NEED TUTORIAL URGENTLY Created 9 years ago2016-02-19 01:11:05 UTC by kamyon95 kamyon95

Created 9 years ago2016-02-19 01:11:05 UTC by kamyon95 kamyon95

Posted 9 years ago2016-02-19 01:11:05 UTC Post #328936
first of all sory for eng & i'm new here.
I'll try to tell you with a few words.

I must learn how to make a HL1 mod.
I must learn how to make a HL1 weapons, items & stuffs.
I can use VHE (not like a pro but i can).
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-19 07:54:31 UTC Post #328937
Well theres a ton of tutorials if you want to sift through YouTube -
heres a couple of basic ones to help in making a mod: (fundamentals) (getting NPCs to talk and move) (first of 4 videos which covers a lot of ground such as arranging the mods directory and stuff)

I havnt watched all those videos but it might be a good starting place... There are more tutorials on YouTube on how to mod for HL2 than there are for HL1 unfortunately, so if all bases arnt covered via videos you may have to resort to ye olde fasion way of reading:

edit: and regarding making new items, you would need to use some modeling tools to do that... I havnt done any, but someone one here may know where to find some videos.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-19 11:52:20 UTC Post #328939
I'll try trm all thanks for sharing :D
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 18:43:00 UTC Post #329081
If I had more time, I was going to write an entire guide dedicated to making a GS mod in the late aughts.

But, yeah, plenty of tutes here. If you have any further questions, add me on steam: "Half-Rats" This would be the best possible time to contact me, as I'm in a bit of a lull, but that won't last.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 19:38:13 UTC Post #329086
i need a tutorial how to convert Blender 3D model into working goldsrc model
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 20:07:33 UTC Post #329088
Tetsuo can help you more in-depth with that. He's got a tutorial on youtube.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 20:11:08 UTC Post #329089
Our very own Tetsu0 has you covered HERE

Gah, Ninjas everywhere...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 01:57:06 UTC Post #329101
Yar! And if you're still having issues, pm me or post on the vids!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 18:20:42 UTC Post #329137
First of all, read the SDK, even if you're an absolute ignorant of C++ you can figure out how some little things are done; don't re invent the wheel!!, if you want to make monsters there are plenty of examples in the code, also for weaponry unless you want to make very conplex weapons, even though I cannot think of a weapot that's not already done in the SDK.

Some of the best coding tuts I know:

There are tutorials that covers from the thirdperson camera, passing through the making of a weapon and even a particle system!!

Here's the code if you want to add bots to your game:

Also, I can give you some very old tuts with which you can put a radar and things like that, but I can say that with the info on those sites and the one which's here at TWHL you can do any mod you want.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 21:44:47 UTC Post #329140
First of all, read the SDK, even if you're an absolute ignorant of C++

Sorry if it sounds agressive but you just CAN'T work on the Half-Life 1 SDK if you don't have a MINIMUM of C and C++ knowledge. It's like creating a map without knowing what a brush/entity/leak is !

I don't ask you to spill me every function/method from the standard or string library, I don't ask you to learn the language by heart. I don't ask you to create a C++ application that operates my coffee machine to make my coffee. I just ask you to learn the basics of C (pointers, functions, arrays, type casting...) and C++ (polymorphism, oriented object programming...)

If you skip learning C and C++, you will FAIL at coding at Half-Life 1, end of story. I received around 50 PMs from people on ModDB asking me help with code for their mod and I can tell you that 90% of them could have been avoided if they didn't skipped learning C/C++.
Some of the tutorials there are good, some aren't, some are working, some aren't. Avoid the tutorials whose content is "copy/paste code", "click here and here", because I don't call that a tutorial, I call that a "brain-washing idiot trap" because you have no explanations about what the code does and/or why are you clicking here.
There are tutorials that covers from the thirdperson camera, passing through the making of a weapon and even a particle system!!
Don't even think about playing around with cameras and even worse a particle system if creating a new weapon, a simple entity that say "Hello" and some minor gameplay modifications is too hard for you. And in the future I expect people to be like : "Hello, I want to implement NVIDIA PhysX, FleX and SpeedTree within GoldSource and I have no programming experience, can you help me ?"
Here's the code if you want to add bots to your game:
DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW (unless you gained a lot of experience). A) If I remember correctly, it clones the "player" entity (with setting up input, blahblahblah), you can "use" it make him follow you or hold his position in team play and he will shoot enemies on sight. It doesn't have a proper "waypoints" system so it will just run forward and when he hit a wall, turn clockwise, repeat. B) Complex techniques to achieve that, this StackOverflow post will tell you details :

