Already a way to carry music across over level loads? Created 3 years ago2021-05-26 19:30:31 UTC by Gluipertje Gluipertje

Created 3 years ago2021-05-26 19:30:31 UTC by Gluipertje Gluipertje

Posted 3 years ago2021-05-26 19:30:31 UTC Post #345666
Hey everyone, i hope you all are having a good day.
I was wondering how to carry over music across level loads, i know it does work in the vanilla campaign and the default half-life sdk still has this bug but is there already a solution/workaround for it?
Posted 3 years ago2021-06-06 19:14:34 UTC Post #345681
The bug is in the engine so if you want this to work you'll need to implement music playback in the client dll. You could adapt this tutorial to use FMOD, but you'll need to change a bit since Source and GoldSource have differences in many areas.
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