I gave monster_barney a reload-task and this is working well. However if Barney is reloading and gets to the monsterstate_prone (normally it means to be grabbed by a Barnacle, I am using this bit for a new weapon to 'freeze' the monster_barney), the reloading sequence is still finished although it should be interrupted (like when the monster is killed in that moment).
It works when I enter the 'bits cond damage' so it is kind of the right way I think. However I dont want to interrupt the reloding when damaged, only if the 'barnacle grab' happens:
Schedule_t slBARNEYReload[] =
There seems to be no bits_COND regarding the monsterstate_prone, entering the schedule does not work. I tried to put the 'stopnanimations' at the barnacle-grab, but it did not help either.
Little help please?