Sorry again if I was like "very agressive", but I'm doing this for your own good and the good of anyone who want to dive into Half-Life's code.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-03 09:13:44 UTC Post #329149
Don't worry Shepard, I don't feel bad about your words because you are right.
BTW: take care of your eyes, they bleed so easily!! :p. XD

Aniway, he said that he wants to make a mod, and that he can, more or less, do maps with VHE. He doesen't want to do a complex thing afaik.

Of course you must know C++ in, at least, some degree, but (and I speak of me) you can do little things without a deep knowledge of the language, of course the code will look like crap and it'll wont work 3 of 4 times, but thanks to that you'll learn bit by bit how to search the right exasmples within the code.
Some of the tutorials there are good, some aren't, some are working, some aren't. Avoid the tutorials whose content is "copy/paste code", "click here and here", because I don't call that a tutorial, I call that a "brain-washing idiot trap" because you have no explanations about what the code does and/or why are you clicking here.
Yes, I've used them all times!! (zombie me) but some of them are well explained and can give you little lessons on how the code works, then you can try and start making things on your own. Of course, it's imperative to learn WELL C++, but if you don't want to do the work of your life, just having fun and try what making a video game is I think it's fine. :)

And for the Bots, if you just want to do a skirmish mod the Bot#10 worth the try and doesen't require a lot of modifications to work in a Mod... :\
And in the future I expect people to be like : "Hello, I want to implement NVIDIA PhysX, FleX and SpeedTree within GoldSource and I have no programming experience, can you help me ?"
If you disencourage someone to make a Mod without knowing the basics of C++, I don't want to be in the shoes of the guy who, without knowing programming, asks you to do such thing!!, haha ;)

Anyway, Shepard is 100% right, take your time and learn C++, take some modelling books to learn how to make npcs props and items, and continue mapping for some time before starting your Mod, if you want to do a serious work it's better to wait some months before you try to make the Mod, so you'll spent less time with the essay-error method ;)

But if you just want to goof a bit...
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-03 14:20:49 UTC Post #329166
In the other hand, we have acted rashly. First we MUST know what he want to do and then give him the information; it's not the same doing a Mod like Arrangement than doing a Mod like Counter-Life in terms of coding, mapping and modelling, right?
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-03 19:11:31 UTC Post #329174
BTW: take care of your eyes, they bleed so easily!! :p. XD
They are bleeding easily because :
A) I have teachers at university that doesn't write French properly, and you learn at kindergarten how to not make them.
B) The indentation of their code is totally horrible, I waste 15 minutes every lesson of "playing the code maid" to be able to read it properly (and especially for my classmate).
C) "The IT team at the university keep the software up to date at all times", so why the fuck I see "Debian 6 Squeeze" when I do a "cat /etc/debian_version" instead of a "Debian 8 Jessie" ?
If you disencourage someone to make a Mod without knowing the basics of C++, I don't want to be in the shoes of the guy who, without knowing programming, asks you to do such thing!!, haha
I don't dis-encourage the OP, I'm just telling that without the proper tools and knowledge he won't be able to achieve what he want to accomplish. Today, people (not all) think they can model/texture/animate/code a weapon in 2 minutes which is IMPOSSIBLE. They want to create a CS replica with more weapons/maps/skins in 30 seconds which is IMPOSSIBLE. Like I said on my ModDB guide for newcomers to GoldSource programming : "Patience and perseverance will allow you to achieve your goals" and "don't expect your shiny weapon to work within the next 5 minutes of having written the first line of code for it".
In the other hand, we have acted rashly. First we MUST know what he want to do and then give him the information; it's not the same doing a Mod like Arrangement than doing a Mod like Counter-Life in terms of coding, mapping and modelling, right?
I agree on the fact that ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats : A Fever Dream != Half-Rats : Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>. I'm not asking the OP to have the same level as me, SysOp, HAWK0044 or any other developer involved within ARRANGEMENT.

