OMG, i hate Multi_managers!!! Created 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:13:25 UTC by Lassse Lassse

Created 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:13:25 UTC by Lassse Lassse

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:13:25 UTC Post #34692
Right now im making an office map and the lights are suppose to be off(until you press a button, so i made the lights and checked the flag initially dark on all of em, then i made an button and set its target to Power1 (an multi manager) The multi manager purpose was to activate the 2lights Light_stairs1 and light_plant1, SO heres the problem when i press the button none of them activates!!!
I've checked all the settings they look right!
plz, help!!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:36:24 UTC Post #34693
You've filled in the name in the multi_managers properties already, right?

Now click the SmartEdit button, and then click the Add button. In 'key', fill in the name of the entitie that needs to be triggered, in 'value' fill in the delay from the moment that the multi_manager is triggered, e.g. the specified entity will be triggered x seconds after the multi_manager is triggered. You can add up to 16 entities in a multi_manager.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:40:13 UTC Post #34694
Also, capitals tend to give problems. Don't use them, it may well solve your problem.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:54:13 UTC Post #34695
Hmmm... i HAVE turned off smartedit and added some names(Light_plant1 and Light_stairs1) and i set both values to 1 and then i compile and press the power button and nothing happens again...My multi managers allways mess with me! :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 17:09:33 UTC Post #34697
Make "Light_plant1" into "light_plant1" and "Light_stairs1" into "light_stairs1".

Another thing that pops into my mind: I've heard once that the name 'light' for light entities can also cause problems. Give them another name, say "lamp_plant1" or such. I think it's worth a try...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 17:33:14 UTC Post #34701
MMs are some of the easiest entities to use, in my opinion, not to mention one of the very powerful ones.

"i HAVE turned off smartedit and added some names"
....but have you added times?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 18:20:39 UTC Post #34709
Double check the names of the lights in both the multimanager and the light entities themselves, make sure they are identical and don't have any capital letters. You'll get this solved, it's just tough at first. Multimanager problems usually mean there is a small detail that's been overlooked. If you still have trouble, post the map in the problem vault and I'll have a look.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 18:55:43 UTC Post #34715
If you want the lights to trigger immedeatly, set the value as 0.01 or something tiny around that.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 19:22:40 UTC Post #34717
ok so i've posted the map, i really cant fix it!!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 22:08:37 UTC Post #34729
I've posted some suggestions in the comments for the map you posted. Also check out the multimanager tutorial on this site. Remember, NO CAPITAL LETTERS. Let me know when you've got it working.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 13:38:28 UTC Post #34851
it works!!!!
thx alot everyone, i only changed the multi_managers name to 1 and the lights to 12345osv...

thx a lot
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