What´s the problem? It looks gorgeous!! Of course you will loose the clothes details, but you can solve them with proper skinning of the model.Also, adding little pieces, that only will add a few polys, you can make details for the mask, boots and belt and it will look more gourgeous.
I think your work is great, it is only a matter to choose what detail you want ot add or what detail finally will be seen to decide to erase it or not.
There are details needed to make the model as it should be, another ones could be discarded, others need to be modified and be replaced with textures, more precisely, with ALPHA textures.
Look, there´s a pic of the last model I have done.
At the right it´s the original from the movie that has, more or less, 200K polys, maybe more, and to the left is my model, which only has 14000 poly. I have re-done the model discarding a lot of detail, and poly by poly, vertex by vertex, I have finally arrived to this version.
It´s sometimes boring and frustrating, but the first thing you must have in mind when modelling is what are your limits, then use as much techniques and tricks you know to make the model look as you wish without making it un-handeable by the hardware because it´s not the same a low poly model moved with a P2 with a 16 MB GPU than moved with a Core i3 with a 1GB GPU, the first system sometimes will struggle while the second will move a hundred of them at 90 fps.