TWHL World - Community Project Created 9 years ago2016-01-13 21:39:11 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 9 years ago2016-01-13 21:39:11 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 9 years ago2016-02-23 12:06:02 UTC Post #328992
First drafts are due on the 1st of March
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-23 17:44:38 UTC Post #328996
1st of March, 2017? Should be fine, although I'll have to hurry up.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-24 00:01:32 UTC Post #328999
I have, the problem that i need the source code, because i need to put a npc, that'll help the player...
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-24 04:04:14 UTC Post #329000
spirit fgd for mapping? or you need to change the source code?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-24 06:54:27 UTC Post #329001
Spirit 1.8 FGD
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-24 20:57:20 UTC Post #329008
first i nee to change the source code, then i use the fgd to put the npc in the map
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-25 06:43:36 UTC Post #329012
What ? There's no source code to change
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-25 15:11:07 UTC Post #329016
Don't change the code.
Work within the limits of Spirit - It's already pretty powerful
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-25 16:12:57 UTC Post #329017
ok, so tell me how to meke mr. valve model work as a scientists pls :V
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-25 16:52:32 UTC Post #329018

model field: [mr. valve.mdl]
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-25 18:21:10 UTC Post #329020
oh, thanks :V, now i can try to finish my map
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-26 12:20:01 UTC Post #329023
Looking forward to seeing what comes out of this. There haven't been very many WIP shots at all...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-26 12:24:29 UTC Post #329024
We maintain the suspense :3 
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-26 20:21:42 UTC Post #329035
Don't expect too much from me, I spent a lot of times finding a theme and how the map would look like.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-27 21:16:10 UTC Post #329041
I just mapped a house I designed for myself but it doesn't have anything to do with the theme of this project and is for cs. so i'd have to port it. Also, there's no gameplay so meh.

I've been waiting for it to compile all day...
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 09:57:01 UTC Post #329050
I uploaded my first very uncomplete draft on Google Drive.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 15:21:42 UTC Post #329053
Incomplete is fine, the first drafts pretty much lock in the participants so we can focus on tying them all together.
I'll have a look at them when i have some time
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 16:19:08 UTC Post #329055
Great, my fine is fine as well then! :P I'll upload it tomorrow.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 16:42:43 UTC Post #329056
Ican upload it today, but it's incomplete, i put some text telling what is incomplete...
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 18:17:49 UTC Post #329057
Where do I upload it?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 18:48:50 UTC Post #329060
Make a folder in the Gdocs with your name and put it there.
There's existing folder structures, so follow the pattern
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-29 20:15:35 UTC Post #329061
i have some old spirit maps for this, but i need to edit it and change a bunch of model references (as well as provide the models)
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 09:28:28 UTC Post #329067
Uploading as well! I'm using some models which author is unknown, so I'll probably replace them with new ones made by me in the future.
EDIT: Perhaps it's too late, but why not make a making of? Would be cool that each one of us keep the rmfs corresponding to the different versions of their map and perhaps record their screen while mapping, don't you think? We could use that to make a video afterwards (I could).
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 13:45:42 UTC Post #329070
That'd be sweet. Though I'm pretty far along for a "making of". Might do a "finishing of"
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 15:16:11 UTC Post #329073
This would be great for something like : "Hi, I'm Shepard and WHY THE ** MY ENTITIES WORK IN VANILLA HL AND NOT IN SPIRIT !!!"

