Key Bindings Created 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:27:30 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Created 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:27:30 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:27:30 UTC Post #36062
OMG! I just discovered that you can TEMPORARILY bind unused keys to certain commands in the console... all this time I've been altering the config.cfg file...

For those who do not know how to do it, when you have the console open in the game type the following (exactly as I put it)

bind "g" "give weapon_handgrenade"

replace the letter and command with whatever you want to use.

The unused keys are generally 6-0, b, g-p, x, and z

These bindings help me in determining my mapping methods (such as light placement and such)...

bind "7" "r_speeds 1"
bind "8" "r_speeds 0"
bind "9" "r_drawflat 1"
bind "0" "r_drawflat 0"

And I have 6 as impulse 101 when I get pist and wanna massacre something (or even barney hehe)

But as I said, I found out that you can bind keys for JUST THAT SESSION if you wanted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:30:13 UTC Post #36063


Do N*O*T type in the console


You will be stuck in the console and furthermore will not be able to use the keyboard AT ALL! (at least not till you restart the game :) )
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:52:39 UTC Post #36067
Heh, good point. It hadn't occured to me that it unbinds the console... :D
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:55:11 UTC Post #36074

We know! I know! :D

Have you heard about alias's? With this you can multiple commands to one key, and shorter.

Try this:

Type in console: alias tau give weapon_gauss
Now type: give tau

Voila, you get the Gauss cannon.

Another example:

Type in console: alias 1337 give_weapon_gauss;give item_suit; give item_longjump
Now type: give 1337

You'll now get 3 item at once.

Experiment with it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:55:41 UTC Post #36075
I typed unbindall once and I had to bind all of my developer keys, cheat keys (cough) and everything!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 15:58:16 UTC Post #36076
Muhahaha! Nub! :P ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 16:02:18 UTC Post #36077
I've never actually typed it. I tried to remotely execute it on some poor sod who joined a CS server I was hosting a year or two ago though. Wouldn't let me do it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 16:04:25 UTC Post #36079
Maybe you could with rcon. Kinda weird thingy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 16:19:38 UTC Post #36088
or you can flood up a hated server by going in the console and typing:

bind "(any key)" "(Message here)"

it is hilarious!!! :P
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 16:47:04 UTC Post #36102
Ya it is.

With Entmod, you can spawn pretty much ANYTHING with this command:

entmod_create (entity) 1

If you type:

entmod_create rpg_rocket 1, a rpg rocket appears and launches immidiately. When bind to a key, you spawn more rpg_rockets right after eachother, creating a powerfull rocket barrage. You can still contoll all the rockets with the laser dot on the rpg launcher.

If you type:

alias rpg entmod_create rpg_rocket 1

and then type:

bind "any key" "rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg;rpg"

you can seriously make everybody ph34r you. This will spawn 13 rpg rockets at once, at the same spot. This will cause them to detonate. To prevent that, add the wait command. So your command line should be this:

bind "any key" "rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait;rpg;wait;wait;wait"

Can you follow?

It will take some time to write all that into the console, but you can also setup an cfg file in your mod directory.

Mine is w00t.cfg. Inside, i have kinds of funny commands like that. All i have to do is type exec w00t.cfg in the console and all commands inside will be executed, including those long commands. Really pwnage!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 17:01:15 UTC Post #36110
If you are playin HLDM, that would be a dream. Infinite tripmines!!! On gasworks, my fave routine it camping in that building on the surface and filling the ladder chaft with tripmines over and over again.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 09:36:33 UTC Post #36280
ur an ass, lol.

MuzzleFlash, i got entmod, im about to try that.... :cool:
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 14:15:06 UTC Post #36333
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 19:55:27 UTC Post #36437
Is something up with this site? I didn;t see the * next to this thread saying there were new messages.... I just now looked and noticd there were responses
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 01:52:04 UTC Post #36460
Messes up a fair bit.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 08:57:55 UTC Post #36565
I got all of the mods Muzzle...
Luke LukeLuke
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