Block entities on VHE Created 6 years ago2018-03-12 09:23:24 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Created 6 years ago2018-03-12 09:23:24 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Posted 6 years ago2018-03-12 09:23:24 UTC Post #339002
What I mean is when I mapping for Half Life or another mod the "info_player_start" or another NPC'S entities appear with a cyan block.

I dont know if someone reported this here, but is annoying when you mapping, someone can tell me how fix it?

Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieSemper fidelis
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-12 09:42:33 UTC Post #339003
Are you using Hammer 3.4 or 3.5? I think it's only 3.5 that has in-editor model previews.

Personally I'm awful tempted to go back to 3.4, because the models in 3.5 always have off-grid bounding boxes and it makes it a pain in the ass to align them.
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-12 10:23:43 UTC Post #339004
It also depends on the .fgd. The one that comes with J.A.C.K. is really nice. ^^

Either way, the part which defines the model is studio(model path here.mdl) if you'd like to edit the FGD file.
If your editor supports 3D models then you're good to go.
Also check your settings if model previews are enabled at all.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-12 10:33:12 UTC Post #339005
I use VHE 3.5
Btw admer, what do you mean with "the part which defines the model is studio(model path here.mdl)"?
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieSemper fidelis
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-12 12:59:27 UTC Post #339006
He means that your entities defined in your fgd need a special keyvalue that allows model rendering in the editor. Doing this yourself for every entity is pretty time consuming so here's a fgd file with those studio keyvalues already in place: HL fgd for Hammer 3.5
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