What's up? Created 8 years ago2016-06-13 12:31:26 UTC by kamyon95 kamyon95

Created 8 years ago2016-06-13 12:31:26 UTC by kamyon95 kamyon95

Posted 8 years ago2016-06-13 12:31:59 UTC Post #330401
I'm bad & sad. My exams started again. I passed 13 advanced lessons, but maths killing me... It's just one f**** maths. I hate it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-13 15:45:12 UTC Post #330404
Don't despair! You'll get through it. And there's no shame in retakes if you need it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-13 19:21:15 UTC Post #330416
Math = Practice & Study (In order to udnerstand the logical reason behind it)
Nothing more, nothing less. Math is pure logic.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-13 19:36:51 UTC Post #330417
The maths r hard for me ^^
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieIch bin ein tier
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-13 22:22:12 UTC Post #330420
Yah. There's must be maths. This is universe's rule. But i don't know why i don't understand anything about maths. I'm reading machinery and I perfectly cleared advenced lessons (this lessons needed imaginary, high level maths and a calculator) and project about machines. BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? WHY I CAN'T EQUATION PROBLEMS????

Other people thinks like: 2x-4=10 => 2x=14 => x=7

I think like : if 2x-4=10 then, tear that exam paper and throw it to teacher and yell like "F*** YOU!!!" (sorry about my bad mouth)
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-13 22:39:07 UTC Post #330422
I remember having that problem. Just practice a lot. Have someone walk you through the thought process, and you'll eventually get the idea.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-14 11:34:58 UTC Post #330429
I'm studied for 2 weeks and exam is in thrusday. Studying 4 hours in a day and watching helper videos. I must make 90-100 points. I hope everything will be ok. I hope :nervous:
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-14 13:29:37 UTC Post #330430
Hope is nothing with out belief. If you can not get it done in 4 hours, than study 8 hours a day. Time doesnt mean anything if you eventually wasted it.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 16:28:23 UTC Post #330473
Yep Nailed IT!!!!!

I send exam questions with whatsapp to my big sister when im in exam. She did completely ture, but sensei gave me 92 points. And i passed :D
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 16:40:18 UTC Post #330474
You have been promoted to: "Wireless Schwarzunger"
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 17:29:32 UTC Post #330475
I send exam questions with whatsapp to my big sister when im in exam. She did completely ture, but sensei gave me 92 points. And i passed
Uh-oh. Please don't do that unless... you're truly desperate. Even then, it's like something you should never brag about.
I've seen colleagues pass exams like this and it's never a good feeling, because you simply feel cheated.
But first of all you cheat yourself. If you apply this tactic you'll never be able to fully be proud about that result. And believe me: you'll only hurt yourself as in the real world you'll need to solve problems. In the real world you can't cheat like that.

Try your best to understand the stuff you learn.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 18:56:45 UTC Post #330476
Yep! Thanks! I know! I know! sv_cheats 0! and sv_cheats 1 doesn't work at real life i know. I'm not a lazy person, i worked so hard but i didn't make that maths. I know i did bad thing. It's sad but i have to do that. Sorry! :cry:
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 19:36:27 UTC Post #330477
In the real world you can't cheat like that.
I don't want to condone cheating, but I can't think of any real-world problem that isn't helped by having a knowledgeable contact at hand. :P
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 20:00:53 UTC Post #330478
In job hunting, it's almost always who you know, rather than what you know.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 20:36:28 UTC Post #330479
This is true.

In the education world, though, getting caught cheating is generally punishable by death. (metaphorical death of your degree, not physical death)
You're very lucky to have not gotten caught, and I would suggest not doing it again. (Though I know how you feel when it comes to math)
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 21:02:32 UTC Post #330480
In job hunting, it's almost always who you know, rather than what you know.
(metaphorical death of your degree, not physical death)
Actually it depends on what kind of school you attend.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 09:47:44 UTC Post #330484
Actually it depends on what kind of school you attend.
it's actually Turkey's seventh hard university. Full of crazy teachers and full of slave studends :P . Actually, this teachers take bonus per exam paper. That's why they're seventh hard university.
In job hunting, it's almost always who you know, rather than what you know.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 10:03:53 UTC Post #330485
Of coruse its more of who you know than what you know because masses of people would rather only be a work slave for money than an true worker that surpasses his own ability and withstands the true tests of success.

No true knowledge = no success
College^School =/= true knowledge
Study^Self interest^A reason for = true knowledge

If you don't work hard and push your limits further you will never be more than an sheepy sheep.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 14:55:20 UTC Post #330489
I wish you were my maths teacher Stojke :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-18 06:42:15 UTC Post #330502
I dont teach math, I teach life.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
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