CS 1.6 Water Flooding Created 9 years ago2015-05-31 23:16:30 UTC by Masta_Frank01 Masta_Frank01

Created 9 years ago2015-05-31 23:16:30 UTC by Masta_Frank01 Masta_Frank01

Posted 9 years ago2015-05-31 23:16:30 UTC Post #325754
I have been working on a map that floods as the round goes on. I have everything working fine for the most part... The only thing is I was wondering if there is a way to reset the water level at the end of each round. So far my only two options have been: 1. Flood the map over the course of the entire match. or 2. Flood it 1 round, drain it the next. Any help is appreciated.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-01 02:59:01 UTC Post #325755
There are various ways to reset entities for CS at the beginning of every round I think, maybe this method will work for you?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-01 03:34:04 UTC Post #325756
I tried a few different things based off that video, but none of them worked. I had tried a some similar door techniques and a few other tricks before this too. The problem is if the trigger works it isn't going to reset the origin point instantly. It will always move up or down at .5(the speed I have it set to currently). I need something that can instantly reset it. Thanks for the help though. I'll try whatever is suggested, however, I think this is a engine limitation problem and not a question of which and what entities etc... I'll think about it some more and see if I can come up with a better solution.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-01 03:38:10 UTC Post #325757
Is there some way to ignore a func_water block for a turn? I could have 2 and alternate between them. Is there a way to delete and remake, turn it non-sold and cancel the water effects(swimming etc...), or any combination of that? Just to throw a few ideas out there maybe someone can build off of that.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-01 06:37:12 UTC Post #325758
I know it can be done the way you like it.

Maybe upload a Problem Map and also instructions for exactly how you want the flooding to occur, and I or someone else will get it sorted for you :)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 01:25:35 UTC Post #325766
hmmm.... I tried to upload the map, but the site keeps telling me there's a problem with: file type. Not sure why. I read all the instructions a few times to see if I missed something, but I still got the same error. I'll have to post the files in a drop box or something.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 02:26:16 UTC Post #325767
If you're not already, make sure you put whatever files you're uploading in a zip folder.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 06:29:52 UTC Post #325770
Thanks I didn't see or know about the zip thing.
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