Tracking +1/-1 Counter Created 9 months ago2023-08-29 13:37:48 UTC by Candle Candle

Created 9 months ago2023-08-29 13:37:48 UTC by Candle Candle

Posted 9 months ago2023-08-29 13:37:48 UTC Post #347804
I’m looking to add one (+1) or remove one (-1) from a counter.

I have a gameplay idea where players need batteries to open doors and power things. Batteries are scarce, but there are lots of places they can be used. So, when a player gets a battery, the counter goes up by one. When they use a battery, the counter goes down by one (so long as they have any).

I've read about the 'game_counter' but what I’ve read is it only works for exact matches (=) and can only count up. Conventional "key"s arn’t suitable here as batteries are not tied to specific doors, and their quantity across the map is arbitrary.

I thought about having two game_counters, one for "found" and one for "used", but I don't know of a way to check the state of found > used.
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-30 15:08:27 UTC Post #347808
On the wiki page of the game_counter entity, it says that you can decrement its value by triggering it with a trigger_relay with Trigger State set to 'off'. I've never used this entity so I'm not sure if this will work, best to try and see for yourself.
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 08:58:40 UTC Post #347812
Damn, how'd I mess that? Thank you Mad Carrot, I'll give it a look.
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