Alright, I prepared the animated textures and sprites.
In order to make an animated texture:
1. Open VTFEdit
2. Go to File -> Import
3. Select the first texture:
And then hold Shift on your keyboard, and click on the last one.
4. Press Enter.
Now you'll get this:
Normal Format: DXT1
Alpha Format: DXT5
Texture Type: Animated Texture
5. Save the file, like this:
NOTE: It doesn't necessarily have to have "animated" in the name.
And yes, save it in the VTF format.
6. Go back to VTFEdit, and go to tab Tools and press Create VMT File:
animated_blin/animated_blin is the path to the texture.
Basically, you put the textures into the materials folder.
A VMT tells Source where the VTF files are. It also tells some characteristics about the texture.
So, if the VMT has "blahblah/texture" referenced there, then you'll have to put "texture.vtf" in "materials/blahblah/".
Aaaand, there's more.
The shader will be LightmappedGeneric if you're planning to use it as a texture for maps. Surface1 should be Default, unless you want different sounds and decals for it. If you have a wood texture, then it's more likely that Surface1 will be Wood_Plank or something like that.
And then create that VMT file.
However! However, however.
You need to make it animated.
Open that VMT which was created by VTFEdit, and it should look like this:
There's something left to add there.
Everything with // are comments.
For example, "x = 1 //This makes x have a value of 1".
Only x = 1 is taken into consideration. Everything after // is pretty much ignored.
And after you're done with that, save the VMT and make sure they're in the same folder:
Oh, by the way, the animated_blin2.vmt is the one I used while writing this thread. I used the first one just to make sure if it works, so I can write this later. xd
I think that we're done with this rough overview of animated textures.
Now onto sprites:
It is possible! I think they can be animated in the same way, lol. XD
Anyway, the process is roughly the same.
In VTFEdit, while creating a VMT, just do it like this:
The shader should be Sprite, and if you want it to be additive, well... just tick the Additive flag.
The VMT should look like this:
Easy peasy. xd
Although, I don't quite know how to solve this:
The sprite's centre, for some reason, is wrong. xd
Music + embedding stuff into BSPs coming right up in a matter of hours.