my maps get compiled every few hours when im working on them, i recone by the time they are finnished they have probably already been compiled several hundred times, and thats the best way becouse like Cap-p said you end up with errers building up and you just end up not knowing were to begin and it can become very fustrating when you've fixed the 12th or even the 30th leak in a row.
heres a sample of a batch file i made last night for compiling several maps without user intervention, so i could set it running whilst i was asleep.
@echo off
set WADROOT=H:GamesHalf-life
"H:HLToolsCompilershlcsg.exe" -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlbsp.exe" -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlvis.exe" -full -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlrad.exe" -extra -bounce 3 -smooth 50 -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlcsg.exe" -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlbsp.exe" -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlvis.exe" -full -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlrad.exe" -extra -bounce 3 -smooth 50 -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlcsg.exe" -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlbsp.exe" -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlvis.exe" -full -high ""
"H:HLToolsCompilershlrad.exe" -extra -bounce 3 -smooth 50 -high ""