Furthermore, assuming I want to code a Thompson 1928, Visual Studio has a nice function called "Find in Files", I search for anything related to "MP5", "9mm", "9mmAR", read everything related to the MP5 and only after I write the code (no copy/paste).
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-03 22:06:07 UTC Post #329177
OMG my eyes are bleeding too....

Well i don't know what's SDK at Half-Life 1.
But i will try to understand this and find some tutorials for using C++.
Actualy i have a facebook page i created yet. I share my custom maps and ideas with my friends and other people. Take a look.

NOTE: It's a turkish site.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-04 00:44:06 UTC Post #329179
They are bleeding easily because :
A) I have teachers at university that doesn't write French properly, and you learn at kindergarten how to not make them.
B) The indentation of their code is totally horrible, I waste 15 minutes every lesson of "playing the code maid" to be able to read it properly (and especially for my classmate).
C) "The IT team at the university keep the software up to date at all times", so why the fuck I see "Debian 6 Squeeze" when I do a "cat /etc/debian_version" instead of a "Debian 8 Jessie" ?
I can only say I'm sorry for that :( , you've got a saint's patience...
I don't dis-encourage the OP, I'm just telling that without the proper tools and knowledge he won't be able to achieve what he want to accomplish. Today, people (not all) think they can model/texture/animate/code a weapon in 2 minutes which is IMPOSSIBLE. They want to create a CS replica with more weapons/maps/skins in 30 seconds which is IMPOSSIBLE. Like I said on my ModDB guide for newcomers to GoldSource programming : "Patience and perseverance will allow you to achieve your goals" and "don't expect your shiny weapon to work within the next 5 minutes of having written the first line of code for it".
People who think that modding is so easy it's called ignorant, the rest are poor newbies like me!!, hehe :P
I agree on the fact that ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats : A Fever Dream != Half-Rats : Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>.
;), good lesson of C++ in an only line!! :)

And FIND IN FILES is god!!, XD

Well, I think the first questions thast someone who wants to make a Mod should have clear in his\her mind are:

Is multiplayer or singleplayer?
Is it Cooperative?
Would there be Teams with different classes?
Is it based up on a movie, novel, comic, etc?
What are the monsters you want to make?
Will the weapons be conventional, or will they be futuristic, or even medieval?
Will it be an open range\world mod or a doom like environment?
Will it be realistic or all conceptual design was made from scratch?
Will there be vehicles?
Will the mod exceed HL's engine limitations?

and many more that surely will come to all of us sooner or later.

But, one and the most important thing that you must do before all is PLAY HL (or the game you want to Mod) as much as you can, study every monster, weapon, effect you want for your Mod, take the name of it and the name of the map where it appears (use console), and then start making those questions and their possible answers.

It happened to me that I wanted to do the trolley guys of matrix reload my APU when I was out of ammo, and doesen't know how to code this behaviour.

I have searched everywhere but, after...EIGHT YEARS!!, I realized that I have only have to make a monster that acts like a friend if my ammo was over 100 and as an enemy if my ammo was under that amount, then, instead of damage, its PRIMARY attack will give me ammo.

Do you know something?, all code was there, it was invented except some minor changes!!, Find In files, I repeat...IS GOD!!!, worship it, it talks ENGLISH, btw, if you ask him for ammo it'll show you hundred of examples in the SDK. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 16:12:21 UTC Post #329198
ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats : A Fever Dream != Half-Rats : Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>.

ARRANGEMENT != Counter-Life != The Core != Half-Rats && A Fever Dream != Half-Rats && Parasomnia != PARANOIA != Sven-Coop != <Insert Any GoldSource Mod Here>.

Not sure how a conditional operator is going to work here.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 16:29:12 UTC Post #329199
Hey!! lt's a mini C++ lesson, don't be like that!! ;)
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 16:49:41 UTC Post #329200
It's very difficult to call something a useful lesson when it's objectively wrong though...
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 20:00:15 UTC Post #329203
Where do you see the "&&" between "Half-Rats" and "Parasomnia" ? It's actually ":".

