how do you bhop properly in cstrike? Created 7 years ago2017-05-23 21:42:22 UTC by seedee seedee

Created 7 years ago2017-05-23 21:42:22 UTC by seedee seedee

Posted 7 years ago2017-05-23 21:42:22 UTC Post #335026
With a few console commands, it's not hard to do in half-life, but if you jump in CS you will lose all of your speed for about 3 seconds until you recover. And no matter what I do, I can't get it to work.

Spectating others who can do with it ease (lots of them in 35hp servers) only adds more questions because they do not lose all of their speed after a jump, and sometimes they can fly at over 1000 u/s with a parachute. They don't want to tell anyone their method, either.

Does anyone here how do they do this?
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-24 15:18:28 UTC Post #335031
There's a ton of settings to change in CS for more precise movement but the first step is to get a mouse that you can adjust the dpi settings with. I have the Death Adder Chroma and set my dpi to 2500 and sensitivity to I think 1. I'd have to double check the sensitivity though.

Bind scroll down to jump, scroll up to duck and left alt key to "use strafe modifier".

I have all the settings written on a scratch piece of paper that I collected from multiple sources and people online. If I find it which I highly doubt I will then I will share it with you.

For practice, just hop into a scoutzknivez server. The lower gravity "around 220-200" allows good practice. They also run sv_airaccelerate very high "I practice with it at 900 if I create a server" but not sure what they run. Set sv_maxspeed to 99999 as well for practice although you won't achieve incredible speed without the low gravity. I don't actually know a "relative" speed to set it at, just crank it up really high.

You don't want any mouse aiming acceleration so however that's achieved with in game settings is what you have to go for so that you have more mouse control.

To BH you just have to never lose momentum so when you get tired of scroll jumping you can also scroll duck every time you hit the ground while whipping your mouse in circles or figure eights etc. and holding the strafe modifier key you bound. You can then continue to bh after doing this.

There's also what's called the long jump, i'll have to test if it works without low grav. though. There's a ton of techniques you have to learn and combine in fluent motions.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-24 15:36:01 UTC Post #335034
You can also set up a bunnyhop mod with AMX ModX - that's the way to do cs server mods right. Back when I made a lan server with it there were plenty of bunnyhop scripts on russian sites, some of them with nice additions like shops with upgrades.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-24 20:41:21 UTC Post #335037
Oh yea, and make sure your wait for vertical sync option is unchecked.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-24 21:02:35 UTC Post #335038
thanks all
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-25 18:29:44 UTC Post #335048
i guess strafing in a curve is what tricks the speed cap from lowering your speed, stable fps at 100 and jump binded to mouse wheel and a few months or years of practice and you should do it
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-26 14:36:12 UTC Post #335064
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-27 21:55:04 UTC Post #335110
You don't. You learn how to play the game without looking like a fool.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 08:44:02 UTC Post #335114
If you really like bhopping, play Quake 3. Wonderful game.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 23:18:37 UTC Post #335128
Quake 3 doesn't have bhopping though, it has strafe jumping.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-29 04:06:35 UTC Post #335129
Thanks, now I know a little more about q3.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-29 05:47:59 UTC Post #335130
Yes in quake you can't turn while in the air therefore "bunnyhopping" is impossible, yet there is no speed cap so you can accelerate to ludicrous speeds something like surfing in CS :)

Quake 2 had/has a fun mod called "Jump" with thousands of maps where the objective is similar to "kreedz", but usually you cant stop in between jumps to maintain a certain speed to reach the other jump

Q3 has a similar mod called "defrag".
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-29 07:45:02 UTC Post #335131
I'm not an expert and know nothing about "bunnyhopping", so this info was pretty useful for me. I know about defrag though, there's even an article about it on wikipedia.
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