Making a mod folder Created 1 month ago2024-05-07 13:21:55 UTC by Names are for unlosers Names are for unlosers

Created 1 month ago2024-05-07 13:21:55 UTC by Names are for unlosers Names are for unlosers

Posted 1 month ago2024-05-07 13:21:55 UTC Post #348774
I want to make some maps but Gordon's already had his journey, so for human npcs to make sense, I'll need to modify the sentences file. For that, I'll probably need a mod folder like valve, gearbox or bshift. But, how exactly do I set this up? Is it like an hd folder where it'll grab missing stuff from another folder? I'm not sure about copying over that much stuff (worlds first accidental piracy)

There's probably something about this on the wiki but I've got no clue where I'd look for it..

dont worry names are for losers i found it for you because i am very smart to look at the very top of the goldsource modding wiki page i swear i went to a different goldsource modding page list and it wasn't in that one how

...There's an edit button. You're allowed to use it. - Urby

forgot sorry
Posted 1 month ago2024-05-07 21:11:47 UTC Post #348779
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