FORGOTTEN MEMORIES - HL-1 MOD (pls read" Created 11 months ago2023-07-07 00:57:01 UTC by ChileanDuDD ChileanDuDD

Created 11 months ago2023-07-07 00:57:01 UTC by ChileanDuDD ChileanDuDD

Posted 11 months ago2023-07-07 00:57:01 UTC Post #347690
Ok, I'm going to tell the concept of the story and other things.
  • All this came up when I was a child, I had learned about hl2 and the story fascinated me, I started to write a script and a somewhat strange concept, suddenly, years later, I found several old drawings and among those were the concept-arts and some texts with additional information. At that time I was trying to make Half-life 1 more realistic and when I saw that an idea came to my head and it is as follows.
The place where the story takes place is a city called "novaheim" located somewhere in Europe, it is the year 2056 and, due to the constant human evolution and technological development of these, technological wars began in which many countries fought each other to manufacture better technological artifacts of war and technology in general.

In these place is the protagonist, called "Ethan Mitchell", who is a member of the NSEC <National Security Special Command> is sent to the battlefield, in which he is badly injured - later he wakes up in the same city, but something is different. It is under military control of the "Red Helmets"
¿Who tf are the "Red Helmets"?<
The "Red Helmets" are a military organization <more specifically a branch of the unnamed country's military units> whose objective is to -
Silence - Capture - Oppress.
Something characteristic of these antagonists is that they capture random people to genetically experiment on them, which leads to the next question.
¿Who tf are the "Failures" and "H.E.S.U" <Hazardous Enviorement Special Units>
The "failures" are, as the name says, failures - What kind of failures you wonder? - These "failures" are subjects/individuals that were genetically modified resulting in anomalous beings with disproportionate characteristics - Technically, these would be the ones that would replace the XEN aliens in the game. (i'll make a post talking about them) - "H.E.S.U" are the opposite of failures. They are the individuals who survive the "reorganization" stage, the changes in these people are - Their minds have been altered to receive orders even if they are ethical or not ethical - Increased strength and agility (typical in this type of story) and their suits of protection are designed so that, in addition to performing the function of a suit, they instill terror and fear in the town, resulting in the following and last question.
¿Who tf are the "Anti-Opression-Rebel-Units < AN.O.R.U" in this MOD?
the "AN.O.R.U" is like its name, obviously, it says it is the rebellious part of the oppressed population, they usually attack the "H.E.S.U" and protest for their rights, as any people would do, therefore this makes this faction one or the most important of the Lore. Ethan goes along with them.


I don't know anything about programming, obviously I would like to learn, ¡that's what the internet is for! - Thank you for reading
Posted 11 months ago2023-07-07 21:31:03 UTC Post #347692
This sounds a lot like Half-Life: Twisted Causes...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 months ago2023-07-07 23:49:49 UTC Post #347693
Yeah, I just copy-pasted the reply.
Posted 11 months ago2023-07-08 09:00:15 UTC Post #347694
Is it the same mod? Can I close one of these threads?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 months ago2023-07-08 15:50:01 UTC Post #347695
Yes you can close the "Twisted-Causes" one, and yes, it's the same mod (srry my bad english i'm not american)
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