How to make tanks and jets? Created 9 years ago2015-06-01 17:53:19 UTC by PikaCommando PikaCommando

Created 9 years ago2015-06-01 17:53:19 UTC by PikaCommando PikaCommando

Posted 9 years ago2015-06-01 17:53:49 UTC Post #325761
The Half-Life wiki said they're brushes. I'm still not good with vertex manipulation despite the tutorial, so I don't know how to make complex brushes like tanks and jets.

I"m guessing the tank is a combination of func_breakable and func_tank? There's a tutorial on func_tankrockets, but I don't think that's it.

It'd be great if someone can explain in detail.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-01 18:22:59 UTC Post #325763
to make a tank in hammer:
download prefabs from here or other websites. use the search function above and instead of tutorials, search for maps and type in 'tank' or 'jet'. Here's an example of what you should get:
it's a tank prefab inside an example map. open the map in hammer and the tank should be in it.

to make a tank shoot like in HL:
this example map has a tank that shoots you like in HL. download it and see how it's set up.

good luck, and happy mapping

and if you use these prefabs in your own map be sure to mention the original author(s)
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 03:04:24 UTC Post #325768
You can also decompile the maps to see exactly how it was done. Just know the brushwork gets chopped up and ruined from the process, so don't try use any of it. Entities however are unaffected from the decompile process
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 03:16:12 UTC Post #325769
Check this out:
Also a really poorly made walkthrough on how to set everything up:

I made it just for you :D
I get bored.

Also, feel free to use my prefab that 2muchvideogames linked. It'd make a perfect starting point for your tank!!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 08:26:45 UTC Post #325771
Wow, thanks guys! Really appreciate the help :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 12:18:38 UTC Post #325774
As far as jets go, the ones used in the cliff level in Half-Life 1 were func_trains that moved really fast.

Make a jet out of brushes, give it an origin and make it a func_train.
Setup a string of path_tracks for the jet to follow.
Set the 'first stop' location and the 'initial speed'

Like the func_tank, in order to be orientated properly (not fly sideways), the jet must face left->right when looking at it in the Top view.

trigger an 'ambient_generic' for the flyby sound.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 23:33:48 UTC Post #325785
The first advice i'd suggest is learn and utilize the mirror commands!!!

if you shift drag a brush then hit "ctrl + i" to mirror vertically and "ctrl + L" to mirror horizontally. I think if you're mirroring vertically you have to be in a side window and if mirroring horizontally you must be in a vertical window.

This advice is key to creating brushwork that is very symmetrical. Take it from a guy that mapped the entire Hunter Ship from Metroid Prime without this knowledge! :cry:
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