Water plop sound Created 7 months ago2023-11-08 11:16:01 UTC by MAXK0T MAXK0T

Created 7 months ago2023-11-08 11:16:01 UTC by MAXK0T MAXK0T

Posted 7 months ago2023-11-08 11:16:01 UTC Post #348000
Hello. Question is: Why sometimes the satchel and grenades make the sound of water when falling. how to deal with these? It’s also not clear why sometimes projectiles pass through the skybox, and sometimes explode on it (without or with an explosion animation)
Thank you.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-09 23:04:09 UTC Post #348013
Older map compilers didn't make the skybox solid so the skybox brush volumes act like water.

Entities will also make water sounds when they move in or out of certain contents types, as you can see here in code from Quake 1: https://github.com/defunkt/quake/blob/63e82d566a86d0380803189a53d48af42413ea42/WinQuake/sv_phys.c#L1198-L1236
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-10 13:09:37 UTC Post #348016
Thanks for the answer, I use 64-bit zhlt compilers from 2015, are they old?
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-10 13:49:26 UTC Post #348017
You should use VHLT instead of ZHLT: https://twhl.info/wiki/page/Tools_and_Resources#Compile_Tools

There are command line options and info_compile_parameters settings to control sky clipping behavior so make sure you're not changing the setting.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-12 10:15:30 UTC Post #348022
In general, everything is the same. What settings are you talking about? I only enter -wadinclude in compile menu. and that’s it.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-12 13:12:34 UTC Post #348023
The -skyclip command line parameter explicitly enables sky clipping, -noskyclip disables it.

The info_compile_parameters entity can also change this setting using the noskyclip keyvalue.

If items still pass through it then you can work around the issue by making the sky brushes as thin as possible.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-12 14:00:09 UTC Post #348025
Apparently only the second method is possible, the commands did not help. let it stay there because it’s a chore to redo a lot of brushes and then look for leaks(
but thanks anyway.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-14 10:09:44 UTC Post #348032
Could this have any effect or what does this mean? The coordinates are different, but they all lead to worldspawn when you go to the coordinates through a search, and if you find it yourself, then there is usually emptiness. Could it be another problem with the clip brushes?

Warning: Ambiguous leafnode content ( EMPTY and SOLID ) at (-579,132,-86)-(-576,139,118) in hull 1 of model 0 (entity: classname "worldspawn", origin "", targetname "")
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-14 11:52:01 UTC Post #348036
It shouldn't cause water sounds to play.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-14 12:36:20 UTC Post #348037
I understand that this is another topic, but what kind of error is this, how critical is it, for wpoly for example?
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-14 16:25:37 UTC Post #348038
It shouldn't make any difference performance-wise, but you can always fix them if you're worried about it.
Posted 7 months ago2023-11-14 16:59:07 UTC Post #348040
To be honest, I’m wondering how to fix this, I can’t even imagine what it is and where to start?
Posted 6 months ago2023-11-16 16:17:09 UTC Post #348048
Ambiguous leafnode content errors happen when different faces on the same brush have a different type, like one having a water texture and another having a normal one. This can happen due to bad texture application but also when the compiler splits brushes and applies the wrong texture.

You can use func_detail to help avoid this or rework the geometry a bit but sometimes it's unavoidable.
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-20 22:59:58 UTC Post #348288
Please tell me why I don’t have an info_compile_parameters, where can I get the current, newest FGD file?

By the way, none of the methods helped with clipping the sky; shells are still hitting it like a wall..
Posted 5 months ago2023-12-24 08:59:05 UTC Post #348348
I have never seen anyone use info_compile_parameters.

If you decompile crossfire, you will see that the sky is far away from the map, and the player cannot go there because it's blocked off by CLIP brushes. That way rockets can fly out of the map without exploding too close. CLIP brushes don't block bullets or projectiles. Also, you won't see the CLIP brushes if you decompile the map, because map decompilers usually don't recover them.

zhlt.info has information about compile options.

If you use -noskyclip then you should be able to swim in the skybox brushes just like in water brushes.
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