Goldsource TWHL World level mapping guidelines REV BHEV SUITThe player will receive his / her HEV suit in the initial level/hub world.
HEALTH + WEAPONSFor playability sake, and to give each person the freedom they deserve, weapons will be stripped upon returning to the hub world. Don't worry about including any of those entities, the hub map will take care of that. Just beware that you'll need to equip the player within your level. This will be much like TWHL TOWER; Armor will be reset to 0. Health will be reset to 100.
LEVEL TRANSITIONS (NEW INFO!)We are standardizing the level transitions - they will all be displacement/teleport type transitions - that is, I'm not going to include any parts of your maps into the hub map (unlike Tetsu0's original plans). The entities to use for level transition are in the zip download just below. Instructions are included, but the basics are: 1) Green is incoming from the hub to your map, Red is for outgoing from your map to the hub, 2) Ungroup and move the info_teleport_destination and trigger_teleport where you want, 3) Don't move or change the size of any of the entities EXCEPT the destination and trigger_teleport that are outside the boxes.
Download this: OBJECTIVES (NEW INFO!)The player starts out in the hub level, which is an outpost on Xen. The portal back to Black Mesa has been damaged, and the player needs to travel throughout all the other destinations (your maps aka the spokes) to collect items to repair/upgrade the main portal back to Black Mesa. All maps are available to the player at the start - he/she can select them in any order.
So in each level the objective will be to find SOMETHING to help the team get back to Earth (Black Mesa). The player needs to bring back energy sources, computer parts, raw materials, crystals, whatever you can come up with. I've added this info to the author roster.
CUSTOM CONTENT (BIT OF NEW INFO, I DON'T NEED YOUR CUSTOM TEXTURES)Go wild! The more, the better! I don't need your custom texture wads, see below in the Compiling info.
Models need to reside in a folder with your name in it. Model names do not matter since they will be in separate folders.
If you are supplying content that someone else made, note that person in your README so they are credited.
If you are supplying content that you made, note that in your README so YOU are credited.
COMPILING (NEW INFO!)I am not planning on recompiling any of your maps, there's no need for it. I don't need your custom texture wads - please just embed the textures into your compiled maps with -wadinclude. I also don't need your lights.rad info. If the level transitions are set up correctly things should just work.
WHAT I NEED (NEW INFO!)1) name of the item you are adding to your map for the player to collect
2) the model of the item or a small rmf/map with containing the item - I'm going to add them all to the hub map
3) maybe more as time goes on, I'll let you know
UPDATED ROSTER (including items to collect):



Urby -- pink crystal


2muchvideogames -- displacer cannon


Unq -- duct tape

Ubique -- hard drive



Angry Carrot