Kidding of course ^^
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 15:24:14 UTC Post #329074
Okay so I guess each one of us should save as many states of their rmf as possible and recording hammer with camstudio so we can sort everything out afterwards!
@Shepard : I've run into an enormous amount of illogical, absurd, frustrating problems, should we bet who had most? :P
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 15:30:22 UTC Post #329075
Okay, so i start recording, but my map doesn't need to much to finish :V
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 18:20:27 UTC Post #329082
How to access to Gdogs? I know you have putted me in long time ago, but I don't know how to get back.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 19:40:48 UTC Post #329087
Simply connect to your Google account and then go to The folder should appear right in front of you.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 20:12:26 UTC Post #329090
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 21:36:13 UTC Post #329091
Pretty sure you need to include the RMF there as well :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 23:17:03 UTC Post #329095
But than you will steal my map and claim it as yours.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-01 23:32:51 UTC Post #329096
Mua ha ha ha! Adding it to The Core as we speak! :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 01:54:53 UTC Post #329100
Cam studio doesn't like my computer. It records really shitty and when it does record well, i hit the 2gb filesize pretty quick and it crashes on save
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 02:43:40 UTC Post #329102
so, use other thing, and KB90 we don't want to steal your map, we aren't a shit of comunity
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 10:09:22 UTC Post #329105
It's anyway safer to post the rmf in the private Google Drive folder KB. When you post the link like that, the whole Internet can access it. Not that I think there is much risk with Goldsource rmfs :P
Anyway, I didn't upload mine, I'll do that when I'm on my mapping computer.
Tetsu0, do you have me on Steam? I could help you, I used to use CamStudio quite a lot and fix this kind of problems.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-02 11:17:13 UTC Post #329111
I was just joking about stealing. I don't understand how google drive works and how to share it inside google cloud ;(
So what is next?
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-03 16:51:12 UTC Post #329171
I think it's been well established that any Source projects are doomed to fail here, so Goldsource is the sensible choice
I'm also just gonna put this here. Unless the Source team is gonna pop up with a surprise map pack that they have been working on behind the scenes... :rly:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-03 17:04:44 UTC Post #329172
I don't understand how google drive works and how to share it inside google cloud
KB90, send me your email address in a PM, and I'll give you access permissions for the drive. Then you open up your favorite web browser and you can create folders, upload, and download files.
Tetsu0, do you have me on Steam?
I have no idea. Also I'm without my desktop computer for the unforeseeable future, so I'm not worried about that much anymore XD. Though if it helps, Camstudio worked well on windows 7 and poorly on windows 10. I'm not sure if my graphics card has anything to do with that either.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 15:04:28 UTC Post #329240
Toss all your files into the google drive.
I have 100gb storage so file sizes shouldn't be any issue.

Again, if you don't have access to it, shoot me a PM and i'll arrange it.
Project update:

If you haven't gotten your first drafts in yet, you have until the end of THIS MONTH! April 1st is the new deadline.


Well it seems people would like more time, and I would like more people to contribute.

I also have a lot going on in my life and I don't have the time or energy to devote to going through everything right now; so I'm giving myself (and all of you) some more time.

So April 1st is the hard cutoff for first drafts. If you do not submit anything by then, I will unfortunately need to exclude you from the project.

Also, I only have submissions from the following:
:hammer: Loulimi
:hammer: Themaster12234
:hammer: Shepard62700FR

Even if your map isn't complete, if there's a half-way coherent map and some puzzles / combat, submit it and you can clean them up later.

I only need the first drafts to start development on the hub world
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 17:59:12 UTC Post #329247
I don't know how to submit.
I uploaded it to google drive, here is link.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 20:31:06 UTC Post #329251
Your entries are submitted when they're in the Google Drive. I downloaded your submission and plopped everything into the drive for you.

Are you having trouble accessing the THWL HUB drive?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-07 21:38:33 UTC Post #329254
I can access to TWHL HUB, but I did not knew what do next, but I think I understand now.
Btw. I will be afk for week or two.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 11:19:53 UTC Post #329257
1st deadline has been extended? Golly, I'm having flashbacks to Twhl tower!
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 11:21:38 UTC Post #329258
TWHL Tower taught me that people are a pain.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 21:26:54 UTC Post #329265
TWHL Tower taught me that people are a pain.
Was it like: "Did you submit your map files to the Urby today?
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-08 21:31:45 UTC Post #329266
THE Urby.

/me imagine Urby as the Administrator

Posted 9 years ago2016-03-09 04:23:32 UTC Post #329269
Of course. It's not just an Urby, it's the Urby.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-09 19:24:35 UTC Post #329276
When I asked Tetsu0 about modifying the SoHL 1.8 code to allow custom weapon skins he said no, so I doubt he will allow the switch to SoHL 1.9.

Furthermore, I don't know who or what the f*** happened to the people involved to the people who took over the SoHL code, but can I have at least a f***ing explanation of why my "hub/mini levels system" version 0.1 worked in vanilla HL (WON/Steam) and not in SoHL ? I had to like create a "hack" to make it work under SoHL and any "good" mapper around here would kill me for that.

Don't get me wrong, SoHL has some good stuff like fixes, MoveWith and some system like NPC customization, "calc_" entities and maybe other things I missed. But the rest should be burned to a fire.
Posted 9 years ago2016-03-09 20:58:00 UTC Post #329279
Since I tested TWHL Tower because you have released it but it went wrong because sometimes issus or no-work to TWHL Tower.
I did not release TWHL Tower, Urby did.
Thanks! Do not worry! I understand you good. I let rest of your work in provess. If you want my support than I can counter - If you want decide. If not. Than it is okay...
I am not the leader of TWHL World, it's Tetsu0 and therefore it's not up to me to decide which SoHL version to use.
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