I had thought it would be. First of all, it's really diffuse, so with the tiny viewfinder on the camera it's very difficult to tell if it's in focus. Second of all, it's really dim, so long exposure shots are needed. I was outside for an hour and a half trying to take a good photo but they all came out either too dim, or too streaked. I eventually decided to leave it for another time, as my fingers were so numb from the cold I could barely operate the camera.

Anyway, here's the best of what I managed to take:
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This one you can actually see a bit of the nebula, but the tracking mount wasn't on so the streaking you can see is from both the rotation of the earth over the exposure time, and the telescope moving from me pressing the shutter button.

Here's the sharpest image I could get:
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The stars are fairly well focussed, but the exposure was too short so the nebula itself is only very slightly visible, even after some extreme editing.

Also, just after I decided to go in I noticed Jupiter was visible, so I took this:
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Three of the moons are visible in the photo, but looking through the telescope it without the camera I could see four quite clearly. I was being lazy with that photo, I just took as many as I could in about a minute and picked the best.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-29 03:59:21 UTC Post #323022
Did you try 2-second shutter + mirror lockup?
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-29 04:20:11 UTC Post #323023
I used a 5-second shutter, I couldn't figure out how to do mirror lockup though.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-29 06:20:46 UTC Post #323024
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-31 16:45:06 UTC Post #323032
I haven't been able to try taking any more photos recently so I spent far too long today making this infographic labelling craters and stuff.
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Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-31 17:00:28 UTC Post #323033
Haha, that's remarkably professionally presented given its MS Paint origins!

We had an incredible winter fog the other day, so I grabbed my camera, my tripod and my best mate and headed to a loch to take some snaps. Really awe inspiring views, I hope the photos captured some of the magic!

Also, just whilst the topic of remote controls is prominent, it's quite neat to note that the photos with me in them were taken by using my phone as the shutter release. You can see it in my hand in every one :P
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-31 20:57:04 UTC Post #323034
Amazing surreal photos, Archie. You really know how to make it happen.

And this... this...

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I just can't...
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-01 09:56:24 UTC Post #323043
DiscoStu is having an artistic orgasm :)).
Archie be like in this thread "drop it like it's hot...".
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-13 17:44:40 UTC Post #324676
POST MORE PHOTOS. Get out there and shoot! :P
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-13 20:26:12 UTC Post #324683
If you insist. Meet the sweetest girl in the world:

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Posted 9 years ago2015-03-14 12:40:31 UTC Post #324703
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Winter pines road

Plowing through the snow like the choo choo bastard.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-14 17:37:46 UTC Post #324710
Dat sky.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-14 20:20:47 UTC Post #324712
The sky is over
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 11:29:54 UTC Post #324726
Wow, that's beautiful!

Would you guys be up for monthly photography themed 'competitions'?
Maybe with a small prize, but mostly just a theme to explore and promote more shooting!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 12:32:09 UTC Post #324727
Even the best camera I have is orful. As such, I can't comment on my photography skill, but that's probably not flash either.
This makes me sad.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 19:56:10 UTC Post #324733
I'm all for it, Archie.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-16 16:11:07 UTC Post #324746
I'll be in Arizona next week. Going to visit the famous Grand Canyon. I'll bring my Nikon and my zoom lens.
Expect some mediocre pictures soon!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-16 17:33:14 UTC Post #324747
When I started making photos, I believe in 2010 when I got my first camera, dedicated camera equipment was still miles away from what you could find integrated in mobile phones. But now, there are pocket cameras that arguably perform worse than a camera on an S3 phone, which is 3 years old already. Even if their performance is marginally better, their price and practicability doesn't justify buying them.
Bridge cameras, the kind that I have, unfortunately use the same shitty small sensor so they only compensate through more professional features and better lenses, better zoom.
So the only kind of camera used for what you could call "Photography" is the DSLR. Even here prices, the simplification of them and introduction of lots of "autos" has made them accessible to a large public.

Photography isn't what it used to be. 50 years ago photography was truly an art and you'd get respect for doing that. Now anyone can be a photographer. You just need some money, and a one month crash course, or even less. Heck, you only need a good phone.

The only thing that, I think, separates amateurs from professionals is experience and dedication. I no longer consider myself a photographer as I used to in high-school. I am also appalled by the fact that anyone can make a mindless photo and call it photography, and that could apply to me too when I don't know so...

Or perhaps I'm just confused about this art where nobody makes the slightest effort anymore.

Don't get me wrong, this is just some rant. I still see magnificent photos, and on this thread too. I just consider true photography an exquisite art suited for the adventurous, the enduring and the risk-takers. Qualities that not all photographers have, especially zillion wedding&events photographers(but that's business, not art...).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-16 19:40:37 UTC Post #324748
It can be an art too.

But yes, a side effect of something being available for everyone and their mother is that it will be available to everyone and their mother.

(this post brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department)
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