Ungroup after tied to entity Created 6 years ago2017-11-13 17:27:08 UTC by User#6970 User#6970

Created 6 years ago2017-11-13 17:27:08 UTC by User#6970 User#6970

Posted 6 years ago2017-11-13 17:27:08 UTC Post #338042
Is there a way in hammer to ungroup multiple brushes that have been tied to an entity? Ungroup just doesn't work. Are brushes maried to an entity forever?
Posted 6 years ago2017-11-13 17:33:24 UTC Post #338043
There's a button labeled "ig" that turns off grouping of all kinds, including entities.

Note that you can only tie a brush to one entity, so you can't make it part of 2 or more entities.
Posted 6 years ago2017-11-13 18:24:34 UTC Post #338044
Thanks! Never saw it. I'll look at it tonight.
Posted 6 years ago2017-11-14 23:49:44 UTC Post #338054
First, tie the entity to world, then ungroup it.
Posted 6 years ago2017-11-16 14:47:11 UTC Post #338065
"tie the entity to world". What is that? I missed something.
Posted 6 years ago2017-11-16 15:12:11 UTC Post #338066
If you use Jackhammer, use Ctrl+shift+W and then you can select individually. Do ctrl+shift+w again and you will select groups and multiple brushes of an entity again.
Posted 6 years ago2017-11-17 03:26:07 UTC Post #338076
"tie the entity to world". What is that? I missed something.
That turns the brush entity back into a regular brush, a piece of normal level geometry, if you will, without any special properties applied. If you need to make changes to the visual appearance (size and/or shape) of a brush entity that consist of multiple brushes, you should use the 'ig' button. As Solokiller explained, this disables the grouping of those brushes, so you can modify the shape and size of a brush. When you're done modifying the brush, turn ig off and the grouping of those brushes are restored with all their entity data intact.

If you use the 'to World' button, all the entity data that is tied to the brush geometry is removed, and you end up with just normal level geometry. Basically, world geometry is referred to as solids, or solid (world) brushes.

That's a lotta text though.
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