Take a look at our
GB competition map. With proper optimization--
thanks to Tetsu0, we were able to add much more stuff into the map. Check out our chart from de_subsanctum:
Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------models 48/512 3072/32768 ( 9.4%)
planes 19875/32768 397500/655360 (60.7%)
vertexes 26750/65535 321000/786420 (40.8%)
nodes 16357/32767 392568/786408 (49.9%)
texinfos 4465/32767 178600/1310680 (13.6%)
faces 21003/65535 420060/1310700 (32.0%)
- worldfaces 19427/32768 0/0 (59.3%)
clipnodes 22252/32767 178016/262136 (67.9%)
leaves 10950/32760 306600/917280 (33.4%)
- worldleaves 10089/8192 0/0 (123.2%)
marksurfaces 30455/65535 60910/131070 (46.5%)
surfedges 91491/512000 365964/2048000 (17.9%)
edges 48628/256000 194512/1024000 (19.0%)
texdata [variable] 11540/33554432 ( 0.0%)
lightdata [variable] 0/50331648 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/8388608 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 29813/2097152 ( 1.4%)
- AllocBlock 44/64 0/0 (68.8%)
121 textures referenced
Total BSP file data space used: 2860155 bytes ===[/quote]
Pre optimization, we were right next to going over in many different object categories, especially
. After Tet optimized, we got almost a 50% increase in map resources.
Trempler can chime in, and share some of his tricks for making his enormous Sven Coop levels