And I used "!=" to tell different, I didn't want to copy/paste the word many times or find the equal with the bar symbol.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 20:05:40 UTC Post #329204
The ? : operator is used to switch between two expressions based on the value of the first expression. If you wanted to express that all of the variables are different, you would simply write the not equals operator, not a conditional.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 20:07:27 UTC Post #329205
The mod is called "Half-Rats: Parasomnia". Don't be a pedant.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 20:19:58 UTC Post #329207
It's very difficult to call something a useful lesson when it's objectively wrong though...
At least is valid for begginers, like me for example ;)
The ? : operator is used to switch between two expressions based on the value of the first expression. If you wanted to express that all of the variables are different, you would simply write the not equals operator, not a conditional.
My english is not veery good, but I undestandd that EACH of them are different between themselves, not ALL DIFFERENT from someone... :crowbar:
The mod is called "Half-Rats: Parasomnia". Don't be a pedant.
I was mistaken too!!, I thought they are different mods too!!, I´m too a pedant without knowing it!!, ahem!!, Charles!!, pass me the 5 ´o clock tea, just a cloud of milk, a bit of sugar. :biggrin: :glad: ;)
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 20:21:09 UTC Post #329208
Oh fuck I'm so stupid. I was looking at the syntax and completely ignored the words. :(
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 22:08:40 UTC Post #329213
Oh fuck I'm so stupid. I was looking at the syntax and completely ignored the words.
No worries, we all make mistakes.
The ? : operator is used to switch between two expressions based on the value of the first expression. If you wanted to express that all of the variables are different, you would simply write the not equals operator, not a conditional.
Already knew this, I just want to add an example for beginners around here :

BOOL m_bStatusReportSent = TRUE;
ALERT( at_console, m_bStatusReportSent ? "I have sent the status report to the administrator today !\n" : "I did NOT sent the status report to the administrator today (and probably get fired)\n" );

This will input in the console : "I have sent the status report to the administrator today !"
But if "m_bStatusReportSent" was FALSE, then it would input : "I did NOT sent the status report to the administrator today (and probably get fired)"
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 22:38:13 UTC Post #329217
Cool!!, more free C++ lessons!! ^^
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 22:55:23 UTC Post #329218
OK! Mod is done....

It's just a basic converted from orginal Half Life 1... ( I mean i changed some words and pictures. Added some logos and player models.)
And i will look for perfect textures...

I just need a easy weapon building tutorial video. That's just a video. I installed c++. Will i need SDK thing???
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-05 22:55:53 UTC Post #329219
And did u see my logo from my face page?? is it good????
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-06 10:18:36 UTC Post #329229
For "building" are you talking about modelling it? , modelling props and weapons it's quite easy, remember that a weapon, unless if they're very organical like the spore cannon or the hornet gun (or the snark), are nothing more a bunch of boxes and cylinders (the MAC10 it's almost a box with a handdle).

Milkshape worth a try, and its license it's not expensive. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-06 10:34:16 UTC Post #329230
Well i didn't think about modelling. :D
But i think i'll start moddeling after finishing my mod.
For "building" i'm talking about coding. I want something like...

"Plasma cannon" weapon.
---Using gauss rifle model and egon's bullet effect.
---If weapon fired 10 clip, then crate a big explosion from targeted point.

Or something like this.

Sorry for bad english again....
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 10:45:45 UTC Post #329239
Wait Wait...

Is this SDK thing just for HL2????

WAIT???? WTF?????
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 13:23:53 UTC Post #329241
SDK stands for Software Development Kit. There exists an SDK for many different games.
You want to get the HL1 SDK
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 15:57:09 UTC Post #329244
Yea! but i think i found. installed a program from ModDB to my mod...

And some folders appeared.
( Like in this link... )

Did i true??? If that's true where should i start to coding?
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 12:36:52 UTC Post #329259
Yes, the SDK contains almost all you need to make a Mod.

For coding you need a compiler, read this Thread here at TWHL:

it's orientative. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 14:22:54 UTC Post #329260
Hey if you need modeling help, blender is free and the workflow is pretty simple
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 14:49:04 UTC Post #329261
ye i know blender. i'm using it for making 3d intros.
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