Is it possible?
By super-sized I mean a few times bigger than the current maximum map size. Maybe even more so...
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to have one large map in Source rather than several maps with change levels in-between; I was thinking about Hammer and if it were possible to compile one super map with some changes to the maximum map size, fog/areaportals to render certain sections at a time when in-game. Obviously changes would have to be made to Hammer to allow the compiling and creation of a super sized map successfully.
If this isn't possible, is it possible to do so by seamlessly joining maps together to allow no level changes/loading points?
Reason I'm wandering is that I'm considering the possibilities of either open world RPG, or a recreation of the old PS1 game, Driver 2. No change level sections would mean that you could have a recreation of something like Driver 2 without upsetting vehicles, etc. coming out of a change level section...
Super sized is no doubt super-unlikely, but any help, thoughts, or ideas would be nice. For now I'll enjoy making Source FilmMaker stuff and doing schoolwork