first of all sory for eng & i'm new here.
I'll try to tell you with a few words.
I must learn how to make a HL1 mod.
I must learn how to make a HL1 weapons, items & stuffs.
I can use VHE (not like a pro but i can).
Created 9 years ago2016-02-19 01:11:05 UTC by
First of all, read the SDK, even if you're an absolute ignorant of C++MY EYES ARE BLEEDING !!! of the tutorials there are good, some aren't, some are working, some aren't. Avoid the tutorials whose content is "copy/paste code", "click here and here", because I don't call that a tutorial, I call that a "brain-washing idiot trap" because you have no explanations about what the code does and/or why are you clicking here.
There are tutorials that covers from the thirdperson camera, passing through the making of a weapon and even a particle system!!Don't even think about playing around with cameras and even worse a particle system if creating a new weapon, a simple entity that say "Hello" and some minor gameplay modifications is too hard for you. And in the future I expect people to be like : "Hello, I want to implement NVIDIA PhysX, FleX and SpeedTree within GoldSource and I have no programming experience, can you help me ?"
Here's the code if you want to add bots to your game:DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW (unless you gained a lot of experience). A) If I remember correctly, it clones the "player" entity (with setting up input, blahblahblah), you can "use" it make him follow you or hold his position in team play and he will shoot enemies on sight. It doesn't have a proper "waypoints" system so it will just run forward and when he hit a wall, turn clockwise, repeat. B) Complex techniques to achieve that, this StackOverflow post will tell you details :
Some of the tutorials there are good, some aren't, some are working, some aren't. Avoid the tutorials whose content is "copy/paste code", "click here and here", because I don't call that a tutorial, I call that a "brain-washing idiot trap" because you have no explanations about what the code does and/or why are you clicking here.Yes, I've used them all times!! (zombie me) but some of them are well explained and can give you little lessons on how the code works, then you can try and start making things on your own. Of course, it's imperative to learn WELL C++, but if you don't want to do the work of your life, just having fun and try what making a video game is I think it's fine.
And in the future I expect people to be like : "Hello, I want to implement NVIDIA PhysX, FleX and SpeedTree within GoldSource and I have no programming experience, can you help me ?"If you disencourage someone to make a Mod without knowing the basics of C++, I don't want to be in the shoes of the guy who, without knowing programming, asks you to do such thing!!, haha
BTW: take care of your eyes, they bleed so easily!! :p. XDThey are bleeding easily because :
If you disencourage someone to make a Mod without knowing the basics of C++, I don't want to be in the shoes of the guy who, without knowing programming, asks you to do such thing!!, hahaI don't dis-encourage the OP, I'm just telling that without the proper tools and knowledge he won't be able to achieve what he want to accomplish. Today, people (not all) think they can model/texture/animate/code a weapon in 2 minutes which is IMPOSSIBLE. They want to create a CS replica with more weapons/maps/skins in 30 seconds which is IMPOSSIBLE. Like I said on my ModDB guide for newcomers to GoldSource programming : "Patience and perseverance will allow you to achieve your goals" and "don't expect your shiny weapon to work within the next 5 minutes of having written the first line of code for it".
In the other hand, we have acted rashly. First we MUST know what he want to do and then give him the information; it's not the same doing a Mod like Arrangement than doing a Mod like Counter-Life in terms of coding, mapping and modelling, right?I agree on the fact that ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats : A Fever Dream != Half-Rats : Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>. I'm not asking the OP to have the same level as me, SysOp, HAWK0044 or any other developer involved within ARRANGEMENT.
They are bleeding easily because :I can only say I'm sorry for that
A) I have teachers at university that doesn't write French properly, and you learn at kindergarten how to not make them.
B) The indentation of their code is totally horrible, I waste 15 minutes every lesson of "playing the code maid" to be able to read it properly (and especially for my classmate).
C) "The IT team at the university keep the software up to date at all times", so why the fuck I see "Debian 6 Squeeze" when I do a "cat /etc/debian_version" instead of a "Debian 8 Jessie" ?
I don't dis-encourage the OP, I'm just telling that without the proper tools and knowledge he won't be able to achieve what he want to accomplish. Today, people (not all) think they can model/texture/animate/code a weapon in 2 minutes which is IMPOSSIBLE. They want to create a CS replica with more weapons/maps/skins in 30 seconds which is IMPOSSIBLE. Like I said on my ModDB guide for newcomers to GoldSource programming : "Patience and perseverance will allow you to achieve your goals" and "don't expect your shiny weapon to work within the next 5 minutes of having written the first line of code for it".People who think that modding is so easy it's called ignorant, the rest are poor newbies like me!!, hehe
I agree on the fact that ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats : A Fever Dream != Half-Rats : Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>.;), good lesson of C++ in an only line!!
ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats : A Fever Dream != Half-Rats : Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>.Uh?
It's very difficult to call something a useful lesson when it's objectively wrong though...At least is valid for begginers, like me for example
The ? : operator is used to switch between two expressions based on the value of the first expression. If you wanted to express that all of the variables are different, you would simply write the not equals operator, not a conditional.My english is not veery good, but I undestandd that EACH of them are different between themselves, not ALL DIFFERENT from someone...
The mod is called "Half-Rats: Parasomnia". Don't be a pedant.I was mistaken too!!, I thought they are different mods too!!, I´m too a pedant without knowing it!!, ahem!!, Charles!!, pass me the 5 ´o clock tea, just a cloud of milk, a bit of sugar.
Oh fuck I'm so stupid. I was looking at the syntax and completely ignored the words.No worries, we all make mistakes.
The ? : operator is used to switch between two expressions based on the value of the first expression. If you wanted to express that all of the variables are different, you would simply write the not equals operator, not a conditional.Already knew this, I just want to add an example for beginners around here :