Cheers for the tip The303 I have upgraded from Jed's model viewer to the standalone version and it has not crashed once so far which is good. Indeed I followed your tutorial + Brett's video tutorials to get the model working from blender which proved very helpful!
I can confirm that the normals of the outside of the paper cup were borked so backface culling was indeed the cause of the issue with the paper cup, thanks Admer

I've managed to fix it (Blender 2.79 has the backface culling checkbox in the viewport properties window, under 'Shader' FYI those who are using Blender 2.79).
Interestingly however, upon compiling the paper cup I suddenly had the same issue as I had for the donut box - it appeared invisible in HLMV. Now, besides fixing the normals, I only did one other major change to the blender scene - I removed the 'idle' armature which I had setup as per Brett's video. I didn't add any armature to the donut box model in the first place, so I highly suspect the model origin is incorrect when exported from Blender unless you have a bone. Also I tried checking the 'weapon origin' checkbox in HLMV and the paper cup did appear, though in the wrong place so I think my theory about the incorrect origin might be the most likely reason for the apparent disappearance and misplacement of both models:
the paper cup floats above from the weapon origin viewI am still a little confused however as toggling the ground (with a loaded image) and attempting to zoom/pan in HLMV didn't show the paper cup at all, only the weapon origin checkbox which is bizarre. A possible fix would be to add an armature with a single bone to any static model I make, but it's not ideal.